I, Erzählende Schriften 34, Spiel im Morgengrauen. Novelle, Seite 76

iel im Mordengrauen
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34S en
MTTMOF 4 Uarlaud) POST
endar. May 19. 1931
Novarro, Soldier
NAETFORD TCaanacGiaan) TDrEr
Friden. Muy 15. 1931
Once Again in
asestate saere
Manian Mnen Anuu
Newest Film
In“Svengali, Now At the Strand Theater

[Daybreak,' at Stanley, So¬
ccme to think of lore as only a game,
phisticated Stery of Pre¬
as something which gan never be serl¬
And Daybreak“ Shown at Regal
ous. But Laura, done hy Helen Chan¬
War Vienna
dier, comes into his life and##
philosophy is upset. Changed from a
A love story of Vienna before the
sweet girl into a sophisticated woman
war, written by Dr. Arthur Schnitzler.
Famon Novarro and Jean
bst her experience with Novart., Miss
famons Austrian writer, is told.
Heraholt have teamed up again in
Chandler provides the culminating
Daybreak,“ starring Ramon Novarre peint für later scenes in the picture.
the movies in a film that is rather
and beading tht new program at che#
reminiscent of the pair’s Student
Regal theater. The co-feature 1s
Prince“ dagn. At least, it has the
Lonely Wives.“ a farce, in which Ed¬
atmosphere of gay uniforms and
ward Everett Horton, Patsy Ruth
drinking festivities. Also the same
Miller, Laura La Plante and Esther
Balston are featured.
excellent brand of acting.
Lesseehm as a continental flaver.
The new piece—by way of adding
due to tne fact that its author and
to its further claims—is a droma
Mendar. May 18. 1931
director, Jacques Feyder, a French¬
from ihe pen of the noted Viennese
man, are both Europeans. Novarro
writer, Dr. Arthur Schnitzler. It is
plays Willi Kasda.
called Daybreak“ and is the fca¬
Tlie story is done in the best sophis¬
ture offering of the Stanley Theater
neue seCopn play of the trilogy is
ticated style of Schnitzler, the distin¬
for the werk.
laid alard a clipper ship.
zuisled author of The Affairs of Ans¬
Continental Story
tol.“ It ic, like Anatol, a tale abont
a gay love adventureh, hut the similar¬
Daybréak“ is one of those smart,
tty stops tliere. The pieture starts on
gay Continental affairs set in Vien¬
hote of garest comedy and swings
na before the war. The Hero is
through tüe emtire gamut of emotions,
Lieut. Willi Kasda, ctherwise No¬
Kasda, the lover, hes berome 5
varro, and the heroine, who should
accustomed to conquests, that he-has
have been menticned earlier, is
Laura Taub. Sheut# elso Helen
Chandler, favgnabfy knöwn for her
rechnt screeff ppearances in Quto¬
ward Böund“ and Dracula.“
Without spolling the story with
latest screen appearance today
an attempted synopsis, it mar be
NERTTORD TCasbedem) 1017.
revealed that Willi is a gay sung
at the Stanley Theatre in a talkie
Wednesdar. May 13 1931
blade of an vmv officer and Laura
adaptation oftde Arthur Schnitz.
is a music teacher. Willt rescues
Der drama, Saybreak,“ a ro¬
Laura from the unpleasant idvances
nance of Vienna before the war.
of one Herr Schnabel (Hersholt)
and receives more gratitude than
The star deserts his recent
the young woman should have af¬
Spanish characterizations for the
forded As a result, she 5 sadly!
role of Wili Kasda, Zieutenant in
disillusioned when Willi very gently
the Royal Guard the most dash¬
tells he cannot afford a wife.
ing officer’s corps in all Austria.
Sophistication Rules
Kasda meets Laura, a seam¬
That’s a sophisticated start for a
Ranzon Novarro Film and Lonely
ler drama, Daybreak, a ro¬
story, and it keeps right on being
Wives“ at Regal Starting Thursday.
unwelcome attentions of Schna¬
sophisticated as the film unwinds,
Ramon Novarro’s latest picture,
bel, a gross but wealthy civilian.
featured by Laura’s determined fling
Daybreak, which was made from a.
„In a whirlwind courtship he wins
at life and Willi’s belated determin¬
story by Arthur Schnitzler, a love story
the heart of Laura. Welen Chas“
ation t: win back her love.
of Vienna before the war, will head the
dler is the heroine.
Another actor who will be greatly
new program which starts at the Regal
enjoyed is C. Aubrey Smith, he of
theater on Thursday. The co-feature
Bachelor Father“ fame. Still
will be Lonely Wives,“ a farce, with
others in the able cast are William
Edward Everett Hortof, Esther Ralston,
Bakewel! Karen Morley, Glen Try¬
Laura La Plante and Patsy Ruth Mil¬
on and Clyde Cook.
Iron. Man.“ with Lew Ayres and
For an evening’s entertainment,
Jean Harlow, and God’s Gift to
Daybreak“ can be recommended
Women,“ starring Frank Fay, will be
— ichout hesitation.
J. MC.
snown for the last time to-day.
Daybreak“ is an adaptation by Ruth
Gummings and Cyril Hume of Dr. Ar¬
thur Schnitzler's highly successkul re¬
mance of Vienna before the war. Jac¬
ques Feyder, of Paris, was assigned to
direct this opus, in erder that all of
its distinctive Continental flavor might
be retained.
The stellar character is Tleutenant
At the Capitot.
Willi Kasda, debonair officer and love
Arthur Schnitzler's Daybrcak“ is
adventurer. Love has been just a game
now a picture adapted by Ruth
to hhn, until he meets Laura. He can¬
Cummings and Cyril Hume as a
not marry her, because an impecuniovs
starring film for Ramon Navarro.
officer must marry a wealthy girl. This
situation starts un a train of highly
The star plays the young Austrian
dramatie circumstances, involving
officer who becomes entangled in
noveau riche money-lender, Schnabel.
a love affair with a pretty musie
The pripelpal feminine pleyer is
teacher. The girl, played by Helen
Helen-Chandler, who scored in Out¬
Chandler, is bitterly disillusioned
ward Bound“ and:Dracula.“ Other
and determined to have her fling at
players of note include Jean Hersholt,
life. Jean Hersholt and C. Aubrey
Aubrey Smitte. William Bakewell,
Smith are prominent in the support¬
Karen Morley, Kent Deugises and
ing cast. Jacques Feyder directed.
Glenn Tryon.
Fred Waring and his Pennsylvan¬
ians head the Capitol stage show.
Evelyn Nair, the Three Girl Friends,
Kate Smith and Tonita ars among
the principal entertainers.