Hannele’s Mother; Miss Allee Butler was
a ducal lover. And so he enacts a scene
the Sister Martha and Mr. Charles Rich¬
of wila revenge, in which he kills an
man was Gottwold the Schoolmaster and
Imaginary duke. Never has he acted with
The Stranger whom Mayor Gilroy and
stich passion. And its height a crowd
others persisted in calling Christ.
roars int## the cab rey yelling-AThe Bas¬
Mr. Gerhardt Hauptmann, who was in
tile has fallen!“ And, behold, in comes
New York at thetime for the purpose of
his grace the duke, upon whom Henrl falls
witnessing the first performance in
murderously, letting out his life. There
English of his play, thought it necessary
are all kinds of eriminals and scurvy
to deny that The Stranger was intended as
knares, and noblemen and dusty reyplu¬
a representation of Christ. The Mayor,
tionaries, king’s men, and people’s men,
unable to prove that Mr. Hauptmann was
nolsy patriots whoare humbugs, and uiet
In error, contented himself with obita dicta
ones who may be anything yon like—but
Von “sacrilegé' and on an age not in sym¬
what de they In this galley? There are
pathy with “miracle plays,“ but he did
demagogues and persons of fashion, there
not further Interfere with the arrange¬
Is Prospere, keen for revolution and pieces
ments. Of course the theatre was crowded
of gold; there is a convict-knave, there 18
from stage to stairways.
Henri, the mime, a nalve actor, and there
Those times of much ado are now re¬
is the woman. And the woman kneels by
called to mark the broader state of the
the murdered duke and moans: Never
public, the official, and the semi-offleial
was I worth so much as this!“
mind of 1910. Nobody dreamed of beseech¬
Schnitzler’s piece is-ingenlous in both idea
Ing Mayor McClellan to preserve the city
and execution—a model curtain raiser. It
from sacrilege when Mr. Charles Rann
gives Mr. Blinn another impressive part
Kennedy's play, The Servant In the
as the chlef actor in the café and provides
House,“ was produced by Mr. Henry
u lively series of dramatic contrasts, Its
Miller. Nobody felt called upon to prevent
cast was:
the appearance of Mr. Forbes-Robertson
Emile, Duc de Cadignan Edward Mao
in The Bassing of the Third Floor Back,“
Françols, Vicomte de Nogeant. Cyrll Chadwiel
Albln, Chevaller de. la Tremoullle. Gregory Kellz
although his Stranger or Passerby is quite
Marquis de Lansac Fuller Mellie
s intblous“ for ihree hours as Haupt¬
Severine Merle Maddern
mann's 18 for fifteen minutes. No society
Prospere Henry Stephen
has considered it necessary to guard the
Henrl Holbro
illaume 30
#morals“ of the Juvenile actor who played
that fond and skilful cracksman,
nist: mmn Hareid
Valentine, at Wallack’s the other day
ichette. Helen V
city fathers, reverend fathers, offi
1# Frnsset ershel
eittzens forbade Mr. Ben Greet to produc d Lebret urgA
Dr. Faustus“ at the Garden Theatre, algm Wiltrec
though in that drama, as in Hannele,“mm eN. Heffron
###cred names are used with much fre¬
quency,“ and there are“visions“ which
even a Mayor might be“ unable to dis¬
tinguish from real occurrences“; and no
enemy of The New Theatre was
of an inner call to sup
Beatrice“ as a blasphemo
represent sacred things ar
the stage.“ It will be obser
1s some senalble movement in
Hannele“ is written and a#
d in
reverent a ppirit an Sister Beatrice.“
Is not throughout so beautiful a spectacie
as Maet
play, because in the latfer
the actt
eparts from the Convent
0f Dur
vain. There the spec¬
epresence of the sister¬
tator is al
hood and be
ahrine. In“ Hannele“
Ithe scene is à bare and rickety room in a
mountäln almshouse, and thé spectator 18
introduced to a rasged, dirty lot of odlous
paupert, some of whom are sthieves and
morse than thieven. Torthis repul¬
Istve refuge, o1l
ssnicht Gottwold
the Schoolmaster brings Hannele Mattern,
algirl of fourteen, whom Seidel the Wood¬
cutter has saved from drowning. Over¬
lwweishted with misery, the cbild has sought
rellef in death. Her mother Is dead. Her
reputed fatlier is a sot, who beats the chlid
and sende her out to beg. Berger, a pom¬
peus and Hypocritical so- gistrate, is really,
the chlid's father, and of course, he 18
bound to invoke the law against child
suleide and the drunkenness of such good!
for nothings as Mattern thé Mason. Mat¬
tern, by the way, married Hannelé’s möther
after Berger’s desertion.
Whilé the law and medleine, the munic¬
lpallty and the Church are debating
the course to pursue with the unfo
child, Hannele falls into an iliness,
liricus moments and sees visions. She
sces the Angel of Death; she sces her #wn
möther, who must have been, she is qulte
sure, the gweetest and best of women. She
sees the rum soaked Mattern, who is always
beating her. Besides the Angel of Dark¬
ness, she stes Angels of Light. The only
kindness she has ever known Is the kind¬
ness of Gottwold the Schoolmäster, and she
thinks Gottwold must be like Christ. Siies
iknows now, too, the kindness of Sister Mar¬
tha, the Deaconess. By and by the child.
sees the Lord in her vision, and the Lord
Tresembles the good, kind Gottwold and
speaks like him. And the Angels of Light
sing to her of heaven. Death is beautiful,
and she wants to die. They bring her a
crystal coffin and a bridal gown, such a
gown as abe would have worn had she
married Gottwold. But now sheis to be
the Bride of the, Lord. Her poor little brain
is tangled up with memorles of earthly
wretcledness and heavenly bliss, with
crude theology and the real dream worlii
Tof childhood. She sees herself dying, dead;
Isces her funeral, hears people say that she!