I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 109

Casanovas Heinfahrt
box 4/11
30 J enenene ene e
August 16, 1930
*The Eurth Told Me grips the interest with¬
out tricks, seemingly without effort. Mn.
WILLIAMSON has not attempted to write a novel
of background or a novel in which ethnological
and anthropological detail encumber the story.
Publishers; 386 Fourth Avenue Neu Fork
Instead he has done a drama of a tiny group
primitive people. As a piece of prose the
is a notable achievement.
—Faro T. Maksn, The Neu Fork
##eh Well, Mn. Sumnen has gone after
Herald-Tribune“ Books.
Casanova’s Homecoming. It was what we are told
is the Usual Procedure. The Inner Sanctum was
"It has been a long time since any novel
visited by J. S. personally, accompanied by his
has pleased and entertained me so much. As
assistant, Mn. BAMBERCER, and two members of
a sustained flight of good writing The Farth
the police.
Told Me is likewise unusual. It is beautiful,
simple and forceful. Also it is distinctively
the author’s own, not borrowed. There are
B2 Why Casanova’s Homecoming was thus
movement and gaiety in it, as well as brood¬
honored remains a mystery to The Inner Sanc¬
ing and fantasy. If this sounds like a rave lei
tum, which, unfortunately, will have to be settled
me modify it by saying I haven't read any¬
in court. The Inner Sanctum has never gone in
thing since A Furewell to Arms which Ithouglit
for the Law, and dislikes to in the first place
was as good as that.
because it will give Casanova’s Homecoming a
—Gzoker Burr, The New York Telegram.
reputation for nastiness that it does not deserve,
*The Earth Told Me is more vivid and pene¬
and in the second place because it takes time
trating than Hunly and infinitely richer in the
and expense.
depth and reality of its characterization. Mn.
WIL.LIAmsON’s style appears to have grown
### However, we are fighting this case,
naturally from the necessities of the material.
defending what we believe is a great work by a
It is so eminently and unquestionably suitable
great author, and one not entitled to the cheap
that it is possible to forget it entirely in the
theatrics that The New York Society for the
absorbing reality of the story.
Suppression of Vice is endowing it with.
The Earth Told Me is a work of great
artistic integrity. It is a sound and truthful
## This morning, passing through The
study of a primitive mind, and an intensely
Grand Central Terminal, Your Correspondent
readable and dramatic narrative. On Mn.
stopped off at the Doubleday, Doran Book Shop.
WILLIAMSON’s part it represents an achieve¬
In the first ten days this shop has sold over 150
ment substantially superior to anything he has
copies of The Inner Sanctum Novels. The begin¬
done in the past.
ning was slow, hut toward the end of the weck
20 and 30 copies a day were being sold. All
Times Book Review.
titles, with the emphasis somewhat on ! Am
Jonathan Scrivener.
21-2125 The reason these reviews are quoted
at such length is to demonstrate—as plausibly
21-25h Vour Correspondent believes that the
as excerpts from reviews can—our contention
next few weeks will see the beginning of a public
that we expect The Inner Sanctum Novels to be
stampede for The Eurth Told Me by THAMES
successful above all eise because they are good
WII.LIAMSON. Three feature reviews appeared
The New York Times, The
this week-end.
New York Herald-Tribune and The New York
22 Note: Out of 7 novels recommended
MR. THAmEs WILLIAMSON has written a
this month by The Book of The Month Club 3
stark and fascinating novel. It is primarily a
are Inner Sanctum Novels. They are: The Earth
work of art, a fine achievement in the novel.
Told Me by Tnames WilLamsoN, Fisteen Rab¬
This book will be compared to HAMsuN's
bits by FEurx Sauren and 1 Am Jonathan
Gromth of the Soil because of the simplicity
Scrivener by CLAupE HouchroN.
of the language and because it deals with the
elementals in the daily life of a cold-bound,
Zen Wherever these books are displayed
primitive little family. And in its artistry and
(we speak only of New York, for up to the
in its realism it might be likened to Supen¬
moment we haven't checked out of town). They
MANN's stories of Lithuanian peasant life.
are selling better day after day. Despite large
Mk. WILLIAMsoN has not stooped to any
advance sales, the reorders are already beginning
romantic trappings nor bothered himself with
at a most heartening rate.
explanatory passages (the word Eskimo, for
instance, does not appear anywhere in the
Vour Correspondent would like to take
bock) or eloquent descriptions. His language
occasion here to thank the booksellers who are
is restrained and chaste. It has its moments
helping to put over The Inner Sanctum Novels
of poetry. The story of Taliak, the reindeer
herder, and his family yet moves forward right from scratch.
with great cumulative pewer.