I, Erzählende Schriften 31, Fräulein Else, Seite 52

31. Fraeulein Else
box 5/1
# 4 G E I A I AA LIS 8
Argus Pressslippint
352 Jhind Moe., Nem
335.— for 1000 clippings
8i4.— for 2,
820.— for 500 clippings
§ 6— kor 10
Bizarre, Cloudv Brilliance of Schnitzler
His Fraulein Eise' Resembles an Opal Flazlessly Cut
Schnitzler Las planned his conclusion
press herself as frankly and nafvely
Paul Zsolnan Vesiaen
to accord with the nature of his
as Eise does in her solitary musings
Berlin; VIeNRd, Deipsiu¬
while she dresses for dinner:
heroine rather than with the tastes
of a sentimental public. Eise's
I must turn on the light.
FN running the first. edition
growing cool.
Shut the window.
death is otherwise motivated than
Fräulein Eise“ up to 35,000
Pull down ihe shade?—Super¬
that of St. Pierre’s Virginia, who
fluons, that. Nobody is standing
copies. Schnitzler’s publishers
drowned sooner than allow a rude
over there on the mountain with
were justified both by prece¬
sailor to unloose her clothes; Else
a spyglass. A pity!
dent and by the quality of his
dies more from lowered resistance
next-torthe-last pair of silk stock¬
newest work. There is a cloudy and
Arthur Schnitzler
than from any high conviction.
ings! No one will notice the little
bizarre brilliance about it, as ar opal
tear below the knee.
Outraged pride is as strong a factor
No one?
flawiessly cut.
Whatever may be
Who can tell! —Don't be frivolous.
in her suicide as outraged modesty,
one’s private opinion of the expres¬
and when she wavers jealousy tips
sionistie heroine, the history of her
Identified with the heroine, the
the scales. Though she dies inar¬
suleide is undeniably a little gem of
story takes on her characteristics.
ticulate to the lovers who preside
Like her, it is nervous, brooding.
at her bedside, we readers know that
The bare plot is melodrama, not
and in manner a trifle jerky, but it
she is comforted by an ecstatie
at all new. It is the story of a vir¬
is also dainty, fastidious and ex¬
dream of flying. This, according to
gin who for some ulterior reason
the Freudian symbolism. is hardly a
quisitely formed. full of aubtle little
agrees to strip before the alien gaze
pious conclusion.
turns and delicate shading.
I 18
of à man. Oue version of it has
classical in its symmetry. adhering
If Conrad made melodrama plaus¬
been done in Maurice Hewlett’s
perfectly to the three dramatie uni¬
ihle by combining it with psychol¬
Quattrocento,“ another in Oscar
ties. The entire action, beginning
ogy, Schnitzler has gone further and
Wiide's Salomé.“ Latelz Michael
on a tennis court and ending on a
exposed it to psychoanalysis.
Arlen, in rather scabrous fashion,
does not permit himself a single au¬
deathbed, lasts just four hours,
made one of his Charming People
drama reduced in scale, a trag
thor’s comment, but with fine dra¬
covers 130 pages and is probably the
employ a similar device in attract¬
masterpiece doue in Dresden chin
matie technique has set before his
only serious instance in literature of
ing a husband. But Schnitzler’s pre¬
It is evidence that Schnitzler’s sk
audience the rococo interior of Else’s
a first-person narrative which ends
occupation with nudity is as earnest
has not lessened with the years, an
mind, where desires spar with one
with the death of the narrator,
as that of a clinical psychologist.
the criticism written by Philip Litte
another like actors on à stage and
Through the delicacy and perfec¬
Upon a threadbare theme he has
in The New Republic of March, 191#
are unconscious of any audience.
tion of its narrative form, through
created a drama of the unconscious¬
applies equally to this latest work:
is the stuff of a clinical study, ar¬
its notably clever craftsmanship.
an exhibitionist tragedy.
tistically arranged, and the artist’s
In Schnitzler the language
Fräulein Else“' manages to avoid
within the mind of a little German
nearly always qufte simple.
omniscience renders it more complete
being ludierous, in spite of the fact
possible not to understand, excepf
than would be possible in the labora¬
that among civilized peoples public
Fräulein Eise, “a nice young girl
when your German fails yon, win
tory. A psychlatrist would have dif¬
nudity is commonly a subject for
he is saying at any given moment
of good family.
* and ruddy¬
ficulty in persuading a subject to ex¬
laughter. Fräulein Eise“ is a. Greek Equall impossiblenot to feel
haired beauty besides, is staying
with her aunt and cousin at a Swiss
Summer resort. Her fan
Aralts, and Fraulein Eise, with
some reluctance, is reduced to laking
favors from her relatives. To com¬
plicate matters she is in love with
her cousin, Paul, who is engaged fpr
the moment with d young married
woman of fashion, Cissy Mohr.
A letter from home tells Eise thht
her gay and brilliant father will
imprisoned for einbezzlement unlgss
he can produce 30.000 gulden within
three days, and begs her to approaßh
Herr Dorsday, a rich and eidetly
fellow-guest, for the money. Eise
shrinks al dhie prospect:
If he only weren't so distasteful