I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 69

to bimn was i#he most dreadful er
all words, since it passed a üinal
Judgment on him—old man.“
The bock is ons of high genius,
brilliantig vritten, but in a vein
rhat congenlethe blood by Its zold¬
dess, lis saraonie view of life, 1###
unimpassiened dislike of humanfty.
That it is not intended for the
unsophisticated render scarcely
needs mentioning.
Hardiy less cheerful is Gerhart
Hauptmann's new novel Phan¬
tom.“ written in this, his #ixtieth
year, and now first published in
It is the study of an obsession
that takes hold of Lorenz Luboka,
a poor deformed clerk of Breslau
and changes him from a meek and
stolid nobody to a daring brag¬
gart, who swaggers the streets in
fashionabie garb purcha ed on his
own representations of his fame
and prosnects, It was the sight
of a lovely little girl of thrteen
the daughter of a prosperous mer¬
chant, that started the poor clerk
on bis mad way.
“I was simply
burned to ashes, as it were, be¬
a condagration, because I was ab
solutely defenseless, after my
mole-like existenes, befere the in¬
rush of the divine flame,“ he ex¬
plains, and his changed conduct
makes us reallze to the full the
truth of his staterhent.
Half-demented, wholly changed,
Luboka leaves his desk and
pluges into exces es, becomes the
companion of erlminals and ad¬
venturers, and in the end helps
to plot the robbery of his rich aunt
and so becomes Involved in her
It was in the years of bis im¬
prisonment that he recovered his
sanity, under the loving care of
Marie and her old father, who
Itimately saved him and settled
n wich him in a place where!
as unknown. Here he was
Eiven ure to rhminateon the
box 4/10
30. Casanovas Heinfahrt

# het4-Qud, 2##

106-110 SEVENTH AVE.
The Conning Tower
N 151923
New York Citv
It Was Casanova’s Homecoming'
is pieasau ###see. Casanova's
Homecoming“ (THomas-Seltzer). by
Lady, it is long since I have
Arthur Sehnitzler. now in 3 reason¬
Glimpsed your piquant loveliness;
ably priced edlition. The inited and
Tell me, lady, tell me, why have
expenswve form #sch ihe beok
ürst appeared, consigned to too small
You forgotten my address?
an andience o#e of the most üinished
Did my witless chatter bore you?
and beautifal pieges of narrative that
have appeared in recent vears. This
Did I inadvertently
is the Hower of Schnitzler’s fine
Use profanity before you,
talent—genius might be too strong a
So habitual with me?
word. It is marked by all the suh¬
tletz that went into thet crcation of
Oftentimes in happier days you
Jnatol. and it is richened b a mel¬
Used to comne around and chat
lowness that the affairs! of Sehitz¬
lers most famous hero did not possess.
With me all about the plays you
Casänova, as we mect him just before
Went to, and of this and that.
his return te Ventse, in the year that
marks the closing of his memorable
Now I hear no more the voice that
memoirs, i8 à rare ügure of romantie
Ever in zny memory' dwells,
liction and of history. The last
At whose sound I would rejoice;that
amorous episode of the great lover
is gloriousle recorded. Marcolina,
Was like tuneful silver bells.
the lady of the affair, may be rather
Months have gone since l’ve been gladdened
unbelievable, distinguished by the
same qualitgof unrcalitp that marks
By the glory of your smile,
the learnesl heroine of Thomas Love
And each day I grow more saddened—
Peacuck's Nighitmare Abber“; but
What has kept you all this while?
Signor Casanova. Chevalier de Sein¬
galt, is as real as the hgure that stalks
I can bear this dereliction,
protlig throngh the pages of bis own
Lady, if you'll only bring
long autobiography. The close ofthe
memoirs offered g tempration to
Back to me the work of fiction
writers of tiction: Schnitzler is one
That I lent you yesterspring.
###fthe few anthors who could have
C. w. W.
accepted the challenge withont dis¬
aster. For him it is a triumph. And
Eden and Cedar Paul have trans¬
lated this story with a deftness
and a delicach that are wholly ad¬