iene Kakadu
9. 3 eeee
box 15/3
P, Ooat D1u.
APRIL 12, 1910
Is very lovely in death, sees Gottwold take
two violets from his prayer book (she had
given them to him), and hears him say
that they are like the eyes of his little Han¬
nele. It is a very different world when one
is dead.
Of a sudden the vision changes, and the
atrocious Mattern appears, drunk and
vengeful. But a Stranger comes and
Schides him. The Lord Chris. would be like
this Stranger, and would tal., like him.
He has Gottwold’s face, but is dressed as
the Lord would dress, as she has seensthe
pictures and images of Him in theschurch.
Harrison Grey Fiske Presents
Thgaffrighted Mattern rushes out to hang
himself. The Stranger takes Hannele’s
Hannele“ and The Green
hand—she has heard such angelje cho¬
ruges!—and she rises from her coffin know¬
Mrs. Fiske oontinues to put the American
ing now that it is the Lord Christ who
stage in her debt by producing plays- of
Lids her rise. She kneels at his feet. He#
serious import and internationally recog¬
lifts her, takes her in his arms, and to¬
nized merit. Her company appeared at the
gether they ascend to glory up a golden
Lyceum Theatre last night in two pieces os
German parentage—Gerhardt Hauptmann's
And we in the world are left in the dark¬
Hannele’s Himmelfahrt“ (called in English
ness of the world. Slowly our former
Hannele*) and Arthur Schnitzler’s The
light returns to us, our light of earth, and
Green Cockatoo.“ Schnitzler’s one-act
then again we see the sordid room in the
Pgrotesquerle“ served as a curtain raiser,
shabby almshouse, the Doctor bending over
and Hauptmann’s beautiful and ethereallzed
the child’s bed, and Sister Martha watch¬
allegory ended the evening’s record of solid
ing anxiously with a candle in her hand.
achievement. A word later of the Vienna
'Is she dead?“ asks the Sister.
dramatist’s little pieture of the contrasts
She is dead,“ the Doctor answers.
In Paris life on the eve of the fall of the
And this is the play that a Mayor and
Bastile. Hannele,“ being more important,
sundry; other worthy citizens denounced
is entitled to prior consideration, To turn a
as "Impions,“ “sacrilegious“ and so follow¬
venture in the pure upper air poetry like
ing, sixteen years ago.
Hauptmann’s play into another language
Mrs. Fiske took the part of Hannele, and
Invites many misjudgments. The diction
without oversimulating childishness made
must suffer and Hauptmann’s lyrics, and
the figure natural. It is a paszive role,
even some of his prose passages, Geemed
and nearly every other part is Simplickty
last night to have lost a good dealltü the
itself. Mr. Blinn deserves a special word
translation. Poetry is volatile in essence,
for his acting as the schoolmaster, and the
and style resists the most conscientious ef¬
Stranger and the Dark Angel of Mr. Buck¬
forts at translation. A competent perform¬
land was highly impressive. The full cast
ance of Hannele,“ such as was given last
of Hannele“ was:
winter at the uptown German Theatre,
Hännele Mre. Fiske
must therefore always be more satisfactory
Gottwald Holbrock Blinn
Sister Martha Allee John
as a whole than the best intentioned Eng¬
Tulpe Florine Arnold
lish production. Tet Hauptmann's "dream
Hedwig Mabel Reed
poem“ is exceedingly simple in structure
Pleschke Sheldon Lewis
Hanke R. W. Tucker
and puts no severe test on a company of
Seidel Edward Mackay
actors. The maln thing is to preserve the
Berger Paul Scardon
Zextraordinarlly direct and almost childlike
" Heffron
Dr. Wachler. Henty. Stephenson
spirit of the original, and in that the per¬
In her delirium Hannele Imagines she sees:
formance of Mrs. Fiske’s company deserves
Mattern Fuller Mellish
generous commendation. In details it could
A woman’s flgure Virginia Kline
be made more literal, more Silesian and
A tall, dark angel.. Wilfred Buckland
First angel Merle Maddern
more Hauptmannesque. But the dramatic
Second angel... Veda McEvers
idea is conveyed adequately, and with a
Third angel Helena Van Brugh
Sister Martha. Miss John
good deal of its native power and sincer¬
The village, tallor R. Owen Meech
ity. The entire fitness of the play for pres¬
Jottwald Mr. Blin
entation, absurdly misjudged sixteen years
Pleschke Mr. Lewis
Hanke Mr. Tucker
ago, was happily vindicated and public
Seidel Mr. Mackay
reparation was thus made by the New
A strang- Mr. Blin
Four white-robed youths—Misses Mercer. Mar¬
York stage to a much misused author.
strand, Droste and West.
