II, Theaterstücke 9, (Der grüne Kakadu. Drei Einakter, 3), Der grüne Kakadu. Groteske in einem Akt, Seite 221

ruene Kakadu
9. 3 J en Se e e eee eech e
box 15/3
Therseif through theice Into the vil¬
lage pond.
Half dead she lies upon the dirty
cot in the almshouse, and through
her tortured mind the happenings of
her short life pass in blurred and
distorted procession. Left in the
darkness by Sister Martha, a charity
nurse, Hannele, in her delirum, first
sees bending over her- the terrible
form of her father, cursing and
threatening her. She screams alond
in her fright and crawling from the
bed falls weakly on the stone tiling
in her efforts to escape the brute.
Gottwald, her kind schoolmaster, and
the nurse lay her gently on the cot
again and she is left alone.
The child’s brain takes a new turn,
and sitting beside her she sees hier
mother and is awed by her beauty.
She entreats her mother to stay, and
cries aloud as the shrouded figure,
disappears again into vacancy. Then
in turn, to the sound of music, Han¬
nele sees long lines of singing an¬
gels. and the kind schoolmaster
Gottwald in her dream takes on the
form of Christ.
Through her vision the village tall¬
lor comes with a beautiful robe in
which she is to lie in her coffin, for
now Hannele is dreaming of that
death she sought in the millpond.n
##e village school children enter
the röom softly and lock with awe
upon the silent figure of thein former!
companion. The housewives come
and, laying flowers on the casket öf
erystal and silver, recount the mäny
good qualities of the child.
Trüen-Gottwald, the Christ or Hand
nele's dream, raises the child and,to
music such as she has never heard
showst her a dazzling golden path,
between two long lines of singing
angels, and with her hand in his
Hannele starts the ascent toward
Heaven, and her mother.
For a momenf darkness and then
agaln the dirty room In the alms¬
Thouse. From above there is the noise
of brawling beggars and drunken
Lwomen. Sister Martha and Gottwald,
the schoolmaster, lean over the bedi
on which Hannele lies. The fllthy
coverlid mer###nomorepver theffit¬
kul breast, but on the white face!
there is the joy of her dreams.
It Is no egsy task to send over,thel
M THEATRE. — Hannele,“
play by Gerhart Hauptmann, pre¬
footlights in tangible form a poem#
ceded be Arthur Schnitzler's one-ac
play as dreamlike and mystical as
play, The Green Cockatoo.“
this of Hauptmann's. No one could!
Hannele Mrs. Fiske have done it better than Mr. Fiske,
Gottwald Holbrook Bliniand we are to be congratulated that,
Sister Martha Miss Allce John
with“ Hannele“ in his possession, it
Tulpé Miss Florine Arnold
was made possible for us to see Mrs.
ledwig. Miss Mabel Reed
Fiske in the role of the dreaming!
Pleschke Sheldon Lewis
child. In volce and mannerism she¬
Hanke A R. W. Tucker
Seidel Edward Mackay
was successful in conveying the child¬
Berger Paul Scardon
ish misery and poetic exaggerated
Schmidt T. N. Heffron
imagination of Hauptmann’s Child
Dr. Wachler Heunry Stephenson
Mattern Fuller Mellish
A woman’s figure Miss Virginia Kline
Hannele“ is fated to be buffetea
A tall, dark angel. Wilfred Buckland
about by the many, but the few who
First angel Miss Merle Maddern
like it will wax enthusiastic over #.
Second angel Miss Veda McEvers
The former are the unthinking—
Third angel Miss Helena Van Brugh
Sister Martha Miss John
those who could not quite understand
The village tallorR. Owen Meech
Mr. Barrie's Peter(Pan.“ The few.
Tare the students and those who have
the welfare and advancement of our
Emile, Duc de Cadigan. Edward Mackay
stage at heart; of the latter group
Francolt., Vicomte de Nogeant.
Cyrfl Chadwick
Mrs. Fiske is idol—the actress to
Francois, Vicomte de la Tremouille.
whom a famous English critic, leav¬
Gregory Kelly
ing for England after the dedication
Diarquis de Lansac. Fuller Mellish
exereises atthe New theatre, re¬
Severine Miss Marle Maddern
ferred as “that wonderful, wonderful
Rollin R. W. Tucker
woman, of yours, Minnie Maddern
Prospere Heury Stephenson
Henrl Holbrook Blinn
Ogen Meech