box 31/5
25. Professor Bernhandr
#ntting from—The
Dailn Gelegraptt ia.
1 6 JNE 1936193
Date of Issue
Be W. A. Darlington
Schnitzler’s“ Professor Bernhardi, ing
new and workmmanlike translation by
Louis Borell and Ronald Adam, opened last;
night at the Emnbassy.
It is an interesting play, for it sets thef
andience argning abeut its rights and
wrongs. And it is an incisive satire on thel
text.* Don't lact on prineinle—yon are
certai to be misunderstood.“
Professer Bernhardi is
physician who forbids a priest to
adminster the last rites of the Catholie
Church ton dring patient on the ground;
that it will hasten her end.
Bernhnrit stunks smiln # Pnter.1
because he is a Jew, racial. religious and
political quarrels arise. The affair is mag¬
mified and distorted, and Bernhardi has to
stand a trial. Publie opinion elects to
e we
believe the evidence of a hysterical nurseg
Hagainst that of half-a-dozen more sober?
bwitnesses (including the priest himself),
and Bernhardi goes to prison.
This sterg wees Schmteler plentg of!
Pehance for a fantasia on the theine of
hiuman failings. Dr. Bernhardi himself is
Pshown as a completelg honest man—and
Stherefore a verg uncomfortable person to
have abont. There is a good scene in
hich he and the priest, respecting each
Tother as men, fail to find a wag across the
Tabres which divides their wag's of thought.
Abrahamn Sofaer (Bernhardi) and Ber¬
nurd Merefield plaged this well, thoughi,
Mr. Meretield wouid have been better if
Dhe had spoken up more. Ronald Adam
gace u neat skeich of a politician with a
gift for justifging private disloyalties on
the plea of publie expedlieney.
25. Professor Bernhandr
#ntting from—The
Dailn Gelegraptt ia.
1 6 JNE 1936193
Date of Issue
Be W. A. Darlington
Schnitzler’s“ Professor Bernhardi, ing
new and workmmanlike translation by
Louis Borell and Ronald Adam, opened last;
night at the Emnbassy.
It is an interesting play, for it sets thef
andience argning abeut its rights and
wrongs. And it is an incisive satire on thel
text.* Don't lact on prineinle—yon are
certai to be misunderstood.“
Professer Bernhardi is
physician who forbids a priest to
adminster the last rites of the Catholie
Church ton dring patient on the ground;
that it will hasten her end.
Bernhnrit stunks smiln # Pnter.1
because he is a Jew, racial. religious and
political quarrels arise. The affair is mag¬
mified and distorted, and Bernhardi has to
stand a trial. Publie opinion elects to
e we
believe the evidence of a hysterical nurseg
Hagainst that of half-a-dozen more sober?
bwitnesses (including the priest himself),
and Bernhardi goes to prison.
This sterg wees Schmteler plentg of!
Pehance for a fantasia on the theine of
hiuman failings. Dr. Bernhardi himself is
Pshown as a completelg honest man—and
Stherefore a verg uncomfortable person to
have abont. There is a good scene in
hich he and the priest, respecting each
Tother as men, fail to find a wag across the
Tabres which divides their wag's of thought.
Abrahamn Sofaer (Bernhardi) and Ber¬
nurd Merefield plaged this well, thoughi,
Mr. Meretield wouid have been better if
Dhe had spoken up more. Ronald Adam
gace u neat skeich of a politician with a
gift for justifging private disloyalties on
the plea of publie expedlieney.