II, Theaterstücke 25, Professor Bernhardi. Komödie in fünf Akten (Ärztestück, Junggesellenstück), Seite 691

25. Prefessor-Bernhal
72-78 Fleet Street, E.C.4
15 00 1936
Schnitzler’s absorbing play“ Pro¬
fessor Bernhardi.“ at the Phcrnix
Theatre, about a Jewish doctor who,
because he fears for the result on his
patient, refuses to allow a Roman
Catholic priest to visit a dying girl.
was followed with enthralled interest
at its first West End presentation last
night (writes the Theatre Corre¬
Abraham Sofaer’s finely sensitive
and forceful performance as
doctor beset by anti-Jewish agitation
and all sorts of political consequences
was received with enthusiasm.
Among à number of other admirable
performances were those of Earle
v. John Garside, Peter Ashmore,
Noel Howlett and Ronald Adam.
Hxrndor Faon
Persaper Hiun Cerperion K, Riemmagen.
Date IK HIV 1936
Professor Bernhardi?
From 0ur Drama Critio
LDNDON, Tuesday Nighit¬
X doetor. Rtell end of a Vienna elinie.
forbids a Catholle priest to give absolli¬
tion 10 an ring girt on tneg round thaf.
since slie is ignorant of her füte, i1 18
Ais dintv as udoctor to see thata dsoinen
patient dies as happilg as possible.
simnple probiem on the face of it.
bilt compliented De Arthur Schnilzler
und die ndaptors 0f
Professor Bern¬
bardt Pat dhe Plichnix Theatre to-nighit
y several side issties.
The doctor was u Jew, and, therelore.
is acchsed, pilloried und senteneed for
obstrücting religion. Then there is n
contliet between truth und polilics.
Both the priest whoeansed the trouble
and the Cabinet Minister who sheri¬
fired the doctor to the anti-Semiie
clamour Know theinselves to be Wrollg,
hut assert that theg compromisen on
ihe sinaller issue for the sake of ine
bigger thing
for thie Church und
tiie other for the work he hopes 10 do
Tor ihe Stale.
Wilich of those elnshes is supposen
to be parumöunt one chnnet renlig tell.
Amthor aranes Them all 1o ihe
lestent uind und there is endless fulk.
Stiitihe plag is better Than most.
box 31/5
# #hen Haumal
1 5 001 1000
Medicine — Church — Politics
Conflict in New Play.
(From Our Dramatio Critic.)
London, Tuesday Night.
A doctor, the head of a Vienna
clinic, forbids a Catholic priest to give
absolution to a dying girl on the
ground that since she is ignorant of
her fate it is his duty as a doctor to
see that a doomed patient dies as
happily as possible.
A simple problem on the face of it,
but complicated by Arthur Schnitzler
the adaptors of“ Professor
Bernhardi“ at the Phoenix Theatre to¬
night by several side issues.
The doctor was a Jew, and therefore
Is accused, pilloried and sentenced for
obstructing religion. Then the other
red herring which by the end of the#
play has grown into an outsize whale
the conflict between truth and
Both ihe priest who caused the
troubie and the Cabinet Minister who
sacrificed the doctor to the anti¬
Semitic clamour know themselves to
be wrong, but assert that they com¬
promised on the smaller issue for the
sake of the bigger thing, the one
for the Church and the other for the
work he hopes to do for the State.
Which of those clashes is supposed
to be paramount one cannot really
tell. The author argues them all to
the bitter end, and in the cast, of
which the one woman is outnumbered
hy literally a score of men, there is
endless talk.
In the argument the Jewish doctor
is always so profoundly in the right
that one is apt to lose interest as well
as the thread of the discourse. Still
the play is better than most. The
majority of the characters, with the
exception of the politician, played by
Mr. Ronald Adam are fairly true to
Jife. and with the doctor it is, as usual
a case of Abraham Sofaer so good.