II, Theaterstücke 11, (Reigen, 2), Reigen: USA, Seite 20

11. Reigen
box 19/1
For all of these opinions, with the exception of
that of Dr. Otto P. Schinnerer, we respectfully
refer the Court to Der Kampf Um Den Reigen, the
original German court record of which a copy is
herewith submitted.
The Encyclopedia Britannica and the Columbia
University Correspondence Course on World Litera¬
ture speaks of his limpid style, his sense of humor,
his inimitable touch and his gift of characterization.
He is not an obscure writer endeavoring to gain
notoriety through a sensational work. He is an
artist of the first rank.
We respectfully call attention to the great num¬
ber of opinions of educators, literary men and mem¬
bers of the medical professions, which appear in the
court records of the Magistrate’s Court of the City
of New York, Borough of Manhattan, Fourth Dis¬
trict, in connection with the attempted suppression
of: Casanova’s Homecoming“, also written by the
same author, Dr. Arthur Schnitzler. In that case
an opinion was rendered by Judge Gottlieb on Sep¬
tember 25, 1930, dismissing the complaint. In this
opinion the Court referred to the high commenda¬
tion of Dr. Schnitzler’s literary skill and artistry,
submitted, among others, by such distinguished
men as Sinclair Lewis, H. L. Mencken, Heywood
Broun, Theodore Dreiser, Reverend Charles Francis
Potter and John Erskine, In the Court record of
the same case will be found, in addition, the critical
testimony of the following: Professor Allen W.
Porterfield, of West Virginia University; Professor
Horace M. Kallen, of Ohio State University; Hon.
Louis I. Harris, former Health Commissioner of
the City of New York; Dr. A. A. Brill; Dr. Henry
Smith Williams; Dr. Samuel J. Kopetzky, Editor
of the official organ of the Medical Society of the
County of New York; Jess Perlman, Director ofthe
Associated Guidance Bureau.