I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 57

anova had helped him to win In the
days when they were all young. Ollvo
Insists that Casanova vistt him, and
there he finds Marcolina, a bluestock.
ing, but a very beautiful one, who 18
Olivo’s niece, and who, he Is told, has
Just rejected the offer of. marriage
made by Lleut. Lorenzi. Casanova
himself falls madly in love with Mar¬
colina, and is made furious by the
recognition that to her he is not the
all-compelling Casanova, but simply
an old gentleman who does not in¬
terest her in the least.
There is a brilliant enough plot to
the book to make it unfair to give it
away in advance—Casanova schemes
topossess Marcolina, and the lieuten¬
ant who Is in love with her proves to
be a scoundrel when it is a question
of being a scoundrel and saving the
appearance of honor or else of endin,
hie career in disgrace, And of course
the reader who is indlined to agree
with the attitude of mind displayed
the people who persecuted this
book must remember, if anything in
it offends him, that it is a document
of the eighteenth century, that it
portrays a. state of sochal morality
differing in some ways from our own
and that it is perhaps not a. book for
the child or the childish to read.
But tho plot and the descriptions
of intrigues are subeidiary to#the
maln picture of the book: which is
the. tragie picture of old age over¬
taking a man who has not prepared
himself, for it, who has staked all his
intellectual and moral capital on one
thing: the pleasures of youth, and
who finds that youth goes. As Cas¬
anova himself says:
Had he in youth but had leisure
and patience to devote himseif seri¬
ously to the work of the pen, he was
onfident he could have ranked with
he leading members of the profes¬
of authorship, with the greatest
laginative writers and philosophers.
#s sure of this as he was sure
6 and
nted more
the lure of amew
nmoned? Women.
them hehad
gast everything to
character and tem¬
nasterly. We
efact that
have loved
ed in him
except in
f his name
nunnery his host has
sit: Just his name.
window, in viola¬
unknown nun's
e, as he leaves
nerg. There
esthetically com¬
aln in¬
It b.
that he scorns
love him, and
ith Marcolina,
his polemic against
ter, when the supreme
ting proposal is madö
eturn as a spy-he
polemic, acknowi¬
owe atheism and
this time from
t, because Vol¬
atheist, is not
nd curser of
nes for a mo¬
part of the
are in the
presence of a ma
lece of creative
Indeed, it is perhaps not too much
to say that as a atudy inheitiagede
of an old age ilI prepared for, this
book could worthlly and without any
Incongrufty havo taken as its motto
Shakespeare“e Iinre that begin:
Thejexpense of spirit in a waste of
and end:
All Cnis the world knows well, but
Fnone knows well
To slinnsthe henven that leads man to
this hell.“
Casanovas Heimfahrt
# an eie e ereeere uee dee ene e nseee
(Other Romeikes May Disappoint)
human. One cannot help but ad¬
GJldemrehis vanity, at the same time
that one confesses a Considerable
distaste for his not infrequent
Aeste Pien
amoure. And there is a genuine
pathos in Casanova’s arrival in
Venice, where he finds himself
forgotten. his adlventures treated as
fiction, and his once glorlous repu¬
tation tarnished by the years.
One of, the finest bits of deserip¬

rive writing in the whole book is
Arthureschnhzler. New Tork: lcontained in the scenes where Casa¬
nova realizes that he cannot win
Thon selt Nr. 32.50.
Ethe girl legitimately and purchases
One wöndemf sometimes if Arthul her from her lover by payingithe
Schnitzler takes himself as serlouslylatter’s gambling debt. Thensub¬
sequent scenes—ef his waken-
as his workwouldcause one to think.
One wonders if behind that mostl ing in the grey light of dewn and
excellent front of playwright and geeing himself as the girl sees Him.
author which he presents to thel with (ltned face, vellowed téeth.
public he sometimes doesn't writej scant hair and sunken cheeks—1s
finely, donc, and the sween of thel
with his tongue in his cheek.
Which brings us down to Casa-paragraphs carries thereader well
past the duel of the naked men in
nova's Homecoming.“ Belated
the garden.
though this review is, it gives one
Casanova’s Homecoming is a
aview, in retrospect, of the almost
united front that eritics have pre-good book, but it is most emphar-18
bally not a book for# childten norlt
sented to the attacks made on it.
There is nodoubt but thaf or certain adults.
run pickson in
Schnitzler has taken an historical
character and made a most lov¬
able rascal out of him. Hechas
drawn a pieture of the old roue
that is almost an etching, so finely
delineated is the characterization.
But he has used his colors lavishly
and has almost obliterated some of
the finer bits lofl character work
by blocking in with a house paint¬
er’s instrument.
He has subordinated to sex
Casanóva’s löngings to be called
hometo Venice. He has madelpim a
man whose honor is his vanity and
whose ideals are simply to be able
to continue his successes with
women, His greatest regret is not
that he is growing old, but that
age is narrowing the fleld of his
conquests, and he makes a deject¬
ed avowal of this when he asks
a woman with wlom he had had
an affair sixteen years before, ntw
the wife of his friend, to ald him
in gecuring the girl with whom he
has become enamored.
Schnitzler has made Cagencva
à rascal, but he has ## him
box 4/10