box 18/3
nouncement publisbed exelnsively
The World gesterdag setting forth
that none but Green Room Glub mem¬
bers and their guests will be admit¬
ted and that, although fve aetresses
are to appear in the play, the andi
ence will be made up of inen onlg.
The Woild articlo gave a brief out¬
Iino of the play, a series of intimate
episodes in ench of whichta man and
n woman ülgure, In each succoeding
episode the man, or woman, who ap¬
peared in the preceding scene is seen
again. but with ancther admirer.
Fol will hofe, wrote Mr. Sum¬
ner, Lthat while women appeur in
the cast, they will not be permitten
in the andience. The affalr has all
the earmarks of a salaclous 'stag'
Its producers and
Sponsors should receive no more
consideration than do less preten¬
tious organizations indulging in sim¬
ilar vicious and illegal practices.
Competent policemen should be in
attendance and should take drastie
action at the first sian of illegality,
Mr. Sumner said the play is varl¬
ously referred to as" The Cirele'
Reigen“ 18
and"Hands Around.“
the German word for ring or
circle. He recalled having rend
newspaper accounts of riots in Ber¬
lin which occurred as a result of
attompts to give public performances
of this play. In the opinion or tho
anti-vice crusader, whether admis¬
sion is charged Sunday night or not,
if the performance is given under
uny eireumstances it will be a vio¬
lation of the law.
Already.“ he continued, “we havo
received complaints about the pros¬
pective production of this play and
have been urged to take what action
we can to prevent the performance.
Other works of Schnitzler, who is
from Vienna, shew clearly that he
has a filthy and perverted mind and
I feel that those who are sponsoring
the performance scheduled for Sun¬
day night, are doing so knowingly—
that is, with full understanding of
the fact that the play violates the
Penal Laws.“
Policemen from the West 68th
Street Station will attend the per¬
formance at the Belasco Theatre
Sunday night—if it is given—and
they will be under instructions to
act“ if they secn violation of law.
The Rov. Dr. Henry L. Bowlby,
Secretary of the Lord’s Day Alllance,
sald he has rocelved complaints from
church people aboutReigen“ and
bas begun an investigaton with a view
t0 ascertalning whether he cauf prs¬
vent the curtain Trom rising Sunday
Dr. Bowlby’s investigators are
locking into the questions of paid ad¬
mnissions and scegic effects for a Sun¬
dag night perforfnance. He is not
proceeding under the statute Mr.
Sumner belioves is about to be vlo¬
lated. His information, he added, is
that the play is a violation of law
whether ung one pays to see it or
not. Dr. Bowiby has not read the
Mr. Kahn, when told of the steps
being taken by the rellgions and anti¬
vice organizations to stop the per¬
formance, sald:
1 know nothing whatever about st.
All I know is Tam invited to attend a
Anner in my honor at the Green Room
Club and that we ard te go to a play
The defendants arraigned before
Judge Crain in the action agninst the
production of“The God Vengeance“
are Michael Selwen, mannger of ihe
theatre; Hlarry Weinberger, an at¬
torney and manager of the show;
Rudolph Schildkraut, star of the play,
and Virginia Mefadden, Esther Stock¬
ton, Marjorie Stewart, Irwin J. Adler.
Mao Berland, Samuel Juffe, Morris
Carnovsky, Dorothy Nolan, Aldenh
Wise, Lillian Talz and Jumes Meighan,
players. Th6g
II be examined
Marclg 15.
nual stname
lo ports In
plans draw:
ment. The
Dakota, Flor
prise the tn
Hurbank, pl.
tesföurth bir
fined tohl
Huehza. Co
ull parts of
— —
70 BREA!
Take Laxativ.
