II, Theaterstücke 25, Professor Bernhardi. Komödie in fünf Akten (Ärztestück, Junggesellenstück), Seite 662

box 31/5
25. Prefesnhandr
ee eeeeneene
Geraldne House, Rols Buläings, Patter Lans,
2 1.300l 1936

Serious Schnitzler
If you know Schnitzler only through“ Ana¬
tol,“ you may be surprised by the gravity of
Professor Bernhardi“ at the Embassy. It is
not, however, surprising that Schnitzler, a
doctor and a Jew, should have written a play
about a Jewish doctor who is persecuted be¬
cause, anxious to give a patient who believes
herself cured one last hour of happiness, he
refuses a Roman Catholic priest permission to#
administer the last sacrament. This play was
banned in Austria.
Food for Reperte
Schnitzler argues all Sides of the case well
and justly. After the first five minutes there
is not a moment in this play that does not
keep you intensely engrossed. It is the work

of a conscientious artist and a conscientious
thinker. Though Bernhardi is prosecuted and
imprisoned, it is still an open question at the
end whether his action was justified. Serious
repertory companies, please perform. If they
perform it as well as the company, headed by
Abraham Sofaer, at the Embassy, audiences
should make no complaints.
* Professor Bernhardi“ at the Embassy—
Abraham Sofaer and Bernard Merefleld.