I, Erzählende Schriften 36, Flucht in die Finsternis (Der Verfolgte, Wahnsinn), Seite 20

box 6/3
36 K . 1 enenene e e ee
Cat 31-31
England's Restoration
England of the Restoration is pre¬
sented in Arthur Bryant’s King
Pittsburgh Pa
Charles the Second.“
Nov 1-31
Charles in the tempestuous days of
exile, Charles as king, maintalning a
delicate balance of control over the
sountrs, Torms thie core of the bosk.
around which Bryant builds the de¬
tails of the restoration period.
Schnitzler Writes Tale
Throughout the story are found evi¬
dences of Pepy's notations.
An important book of the week is
Of Strange Death Pledge
Arthur Schnitzler's Flight Into
Parcnes.“ Schnitler writes graphl¬
cally of a man's descent into madness.
FLIGHT INTO DARKNESS. By fascinates him. They fall in love
The boak is psychologically clear, and
Arthur Schnitzler. Simon & and the promise of marriage, a home
tells a story that holds one with mor¬
of his own and the obligations it
Schuster. 82).
bid fascination.
will incur, apparently furnish the
A flight into darkness—the dark¬
Tlso publishied this week are Gals¬
necessary incentive to complete
ness of a disordered mind—is the

worthy's ney play. The Roof:

Robert’s cure.
theme of Arthur Schnitzler’s new
Roosevelt in T.e Rough.“ by Jack
But the letter—pledging his broth¬
book. It tells the story of two
Wills; and Enterivise, hy Harold 8.
er to kill him in the event he be¬
brothers, Robert and Otto of Vienna,
comes insane—haunts the professor.
who from their youngest days have
Its consequences—the realm of ter¬
been close companions, but whose
ror in which Robert reasons—his
lifelong friendship is threatened by
fear of persecution turn him into a
the shadow of a mental menace.
madman completely. A dramatic
Robert is a professor and Otto, a
ending—wiiere reason loses to fa¬
doctor. As young men, one of their
natacism—concludes the story.
friends goes insane and is put in an
Through its entire length the
asylum. Robert, sensitive to the liv¬
reader follows the strange mental
ing death such an illness dooms to
Plain Dealer
workings of its principal character
its victims, pledges his brother Otto
until the title Flight Into Darkness“
Cleveland C
to an odd promise.
means not only the flight of the pro¬
If I should ever go insane I want
Nov 1-31
vou to kill me in some subtle way fessor, but the flight of those who
suffer with him from page to page.
such as à physician would know,“ he
Schnitzler's Last Bock.
To rake the promise more bind¬
J melancholy interest adds itself
ing he puts it in writing.
t0# the intrinsic merit of Arthur
Years pass and Robert, stil in his
Schnitzler's last and posthumous
middle forties, suffers a nervous
te. Filght Ipfo Darkness.“
breakdown. He goes away for a
lready carrig ihe book horne
rest cure. But the mental quirks¬
s half way t rough reading it
which caused the breakdown persist.
he news of tae author’s death
Then he meets a young woman whio
This book is one of
zler’s series of short psycho¬
ght Into Darkness“ is the
yof a persecution mania. It
his Tincs
s the pro
eakdown of
t the
South Bend Ind
Hov 1-31
ie read
with a per
to say more of
t is unnecessa
the plot of Schnitzler’s story but I
can assure the reader that he. will
find it of no less interest than were
Almost simultancously with the
the author’s former studies in morbid
death of Arthur Sehnitzler, Simon
1& Shuster published in this coun¬
Simon & Schuster, the publishers,
try his first novel in two years,
have given this volume a unique
paper and binding; it is a good piece
Flight into Darkness,“ the story
of bookmaking.
of a man who feared he was going
Schnitzler, a son of Vienna and
its most celebrated writer in thi
generation, came of a medical fam¬
ily and himself practiced medich e
for 40 years. This training and X
perience accounts for choice of sub¬
Ject and method of handling in thé
short novels of which he was the
San Francisce Calif
world’s acknowiedge master.
His production for many years
Nov 1-31
has alternated between play and
novel, but it appears that the
Flight Into Darkness. By Arthur
novel, or ruther the nouvelle, was
Schnitzler. New York: Simon &
to be the literary form by which
he will be known o posterity.
Schuster; 32.
A study of the persecution
(Flight Into Darkness“ is the
mania; a penetrating fictional
tragedy of a victim of persecution
analysis in Schnitzler’s best vein,
mania. He was undone by thought
and the author’s last book.
sequences which once begun and
never arrested led logically to the
—MeC. H.