II, Theaterstücke 11, (Reigen, 2), Reigen: USA, Seite 13

11. Reigen
box 19/1
eases, perversities, drunken orgies and inci¬
dents in whore honses (People v. Brainard, 192
Appellate Division, 816).
DECAMERON OF Boccacclo and the HEPTA¬
ing in highly colored stories of sexual adven¬
ture (In re Worthington, 30 N. V. Sup. 361).
A YoUNG GIRL's Dlaky and D. H. Lawrence's
WoMfEN IN LovE, portraying with a great deal
of particularity the sexual fancies of woman
(Opinion of Magistrate Simpson, People v.
Seltzer, New Vork Law Journal, September 30,
JURGEN, by James Branch Cabell, a thinly
veiled tale of amorous adventures (Opinion of
Judge Nott, Court of General Sessions, October
19, 1922).
TuE WELL oF LoyELINEss, by Radclyffe Hall,
a novel dealing with sexual abnormalities, in¬
version, and Lesbianism (People v. Friede and
Covici-Friede, Inc., Court of Special Sessions,
New Vork City, April 19, 1929).
REPLENISIIING Jessica, ly Maxwell Boden¬
heim, an acconnt of the sexual adventures of
a wealthy young girl with a succession of lovers
(Defendant acquitted by Court of General Ses¬
sions, after jury trial).
Pay Dar, by Nathan Asch, a book dealing
with the sexual frustrations of a young Wall
Street clerk (Opinion of Judge Henry M. R.
Goodman, Magistrate’s Court of the City of
New York, May 15, 1930).
The Court’s attention is especially directed to the
recent case of U. S. v. Mary Ware Dennett, in which
the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit reversed the judgment of conviction and or¬
dered the defendant discharged. This case involved
the extensive distribution of a twenty-five cent
pamphlet describing in detail the sexual act and