II, Theaterstücke 25, Professor Bernhardi. Komödie in fünf Akten (Ärztestück, Junggesellenstück), Seite 941

25. Profe Bernhandi
Fifteen years before the opening scene, Pro¬
fessor Bernhardi, with the help of Professor
Tungendvetter and Professor Cyprian, founded
the medical institution named Elizabethinum,
after the Empress of Austria. Now, owing to
his skill as a physician, his mental gifts and
his energy, the hospital and clinic are among
the best in Vienna, with Professor Bernhardi at
its head as President.
box 31/8
In the Elizabethinum—The opening scene is
Aid in a large ante-room of the Elizanethinum,
with several doors, one leading to a ward, an¬
other to a private sick room, and large folding
doors opening into a vestibule.
All the furnishings are white; along tne
walls are large bookcaser filled with medical
works, and glass cases where the latest surgi¬
cal instruments and appliances are assembled.
In an open wardrobe arr seen the white op¬
erating coats of doctors. There is also a long
table covered with charts, diaries and other
Sister Ludmilla, a nurse, about twenty-eight
years old, is occupied arranging medical mn¬
struments. She has large blue eyes, weak and
Hochroitzpointner enters from the ward.
Young man about twenty-five years old, med¬
ium of height, fat, pale face with scars, small
moustache, eye-glasses, and oiled smooth hair.
Type of student who attends all lectures and
has never succeeded in passing an examina¬
Hochroitzpointner: Professor has not come
yet? They are a long time at it todav. That’s
the third autopsy in a week, and only twenty
beds in the ward. And tomorrow we'll have
another one.
Sister: Do you think so, Doctor? That
septicaemia case?