I, Erzählende Schriften 35, Therese. Chronik eines Frauenlebens, Seite 75

Publishers. 37 West 57th Street. Neu York
story of the original Savoyards, en¬
which presents and critically analyzes
titled The Compleat Gilbert and Sulli¬
the greatest games of the world’s
van, is by Issac Gornaznc, biographer
greatest players.
ExLis. It will contain a vast amount
Feature Spring
There will be another
of new material, sumptuously illus¬
Cross Word Puzzle Book—the ninth
in the home-wrecking series, now in
its second chequered million, and
(2/202) Another important and
edited as of yore by Paosren Bunan¬
colorful biography will be HEAnsr,
ELLI, F. Gaxconv Haurswick, and
Lives of Beethoven, Hearst,
An American Phenomenon, by Jonn
K. WINKLER. Afragment of this study
also responsible for a new offering,
Gilbert and Sullivan and
evoked widespread discussion when it
The Cryptogram Book, which brings
Fascinating Women,
appeared in The Neie Vorker. It is a
the thrills of deciphering enemy codes
truthful presentation of a prodigious
into the parlor.
Sacred and Profane,
and almost mythical figure of our time,
one with “elements of P. T. Barnum
(D/2/2) Another SiMoN ANb Schus.
and Benvenuto Cellini.“ Hearst’s great
TER contribution to the gavety of
foeman in the early days of yellow
nations is The Pottleton Bridge Par¬
journalism, Joseph Pulitzer, was also
ties by Huen Turrz. Anew translation
New Schnitzler
the subject of a Simon and Schuster
by MaariN Anmsrnong of the Spanish
biography, written by Don C. Seitz.
classic of Penno Awronio DE ALARCoN,
Novel Scheduled
The Three Cornered Hat will be issued
ARTHUR ScHNiTzLea’s first
in an edition illustrated in colors by
full-length novel in many years will
Norman Tealby. From Germany
be published this Spring by Simon
Simon and Schuster Offer
comes a biographical chronicle on
ANn SchusrEs, under the title Therese,
dies fair of all ages, entitled Fasci¬
Largest List To Date,
the Story of A Woman’s Lise. The
nating Women, Sacred and Profane, by
acclaim of his recent novelettes, espe¬
FRaNz Brei, and from France a dis¬
Tneluding Second Book
cially Fräulein Else, Rhapsody, and
tinguished novel by RoLAND DORCELES,
by Aloysius Horn
Daybreak, indicates a widespread in¬
entitled Departure.
#terest in the new book, which was
finished by Schwirzuen just before
(D/2/2) New additions to the
SIMON ANn Schusres series of Pamph¬
D2/D) Sinon ANn Schusren's
let Poets—twenty-five cent reprints—.
1928 Spring List, just released, is the
(2/20/2) Wich The Story of Phil¬
include Conrad Aiken, edited by
largest ever announced by this firm.
osophy by Wiel Dukanr entering its
Louis Unrkkmxven, Lizette Wood¬
third hundred thousand and its third
worth Reese, edited by Huches
Dur new program,“ says
consecutive year as a best-seller, the
MEAnNs, Alfred Kreymborg, edited by
publishers, SimoN Ann Schusren, find
a statement from The Inner Sanctum
Paut. RosENFELD, and Henry Wads¬
the book-sellers and the reading pub¬
of Essandess, Prepresents a marked ex¬
worth Longfellom, edited by Entiorr.
pansion of both our American and
lic eagerly awaiting the first two titles
European publishing activities, but it
in The Philosophers Library, a series
(2/2/2) As a life-saver for the
of one-volume editions of the works
still conforms to our policy of a small
hard-pressed American host and
of the greatest thinkers of all time,
list to which we can effectively devote
hostess, SimoN Ann Schusren will pre¬
our personal attention.?
edited by scholars of repute for both
sent this Spring an opus entitled
students and laymen. The Forks of
What'll We Do Nou? by Enwann
Schopenhauer will be edited by Wiel
Loncsraern and L. T. Hourow. This
(222 Twenty-hree Simon und
Dunanr, and The Works of Plato by
volume is sub-titled 4 Thousand and
Schuster books are scheduled for the
InwiN EnMAN.
One Nights Wüh America’s Greatest
period between January and July, be¬
Party-Throwers, or What to Do till
ginning with The Lise and Works of
Davin Pinski, noted Vid¬
The Milkman Comes. The favorite
Aubrey Beurdslev, by Harpanz Mac¬
dish playwright, is represented on the
diversions of Heywood Broun, Frank
Fauz., issued on Friday, January 13th.
Spring 1928 List by a novel Arnold
Crowninshield, Robert E. Sherwood,
Levenberg, Man of Peace. From
Herbert Bayard Swope, John Held, Jr.,
Vienna comes Bambi, the Story of a
A new Taanza Honn book
and scores of others are set forth in
will be published in June, edited. like
Lise in the Woods, by FELIX SALTEN,
this illuminating treatise. The bock,
novelist and literary associate of Max
ihe first, hy Erneunena Lewis. There
incidentally, reveals the rules of New
Reinhardt. The central character is a
will be an introduction by WILLIAM
Vork'’s newest rage, a game called In
young deer, and the first reports on
Your Hat.
Salten’s novel have evoked compari¬
sons with artists so far apart as De¬
(D/20), Holding the Daily Mirror
(00D) Among ihe oiher ouf¬
bussy and Kipling.
pto Nature, J. P. McEvov, author
standing features of the Spring List
of The Potters, has written a new
are biographies of Lunwic vAN BEE¬
(D/2/2) To the Sinos Ann Schus¬
novel of Americana entitled Show-Girl,
TER roster of Champions, which now
and SimoN ANn Schusres will release
The BiErnoveN opus is entitled
includes Sinnzy S. LEnz, world’s
it with a flourish on their Spring List.
Kroing and is the work of SAMuEI.
champion auction bridge player and
The story moves with stoccato speed
orr, musie critic of the New
WIL.LIAM T. TILDEN, America’s tennis
and is told through letters, telegrams,
World, himself a concert pianist
champion, is now added the name of
tabloid interviews, confidential reports
of note, and a scholar of attainments,
FnaNk J. Manshaul., United States
by private detectives, sales managers'
who last year continued his Beethoven
chess champion, and author of a new
high pressure memos, and back-stage
researches in Bonn and Vienna. The
work entitled Chess Masterpieces,
and night-club dialogues.
For Immediate Release, January, 1928—a