Hannele“ has been called Haupt¬
Mourners—By Misses Arnold, Mary Maddern,
mann’s masterpiece,“ a grandiloquent way
Fulton and Reed, and Mesers. Meech, Arun¬
del, Harrison and others.
of expressing the opinion that this“dream
The Green Cockatoo,“ which was, or is
poem“ is the best of the celebrated Ger¬
supposed to have been, the name of a
hardt’s works. It is nôt unknown to New
drinking place in the Paris of 1789, and
York playgoers who can remember what
near the Bastile. Bastile, 1789. Tou smell
occurred sixteen years ago. It made some
Revolution as soon as you glance at the
stir here in 1894, quite as much stir out¬
programme. And when you rend that the#
Iside the theatre as within. Mr. Gerrg and
action takes place on the evening 0f July 14
others oblected because a girl of fitcen
you can guess what will happen.
years had been selected for the part of
The keeper of the cabaret is one Pros¬
Hannele. The objectors thought the pres¬
pere, a theatrical manager gone to seed.
entation of the play would be an“impious
He brings to" The Green Cockatoo“ the
performance,“ and that the health and
patronage of gallants and aristocrats of
morals of the child actress would suffer
the town, who are attracted by the per¬
Injury. Mayor Gilroy, at a public hearing
formances of a troupe of shabby actors
In April, 1894, declared the piece “saerl¬
who impersonate the most vicious erim¬
legious“ and forbade the appearance of
Inals and perform plays of crime—not at
Miss Alice Pierce, the child above referred
all of the Jimmy Valentine,“ Arsène
to. But, except for giving the play a
Lupin' or“Raffles' order. An actor named
great gratuitous advertisement which must
Henri has some notoriety for improvising
have pleased the promoters of the produc¬
little pieces with murder in them. Now
tion, the opposition was without effect
he acts a little story he has just heard
The play was produced at the Fifth Ave¬
told. It is to be his last appearance, for
nue Theatre on the ist of May, and an
having taken unto himself a wife he will
actrese whose years did not call for the
leave the stage to-night and go to the
Interference of societies for the protection
#country to live. But he learns that the
of minors, Miss Adu Blanche, appeared as
story which has Just been told him is the
the.-bild, Hannele. Miss Maude Banks
Istory of his own wife’s faithlessness with
was the Deaconess and the Apparition of
a ducal lover. And so he enacts a scene
Hannele’s Mother; Miss Alice Butler was
of wild revenge, in which he kills an
the Sister Martha and Mr. Charles Rich¬
Imaginary duke. Never has he acted with
man was Gottwold the Schoolmaster and
such passion. And at its height a crowd
The Stranger whom Mayor Gilroy and
froars intó the cabaret, yelling: The Bas¬
others persisted in calling Christ.
tile has fallen!“ And, behold, in comes
Mr. Gerhardt Hauptmann, who was in
o his grage the duke, unon whom Henri falls
9. 3 eeee
box 15/3
P, Ooat D1u.
APRIL 12, 1910
Is very lovely in death, sees Gottwold take
two violets from his prayer book (she had
given them to him), and hears him say
that they are like the eyes of his little Han¬
nele. It is a very different world when one
is dead.
Of a sudden the vision changes, and the
atrocious Mattern appears, drunk and
vengeful. But a Stranger comes and
Schides him. The Lord Chris. would be like
this Stranger, and would tal., like him.
He has Gottwold’s face, but is dressed as
the Lord would dress, as she has seensthe
pictures and images of Him in theschurch.
Harrison Grey Fiske Presents
Thgaffrighted Mattern rushes out to hang
himself. The Stranger takes Hannele’s
Hannele“ and The Green
hand—she has heard such angelje cho¬
ruges!—and she rises from her coffin know¬
Mrs. Fiske oontinues to put the American
ing now that it is the Lord Christ who
stage in her debt by producing plays- of
Lids her rise. She kneels at his feet. He#
serious import and internationally recog¬
lifts her, takes her in his arms, and to¬
nized merit. Her company appeared at the
gether they ascend to glory up a golden
Lyceum Theatre last night in two pieces os
German parentage—Gerhardt Hauptmann's
And we in the world are left in the dark¬
Hannele’s Himmelfahrt“ (called in English
ness of the world. Slowly our former
Hannele*) and Arthur Schnitzler’s The
light returns to us, our light of earth, and
Green Cockatoo.“ Schnitzler’s one-act
then again we see the sordid room in the
Pgrotesquerle“ served as a curtain raiser,
shabby almshouse, the Doctor bending over
and Hauptmann’s beautiful and ethereallzed
the child’s bed, and Sister Martha watch¬
allegory ended the evening’s record of solid
ing anxiously with a candle in her hand.
achievement. A word later of the Vienna
'Is she dead?“ asks the Sister.
dramatist’s little pieture of the contrasts
She is dead,“ the Doctor answers.
In Paris life on the eve of the fall of the
And this is the play that a Mayor and
Bastile. Hannele,“ being more important,
sundry; other worthy citizens denounced
is entitled to prior consideration, To turn a
as "Impions,“ “sacrilegious“ and so follow¬
venture in the pure upper air poetry like
ing, sixteen years ago.
