II, Theaterstücke 25, Professor Bernhardi. Komödie in fünf Akten (Ärztestück, Junggesellenstück), Seite 966

box 31/8
25. BroBernhandi
Brigittenau,“the organization for free
Bernhardi: (to servant). Tell the gentle¬
men that I am not at home.
Goldenthal: But why?
Bernhardi: I am already in prison—I have
been sentenced.
Servant: (enters with card and hands it
to Goldenthal).
The gentleman insists.
Goldenthal: Show him in.
(Enter Kulka. Reporter.)
Kulka: Ah, Doctor Goldenthal! If I am
not mistaken?
Goldenthal: That is my name—we know
each other. Mr. Kulka, Professor Bernhardi
is a little fatigued—
Kulka: (taking out his note-book). If yon
will have the kindness—may I ask, Doctor
Goldenthal, if Professor Bernhardi intends to
take an appeal?
I took the liberty—
Bernhardi: With whom have I the pleas¬
Kulka: Kulka of“ The Latest News.“ My
chief, Professor, offers you our paper. We
will give expression to your just feelings,
against the Minister.
Bernhardi: I do not want the protection of
anv paper. My regards to your chief.
Kulka: Ithank you—I have the honor—
(Exit Kulka.)
Cyprian: I do not think that was neces¬

Goldenthal: I must say, Professor—
Bernhardi: I want to get through with this
whole thing. This last month was lost for my
work, my profession. It was bad enough as a
law case, but I shall save myself from a polit¬
ical battle, if necessary in prison. It is my busi.
ness to make people well, or at least male
them believe that I do it. And I want to do
that as soon as I am able.
Loewenstein: And your revenge—Flint,
Ebenwald—are you going to let them go free?
Bernhardi: I want no revenge. Their time
will come.
Cyprian: No matter how you intend to
carry on this matter, whether legally, politi¬
cally or privately, you should not have been 8o
short with Kulka.
Goldenthal: The friendship of such a news¬
Bernhardi: My dear Doctor you have to
take your enemies how and where you „find
them. I prefer to choose my friends.