I, Erzählende Schriften 31, Fräulein Else, Seite 72

Fraeulein Else

box 5/1
pendent. A man came in the office yes¬
terday and said he read character from
vour eyes and the lines in vour face. Said
I was independent. Uninfluenced by opin¬
ion of others. That’s true. Said I was
more impulsive than deliberate, but my
impulses were generally right. Hell, I
don't know. Too busy to think much
about what goes on inside me.“ Too busy
listening to other people telling me what
goes on inside them. Or what they think
goes on inside other people. I'm as bad
as anybody eise, really. I get thinking
about such things and first thing you know
it’s an hour later and I haven't written
anything. Either you think so much it
paralyzes you for writing or you have to
write so much you haven't any time to
think. That’s tough. Especially when
you ought to have violent, passionate con¬
victions about everything. Like political
cartoonists. And editorial writers.
This girl. Else. She’s about eighteen.
Full of indecisions. Wishes to be an im¬
perlous ruler. Wishes to be abject slave.
Sorry for herself. Thinks she’s a charm¬
ing, dramatic, appealing figure. She is.
It’s just what goes on in her mind. The
book is. In one evening, really. And bow
long does it take to read it, dear, sweet Mr.
Adams!“ *Oh, about an hour. But Ididn't
know you felt that way about me.“ Oh,
pes, and so does everybody.“ Schnitzler is
acute and full of feeling. Who translated
it? Robert A. Simon. What, Little Bobby
Simon? Reminds me of the song, What,
little Johnny Dugan?“ Tes.“ What did
Dugan do to him?“He swore he wasn't
true to him? Did Dugan owe him
money?“ No, he stole McCarthy’s wife.“
Dance. Bob Simon. Wonderful job he
did. Now Simon gets his stuff printed
everywhere. No more poems for me
signed Isosceles. Those were the good old
lays. Hal ha!
I'm getting out of the subway at Park
Place now. Why does the lady try to get
ahead of the man on the escalator? Be¬
cause she knows he won't remonstrate.
Relying on sex. Feminine sex, co-ex,
co-ex. I’m on Broadway. Oh, dear. If
I got run over. Maybe by a World truck.
Story. Famed Bard Hit by Truck. Just
my luck if I got run over it wouldn't be
on a Friday morning. I’d get out of more
work being killed on Friday morning than
any other day. In City Hall Park. In a
minute I’il be in the office. Can't post¬
pone work much longer. What’ll I write
about? Time to think of that when I get
in the elevator. I'm in the elevator.
on the twelfth floor. In the office. Well.
Maybe a book review. All right. Let’s
Zow to begin it. Let’s sec.
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