Hauptmann’s play into another language
Mrs. Fiske took the part of Hannele, and
Invites many misjudgments. The diction
without oversimulating childishness made
must suffer and Hauptmann’s lyrics, and
the figure natural. It is a paszive role,
even some of his prose passages, Geemed
and nearly every other part is Simplickty
last night to have lost a good dealltü the
itself. Mr. Blinn deserves a special word
translation. Poetry is volatile in essence,
for his acting as the schoolmaster, and the
and style resists the most conscientious ef¬
Stranger and the Dark Angel of Mr. Buck¬
forts at translation. A competent perform¬
land was highly impressive. The full cast
ance of Hannele,“ such as was given last
of Hannele“ was:
winter at the uptown German Theatre,
Hännele Mre. Fiske
must therefore always be more satisfactory
Gottwald Holbrock Blinn
Sister Martha Allee John
as a whole than the best intentioned Eng¬
Tulpe Florine Arnold
lish production. Tet Hauptmann's "dream
Hedwig Mabel Reed
poem“ is exceedingly simple in structure
Pleschke Sheldon Lewis
Hanke R. W. Tucker
and puts no severe test on a company of
Seidel Edward Mackay
actors. The maln thing is to preserve the
Berger Paul Scardon
Zextraordinarlly direct and almost childlike
" Heffron
Dr. Wachler. Henty. Stephenson
spirit of the original, and in that the per¬
In her delirium Hannele Imagines she sees:
formance of Mrs. Fiske’s company deserves
Mattern Fuller Mellish
generous commendation. In details it could
A woman’s flgure Virginia Kline
be made more literal, more Silesian and
A tall, dark angel.. Wilfred Buckland
First angel Merle Maddern
more Hauptmannesque. But the dramatic
Second angel... Veda McEvers
idea is conveyed adequately, and with a
Third angel Helena Van Brugh
Sister Martha. Miss John
good deal of its native power and sincer¬
The village, tallor R. Owen Meech
ity. The entire fitness of the play for pres¬
Jottwald Mr. Blin
entation, absurdly misjudged sixteen years
Pleschke Mr. Lewis
Hanke Mr. Tucker
ago, was happily vindicated and public
Seidel Mr. Mackay
reparation was thus made by the New
A strang- Mr. Blin
Four white-robed youths—Misses Mercer. Mar¬
York stage to a much misused author.
strand, Droste and West.
Hannele“ has been called Haupt¬
Mourners—By Misses Arnold, Mary Maddern,
mann’s masterpiece,“ a grandiloquent way
Fulton and Reed, and Mesers. Meech, Arun¬
del, Harrison and others.
of expressing the opinion that this“dream
The Green Cockatoo,“ which was, or is
poem“ is the best of the celebrated Ger¬
supposed to have been, the name of a
hardt’s works. It is nôt unknown to New
drinking place in the Paris of 1789, and
York playgoers who can remember what
near the Bastile. Bastile, 1789. Tou smell
occurred sixteen years ago. It made some
Revolution as soon as you glance at the
stir here in 1894, quite as much stir out¬
programme. And when you rend that the#
Iside the theatre as within. Mr. Gerrg and
action takes place on the evening 0f July 14
others oblected because a girl of fitcen
you can guess what will happen.
years had been selected for the part of
The keeper of the cabaret is one Pros¬
Hannele. The objectors thought the pres¬
pere, a theatrical manager gone to seed.
entation of the play would be an“impious
He brings to" The Green Cockatoo“ the
performance,“ and that the health and
patronage of gallants and aristocrats of
morals of the child actress would suffer
the town, who are attracted by the per¬
Injury. Mayor Gilroy, at a public hearing
formances of a troupe of shabby actors
In April, 1894, declared the piece “saerl¬
who impersonate the most vicious erim¬
legious“ and forbade the appearance of
Inals and perform plays of crime—not at
Miss Alice Pierce, the child above referred
all of the Jimmy Valentine,“ Arsène
to. But, except for giving the play a
Lupin' or“Raffles' order. An actor named
great gratuitous advertisement which must
Henri has some notoriety for improvising
have pleased the promoters of the produc¬
little pieces with murder in them. Now
tion, the opposition was without effect
he acts a little story he has just heard
The play was produced at the Fifth Ave¬
told. It is to be his last appearance, for
nue Theatre on the ist of May, and an
having taken unto himself a wife he will
actrese whose years did not call for the
leave the stage to-night and go to the
Interference of societies for the protection
#country to live. But he learns that the
of minors, Miss Adu Blanche, appeared as
story which has Just been told him is the
the.-bild, Hannele. Miss Maude Banks
Istory of his own wife’s faithlessness with
was the Deaconess and the Apparition of
a ducal lover. And so he enacts a scene
Hannele’s Mother; Miss Alice Butler was
of wild revenge, in which he kills an
the Sister Martha and Mr. Charles Rich¬
Imaginary duke. Never has he acted with
man was Gottwold the Schoolmaster and
such passion. And at its height a crowd
The Stranger whom Mayor Gilroy and
froars intó the cabaret, yelling: The Bas¬
others persisted in calling Christ.
tile has fallen!“ And, behold, in comes
Mr. Gerhardt Hauptmann, who was in
o his grage the duke, unon whom Henri falls