Tlie box beurs
(De sure Nou
ble disho
a remer
quite as
gift itsel
The Gist
Free V.
for admissien
will Positivelg
sent bu #
Diraetor of OI
1425 Brosdway
box 18/3
nouncement publisbed exelnsively
The World gesterdag setting forth
that none but Green Room Glub mem¬
bers and their guests will be admit¬
ted and that, although fve aetresses
are to appear in the play, the andi
ence will be made up of inen onlg.
The Woild articlo gave a brief out¬
Iino of the play, a series of intimate
episodes in ench of whichta man and
n woman ülgure, In each succoeding
episode the man, or woman, who ap¬
peared in the preceding scene is seen
again. but with ancther admirer.
Fol will hofe, wrote Mr. Sum¬
ner, Lthat while women appeur in
the cast, they will not be permitten
in the andience. The affalr has all
the earmarks of a salaclous 'stag'
Its producers and
Sponsors should receive no more
consideration than do less preten¬
tious organizations indulging in sim¬
ilar vicious and illegal practices.
Competent policemen should be in
attendance and should take drastie
action at the first sian of illegality,
Mr. Sumner said the play is varl¬
ously referred to as" The Cirele'
Reigen“ 18
and"Hands Around.“
the German word for ring or
circle. He recalled having rend
newspaper accounts of riots in Ber¬
lin which occurred as a result of
attompts to give public performances
of this play. In the opinion or tho
anti-vice crusader, whether admis¬
sion is charged Sunday night or not,
if the performance is given under
uny eireumstances it will be a vio¬
lation of the law.
Already.“ he continued, “we havo
received complaints about the pros¬
pective production of this play and
have been urged to take what action
we can to prevent the performance.
Other works of Schnitzler, who is
from Vienna, shew clearly that he
has a filthy and perverted mind and
I feel that those who are sponsoring
the performance scheduled for Sun¬
day night, are doing so knowingly—
that is, with full understanding of
the fact that the play violates the
Penal Laws.“
Policemen from the West 68th
Street Station will attend the per¬
formance at the Belasco Theatre
Sunday night—if it is given—and
they will be under instructions to
act“ if they secn violation of law.
The Rov. Dr. Henry L. Bowlby,
Secretary of the Lord’s Day Alllance,
sald he has rocelved complaints from
church people aboutReigen“ and
bas begun an investigaton with a view
t0 ascertalning whether he cauf prs¬
vent the curtain Trom rising Sunday
Dr. Bowlby’s investigators are
locking into the questions of paid ad¬
mnissions and scegic effects for a Sun¬
dag night perforfnance. He is not
proceeding under the statute Mr.
Sumner belioves is about to be vlo¬
lated. His information, he added, is
that the play is a violation of law
whether ung one pays to see it or
not. Dr. Bowiby has not read the
Mr. Kahn, when told of the steps
being taken by the rellgions and anti¬
vice organizations to stop the per¬
formance, sald:
1 know nothing whatever about st.
All I know is Tam invited to attend a
Anner in my honor at the Green Room
Club and that we ard te go to a play
The defendants arraigned before
Judge Crain in the action agninst the
production of“The God Vengeance“
are Michael Selwen, mannger of ihe
theatre; Hlarry Weinberger, an at¬
torney and manager of the show;
Rudolph Schildkraut, star of the play,
and Virginia Mefadden, Esther Stock¬
ton, Marjorie Stewart, Irwin J. Adler.
Mao Berland, Samuel Juffe, Morris
Carnovsky, Dorothy Nolan, Aldenh
Wise, Lillian Talz and Jumes Meighan,
players. Th6g
II be examined
Marclg 15.
nual stname
lo ports In
plans draw:
ment. The
Dakota, Flor
prise the tn
Hurbank, pl.
tesföurth bir
fined tohl
Huehza. Co
ull parts of
— —
70 BREA!
Take Laxativ.
Tlie box beurs
(De sure Nou
ble disho
a remer
quite as
gift itsel
The Gist
Free V.
for admissien
will Positivelg
sent bu #
Diraetor of OI
1425 Brosdway