I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 150

Casanovas Heinfahrt
box 4/11
30 e enene en e e e e e e e e
Opinion of George W. Simpson, City
Magistrate, on the Complaint of John
S. Sumner against Thomas Seltzer and
Mary H. Marks, New York Law Jour¬
nal, September 30, 1922.
This is an arraignment under section 1141 of
the Penal Law. Summonses were issued and in¬
formations drawn on the complaint of John S.
Sumner, secretary of the Society for the Sup¬
pression of Vice.
The defendants are Thomas Seltzer, as publisher
of the three books involved, and Mary H. Marks,
a circulating library employee, charged with loan¬
ing, for a consideration, one of the books, “A Young
Girl’s Diarv'' to divers persons.
The three books which constitute the subject
matter of the alleged offense are:
(a)Casanova’s Homecoming';
(b)Women in Love“':
(c) *A Young Girl’s Diary'.
(a)Casanova’s Homecoming'’ was written by
Dr. Arthur Schnitzler, of Vienna, Austria, a lead¬
ing man of letters. It is the story of the last love
affair in his declining days of one Casanova, famous
for his memoirs.
(b) Women in Love' was written by D. H.
Lawrence, an English novelist. The author at¬
tempts to discover the motivating power of life. He#
writes of the elemental passions of men and women.
(c)*A Young Girl’s Diary' is the alleged chron¬
iele, entered daily by its anonymons author, as¬
serted to be the daughter of a Viennese judge, of
her life between theages of eleven and fifteen. A