I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 79

The Nickel Cigar
Bu Chet Shufer
Out of the mists of al¬
1 most forgotten years a
popular traveller has
returned. The nickel
cigar, one-time ruler of
multitudes of benico¬
tined subiects, has stag¬
ed an emphatic come¬
back. Dethroned for
purely commercial rea¬
sons that never met
with the approval of the
puffing populace, it has
remained apart from so¬
ciety, not forgotten, but
Chet Shafer
most certainly shorn of
all influence. Today it is back on the.
balcony. It has been restcred to all¬
its former greatness and potency.
has been fittingly welcomed in sub¬
stantiation of Mark Twain’s declara¬
tion, that, ’what the nation needs is a
good nickel cigar“.
The nickel cigar disappeared scon¬
after war was declared when the au¬
thorities devised other mediums for
throwing up smoke sereens. It was
forced from its commanding position
by the rising tide of prodding prices.
And it disappeared as completely as
a sugar pill in the sick room of a boy
afflicted with the measles. And no
more mysteriously. Searching parties
were orcantzed to comb the down-town¬
and outlying districts for traces. Pos¬
ses of disturbed citizens galloped here
and there in a vain effort to lecate the
lost perfecto. But all the efforts were
hootless, fruitless and fumeless.
The pictures on the boxes remained!
the same. But the great characteristic
was gone. Many there were who
squandered much time theorizing.
Thev lenged for the tauch of a van¬
isbed hand-made long-Habana filler for¬
a litney. Dreams of thick and ins“
pensive smudges were numerous. But;
time went on, the price went up and
hopes were lost. And the world be¬
came accustomed to the absence of the
noble five-cent leader.
Now and then, during the past year,
reports of the discovery of the missing
idol were received from various parts
of the country. But these were in¬
spired largely hy a 2 for 15-cent ac¬
quaintance. Little credence was placed
in the tales. Recently, however, a
definite announcement was made. It
came from official factory sources. And
those who investigated to satisfy their
curiosity found that the story was
The nickel cigar has returned.
trifle thin, perhaps, from its protracted
exile, but back, nevertheless. It has
been enthroned under the canopies of
the embosed, bomhastig covers. Wel¬
coming delegations of thousands have
peered, salaamed, saluted and paid tri¬
nte. Colebratione havo hoon vonergllv
Not All Club Women are Prohibnionists
Bu Eleauer Hunt
—I do believe I feel a little self-the future development of these
righteous today. Wait—please don't topics.
condemn me unheard! Really, I'm
It just occurs to me that the solu¬
not going to be disagreeable about it—
tion of the above problems may lie
nor strike any pose resembling the
within our grasp.
Statue of Liberty. This preamble is
When Buffalo is peopled by the
just to tell you that I am preening
super-race, which a recent arrival in
myself a bit on my ability to view a
the city assures us he can bring about
subject from more than one angle, i.e.
in a few years, these vexing things
my own. I think men usually ar¬
will naturally dissolve and pass into
rogate that quality to themselves as
oblivion for sheer lack of nourish¬
being essentially masculine. It isn't.
At the convention of the Federation
But the rosy picture the lecturer
of Women’s clubs recently concluded
paints comes in for a bit of criticism

in New Vork City, the women Put
I think, though I am daring indeed
themselves on record as unqualifiedly
to suggest it. It seems to me that he
in favor of strict enforcement of the
blaces the entire rearing of this
Prohibition law. At one time I would
Ctopian structure upon the shoulders Tu
have welcomed that movement unre¬
#f women.
servedly—now my vision has broad¬
Now I have never shouted from the
ened, and it would require grave con¬
house-tops the battle-cry of “equal zw
sideration to assert fhhat it would
rights,“ though heaven knows, I be¬
prove an unmixed blessing.
lieve in them. But here we have a
Naturally I want women to be the
man who presses superiority into our
nands. He says, You are our super¬
exponents of every good and just
lors—you are three quarters, we are
cause—but now Iurge, if not exactly
one quarter—therefore it is up to you
compromise, at least a due considera¬
to right every existing wrong.“
tion of the claims of the other side.
Well! In the patois of the oflice
The Federation also entered its pro¬
Doy, that is “some job.“
test against fraternities in high
Incidentally, he fails to indicate
schools. There again is an involved
that we may expect the assistance of
question. That there have been some
the Vone quarter'’ in any way what¬
unfortrnate results from those or¬
ganizations, we cannot deny. But to
We may be pardoned for staggering
say that they are wholly wrong is al¬
a moment under the contract to cor¬
most too sweeping. Many times they
rect every existing evil from the P
have deteriorated from their original,
dlouble standard to the unscientific
fraternal purpose. They have been
cooking of mush. But we are nothing
accused of turning meetings of harm¬
if not valiant and there is no doubt
less fun into wild orgies. Well, may¬
be there have been instances when
we shall carry this task to a success- 660
tul termination.
the revelry reached undue heights
owing to the introduction of drinks
We have been aware for some time
hot entirely non-intoxieating.
zhat men place us on a pedestal. We#
acknowledge the honor, but we would
I have only sympathy for the mother
appreciate it more if they would
of a boy who received his first down¬
please remember that said pedestal is
ward impetus in the fraternity to
terribly slippery and not condemn us
which he belonged. Yet if he could
utterly when occasionally one of us IN
not withstand that temptation, would
slides off.
he not have yielded to temptation
Now apparently we are expected not
presented under different circum¬
oniv to remain on the pinnacle our¬ 60.
selves, but we must reach down and
Onthe other hand I have a full ap¬
bring up to our level those who, from
preciation of the keen pheasure it
time immemorial have been judged
the stronger sex.
gives a lad to be invited to join such
a soclet It fixes his social status in
can only have recourse to the Pl.
the school, and is a valued evidence
cflice boys vocabulary—some job!
of his popularity among his asso¬
ciates. Then, too, membership in such
a society is the basis of many lasting
friendships, formed and continued
through years of college into the
whirl of business life. But again
there arises a perplexing question.
The financial angle of the situation
is not to be ignored. The drain upon
a boy’s pocketbook is not inconsider¬
able. Some times he can afford the
expense—but qufte as frequently he
cannet, or at least, should not, and
e is thus led into unwise expendi¬
ires by his desire to keep up with
ie rest of the boys.
In the consideration of prohibition,
1 its disapproval also. Practically
ie same elements and arguments en¬
There are three essential points to be #
er into this branch, as girls offer
your building—
uite as fair a target for the arch¬
nemy as their brothers. This dissi¬
FIRST—A Reasonable amount:
ation may vary in form, but it is
SECOND— Reliable people to hold y
indeniable that temptations exist.
Jowever, the conviction remains with
TILIRD—Prompt service, (so you can
is that the girl with a wise mother
vill be able to avail herself of the
dvantages of a sorority and to avoid
ndesirable tendencies.
In the consideratio nof prohibition,
raternities and sororities we come
nevitably to the responsibility of the
Real Estate, Bonds
trong toward their weaker brothers
nd sisters. It is a fruitful ground
or thought, and I'm glad I am not
alled upon to settle it all in a minute.
Taving declared myself open to con¬
iction I shall watch with interest