II, Theaterstücke 25, Professor Bernhardi. Komödie in fünf Akten (Ärztestück, Junggesellenstück), Seite 672

25. ProfessenBernhandi
box 31/5
9, King Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2
2 4 J0L 1956

* Professor Bernhardi“
Embassy Theatre
By Arthur Schnitzler.
NCHNITZLER’S“ Professor Bernhardi'' raises
the question of whether a doctor has the
right to forbid a priest to administerthe last
sacrament to a dying patient on the grounds that
the knowledge that she is in ertremis will hasten
her end. The arguments for both sides are stated
clearly and without undue bias, though the main
point is somewhat obscured by introducing the
religious conflict between the Roman Catholic
priest and the Jewish doctor. As it is, the play,
though interesting, loses force by allowing the
doctor to be thrust into prison, not for his prin¬
ciples as a doctor but because his adherence to
them cuts across the religions beliefs of the people
among whom he is working.
The play is admirably produced by Heinrich
Schnitzler, and Louis Borell and Ronald Adam
have made an excellent translation from the
original. Abraham Sofaer, as Professor Bern¬
hardi, might perhaps have been a little less
restrained at times but was magnificent in his
vehement adherence to the professor’s principles,
while Max Adrian was admirable as a vounger
enthusiastic believer in Bernhardi. Noel Howlett,
too, as Professor Filitz, gave a very sound inter¬
pretation of a stilted and small-minded social
climber in the ranks of the medical profession, and
Simon Dale was admirably sincere in his charac¬
terisation of Bernhardi'’s chief protagonist, Eben¬
wald. Some of the smaller parts were particularly
well-acted, notably that of Dr. Feuermann (Peter
Ashmore). I have watched Mr. Ashmore’s work
go from strength to strength during the last three#
vears and would like to see him given his chance
in the West End. Ronald Adam was excellent as
Dr. Flint, and there was also a first-rate perform¬
ance by Alan Wheatley as Councillor Winkler.