I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 145

asanovas Heimfahr
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that it was his deliberate intention to write a
shocking and salacious book.
Decision of the Court: The Court affirmed the ver¬
dict of a jury on the ground that the New York
Society for the Suppression of Vice did not
have reasonable and probable cause for prose¬
cuting the book. The Court held that the com¬
plainant (Mr. Sumner) had not been Preason¬
able, cautious and prudent'’ in instigating the
eriminal prosecution, and upheld a verdict for
damages against the Vice Society.
Case: People v. Donald Friede and Corici Friede,
Tnc., Court of Special Sessions, City of New
York, April 19, 1929.
Title of Book: The Well of Loneliness“.
Theme: Story of the early childhood and woman¬
hood of a female invert, portraying her sex ex¬
periences and relations with normal men and
Decision of the Court:“This is a criminal prosecu¬
tion and as judges of the facts and the law we
are not called upon, nor is it within our prov¬
ince, to recommend or advise against the read¬
ing of any book. Nor is it within our province
to pass an opinion as to the merits or demerits
thereof, but only as to whether same is in vio¬
lation of the law. The People must establish
that the defendants are guilty of a violation of
Section 1141 beyond a reasonable doubt.
“After a careful reading of the entire book,
we conclude that the book in question is not
in violation of the law and each of the defend¬
ants is acquitted.“
Case: U. S. v. Dennett, 39 Fed. (2d) 564. March
3, 1930.
Title of Book:"The Sex Side of Life.“
Theme: An explanation of sex life in detail, both
physical and emotional, describing the sex or¬