I, Erzählende Schriften 34, Spiel im Morgengrauen. Novelle, Seite 78

Spiel im Morgengrauen
34 S e
and. Grd. e e en
N Y News

Well-Cast in Capito.
Film; Lawyer’s Secret’ 2½
Daybreak,“ a Metro-Golewyn-Mayer production, directed by
Jacques Feyder and presented at the Capitol.
willi Ramon Novarre
Helen Chandter
Harr Schnubel anHersholt
Gen. von Harta 5Aubrer Smith
OtoWlam Bakswelt
Emily Ressner Karen Morley
von Lunr Douglas
Franz denn Trvon
Jomel.de Cock
Ernll umner Getchell
Frau Hoffmon Cara Blandick
Herr Meffman Edwin Maxwell
Augund Jarkie Searl
Amid the charm and glamour of Viennese govermental circles,
the Capitol’s current sereen fare is set. Arthur Schnitzler wrote the
Istory upon which the script is based. And if they’ve changed
it somewhat, to make it lighter in vein than it was in the written
word, they have nevertheless retained the color, the romance and thel
warmth of the tale. The happy ending will satisfy the box-office. They
Isimply couldn't have allowed it to conclude in the Schnitzler fashion.
Ramon Novarro is splendidly cast as the handsome young Lieu¬
##ant who is to marry into wealth because his Gen-uncle desires the
match. When he finds love in the person of a timid, frail little music!
teacher, he doesn't realize how to appreciate her. He offers her money.
And she, in mortification, goes off and sells herself for more money
Ithan Lieutenant Willi could ever have produced. Her sponsor now
is rich Herr Schnabel—rich, but not romantic. Helen Chandler is a
wistfully gretty creature as Laura, the musie teacher, And Jean
Hersholt does his usual good work as the beefy Herr Schnabel.
The story is woven along at Jacques Feyder’s sympathetie mega¬
phone, with Willi trying for ever to make amends for bis wrong.
Although it means his resignation from the army, he finally frees
mmseltpithe obligation to marty the other woman, und he gocs
Isearching for nis real love, who by this time has returned her finery
to Herr Schnabel and gone back to teaching music. And then there
is the happy fade-out.
You'll love Ramon'’s accent. And he certainly is as handsome as
Tever, besides being a highly capable performer. William Bakewell,
C. Aubrey Smith, Glenn Tryon and Jackie Searle are among the more
important names in the supporting cast.
On the Capitol’s stage, Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians
occupy the spotlight with Kate Smith, of radio fame, obliging in song
numbers. Yascha Bunchuk conducts the orchestra in “Selections of
the Ballet.“ And there’s a Charlie Chase comedy,“ Rough Seas.“
□The Lawyer’s Secret,' a Paramount production, directed by
Louis Gasnier and Max Marcin and presented at the Paramount.
Drake Norris Clive Brook
Laurie Reberts Charles Rogers
Joe Hart Richard Arlen
Kay Roberts Fay Wray
atrice Stevens Jean Arthur
EThe Weasel“. Francis MeDonald
Madame X Harold Goodwin
PRed“yd Saylor
The Lawyer’s Secret,' which serves as celluloid material for
Buddy Rogers, Richard Arlen, Clive Brook, Fay Wray and Jean Arthur
—all in the one flicker—reveals an interesting continuity, The secret,
however, is not a secret. You know in Reel 1 Just exactly what’s going
to be the outcome of Reel 7, so you find that the Paramount’s picture
drags a bit and that occasionally the action is jumpy.
We have Arlen as a sailor boy who spends his shore leave in a
gambling joint. He’s completely cleaned out. So he sells his automatie
Ipistol for ten bucks to a young man who happens to be among the
gamblers. The young man, Laurie Roberts, comes from a good
family. His sister is engaged to marry Drake Norris, a famous
criminal lawyer. It isn't really Laurie’s fault that he gets mixed up
in a murder—that the gun he buys from the sailor is one which kills
the gambling house proprietor, who, it is discovered, has been using
loaded dice.
In Lis first dramatic role, Buddy Rogers is given a thoroughly
unsympathetic piece of work to do. The fans aren't going to blac#els
him, though. Richard Arlen comes through with a good performance,
Clive Brool is sincere in his emoting. Miss Wray hasnt much to do.
But Jean Artbur, the girl who struggles to save the gob’s life, proves
once again that she’s a fine talkie bet. Louis Gasnier and Max
Marcin collaborated on the megaphonic job.
Onthe stage at the Paramount, Venetian Serenaders' presents
Bayes and Speck, Henri Therrien, Zita Rossi, Bobby Gilbert, Dorothy
and the four Yellow Jarkets and the Russell Markert dancers. And, of
course, Rudy Vallee’s there with his Connecticut Vankees.
box 6/1