I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 160

Casanovas Heimfahrt
box 4/11

placing the spotlight of publicity on the meddling
busybodies and neurotie witch-burners who would
bring about its banishment.“
In speaking of the opinion expresse.' hy the
World of journalism, there are favorable comments
by“The Times', the “Evening World“, the“New
York Telegram“, the“Herald-Tribune', and“The
In the field of education and philosophy, there
has been submitted to me favorable opinions of the
Reverend Charles Francis Potter, John Erskine and
H. M. Kallen, teacher of Philosophy at Harvard,
now one of the faculty of Ohio State University,
who says:“ find Casanova’s Home-Coming' a
work of high moral integrity.?
There are also favorable editorials fromThe
Boston Evening Transcript'“Portland Evening
Press' andthe“ Sunday Oregonian.?
Harry Hansen, Literary Editor ofthe“New Vork
World, and “Harper’s Magazine,' says in an
artiele that the book in question “is practically a
tract on the vanity of human wishes.?
While the opinions of these men, famed in their
respective fields, are not considered competent evi¬
dence upon a trial, and this has been so declared
by the highest courts ofthe State, nevertheless this
Court cannot brush aside the comments of leaders
in their field, men having the confidence of the puh¬
lie they serve, and substitute a prudish opinion in
place of the liberal ideas advanced by those who
have judged this book bythe present day standard
of living, and not by what would have been the
judgment in days when the mode of life was en¬
tirely different.
The book now under consideration was the suh¬
ject matter of a proceeding before Magistrate
George W. Simpson, à colleague for whom I have a
high regard as a sound thinker and excellent jurist,
who, in an interesting and learned opinion, declared
that this book was not obscene. The prosecution