I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 131

Casanovas Heinfahrt
box 4/11
among the leading bookstores and department
stores of the country. Even Boston, the scene of
recent book massacres, openly sells this volume
without a blush. Many of the newspapers and
periodicals advertised the book and reviewed it.
Such representative organs of enlightened public
opinion as the Telegram and the Erening Wortd
have gone out of their ways to commend it edi¬
torially and to deplore its attempted suppression.
Even the staid New York Herald-Tribune has de¬
clared that to attack this volume was “myopie
morality“; and the head of the Scripps-Howard or¬
ganization has indicated that the prosecution should
not be directed against the book but against the
Vice Society.
The judiciary of New York State have always
guarded as precious the rights of free press.
In not a single case brought to the courts by the
Vice Society during the last fifteen years have the
courts ultimately suppressed a book which had
been openly sold by the publisher, openly accepted
by the press, openly commended by institutions of
learning and openly sold by the book trade.
The Author.
Dr. Arthur Schnitzler is one of the most dis¬
tinguished of living German authors, and has been
recognized as such for the past two decades. He
is also a physician. His reputation as a man of
letters is world-wide. No educational course deal¬
ing with current German literature is complete
without his works. Columbia University in its
course on world literature names Dr. Schnitzler as
one of the six outstanding German writers of the
twentieth century. Critics have hailed many of his
books, including the one now before the Court, as
modern classics. The Encyclopedia Brittanica
speaks of his limpid style, his sense of humor, his