I, Erzählende Schriften 35, Therese. Chronik eines Frauenlebens, Seite 81

35. J
box 6/2
Jeptember 20, 1028
„ 37 West 57th Street „ Neu Fork
( 40. rhe Inner Saneium regards ine vuri¬
(220.2 Sambi, lor instance, would have
ous functions of publishing in the following or¬
been a better looking book, had the green stripe
dier of imporlance:
onthe jucket been a shade lighier.
1. Editorial work (Securing and choosing
(20.40.2) The jucket on Shon Cirl came out
2. Manufacturing
even better than we had anticipated.
3. Advertising and Publicity
4. Selling
5. Accounting and Auministration
(2.D) one of ihe unnoticed advantages
of a successful book (that goes into further
printings) is that small mistakes can be cor¬
Gchc Tolay ve have somie nevs on De¬
rected. The new jacket for Rambi will be im¬
partment No. 2—Manufacturing.
proved. Booksellers probably noticed the im¬
provements on the Story of Philosophy that came
with almost each printing. Shom Gird we haven't
4 When vour Correspondent Nas in
changed at all, except to add a narrow orange
Vienna this summer he met the head of the
band containing some of the reviews. It snaps
Manufackuring Department ol Paul Zsolnar
up the jacket physically, and the reviews quoted
Ferlag. Henn ANpon Baaus. For a vear pre¬
make the book even easier to sell than before.
vions to this The Inner Sunctum had been corre¬
Sponding with ZsoLNar and BrauN in an en¬
deavor to arrange for his joining us over here.
42. Non hmek 16 Uhnr Sales Depariment:
This summer arrangements were made, and HERR
BaauN arrived last weck.
(## rnis is written u lem days belore—
the publication of Theresa by Aurays Schnirz¬
4The Inner Semeium dors vol pro¬
LER. The first edition of 4.000 copies is al¬
pose to start a revolution in book formats. HE
ready sold out. Although we have not tried for
BRAUN (Trom now on we shall call him Mister)
a large advance sale, this is 25% greater than
will begin introducing some of the Viennese
the advance on any other Schnitzler hook we
methods of book design and production, and we
have published.
shall wait and see how they are received.
(A 20.2) The reuson for ihis is possiblg be¬
çause Theresa is the first full length novel of
4 Wille Vour Corresprndent hus bieen
Schnitzler to appear in filteen years.
in charge of Manufacturing, he will not alto¬
gether relinquish the joh. But to be relieved
of some of the details will mean more time for
4.2.2) The totnl sales to date on other
Editorial, Advertising and Selling work, and also
Schnitzler titles are:
a day off now and then and a good thing, 100.
Daybreak 7,235
Rhapsod, 8,205
None But The Brore 4,117
404.2 Pleuse note ihe manufncturing job
Beatrice 7,825
on The Twilight of the American Mind by
Fraulein Else 11,749
Warren B. Pirkis. The jacket was fashioned
on the design of our fall cataloguc. It is al¬
(A120.2) rhis is probabiz much less than
most good, but a few minor changes will be
has generally been supposed. But small as they
made on the second printing—which according
##re, The Inner Sanctum is prond of the figures.
to advance indications should be forthcoming
They represent a steady, vear in and vear out
interest in a great author.
4 rhe inner Sameium wus partieularlz
(A202) we feel that verg possibly Therese
pleased with the appearance of Dhe Friend of
may do much better than any of the predeces¬
Jesus. This is said with an air of grateful¬
sors. If so, then ihe rather extensive advertis¬
ness rather than smugness. No matter hon
ing we have done for his other books will have
carefully a book is designed, the appearance of
been justified.
thaf first copy that arrives from the Lindery is
75% a Thing of Destiny.