II, Theaterstücke 9, (Der grüne Kakadu. Drei Einakter, 3), Der grüne Kakadu. Groteske in einem Akt, Seite 245

box 15/3
uene Kakadu
9.3. Der
NovEMBER 10, 1013
Selfridge & Co., Ltd. (Edional Roomss),
Oxford Street, London, W.
NOTE.—This column is occupied every day b
article reflecting the policies, principles, and opinions
of Business upon various points of
of this Hou.
gublic interest
Sealed Orders“ Drury Lane
“ The theatre manager in this country will
Under Two Flags“ Lyceum
tell you that he tries to give che public what
Diplomacy“ Wyndhar
it wants. He does nothing of the kind,
The Ever-Open Door“ Aldwych
declared Mr. Willäam Poel last evening, in
It was Swilt who once made the
Joan of Arc“ Covent Garden
the course of a keenly argued address on the
The Whip Coronet
genial remark,“ The happiest faces
subject of“ A People’s Theatre,'’ which he
The Wite Tamer“ (lever
gave at the Ethical Church, Bayswater.
dtridean). Apollo
one sees are in funeral coaches.“
The commercial system—the financial
Joseph and His Brethren“., His Majesty's
question—these things, he added,“ enter
The Scarlet Pimpernel“ „, Kennington
Which piece of cynicism is allof a
into the matter at every point.“' Mr. Poel
0h! Say!King's
piece with a philosophy which
+Princess Caprice Marlborough
proceeded to give a graphic account ol
The Pearl Girl“ Shaltesbury
delicate negotiations wich Bond-street and
always had a pessimistic tinge and
+Come Over Here“London Opera
other quarters preparatory to the production

never by any chance looked on the
of a play in the West End of London with!
Kinemacolor & Kinoplastikon Scala
the purpose of showing how financial support
sunny side of things.
can be secured for theatrical undertakings.
The Thirteenth“ (deuer de
The whole theatrical organizatior of the
mdenn) Comedy
A happy face is the outward and
*The Little Stone House“
country itself,'’ he contended,“ is standmg
(lever de #ideau) Court
visible token of a cheerful spirit
in the way of a People's Theatre in England.?
he Marriage Market“ Daly's
Mr. Poel recently paid a visit to Ger¬
that meets trouble bravely, that is
The Girl from Utah“ ... Adelphi
many, and in a week spent in Hamburg he
*The Pursuit of Pamela“ Royalty
was enabled to sec a good deal of the Ger¬
indomitable in the face of difficulty,
The Grand Seigneur“ Savoy
man stage, and in particular to grasp the
The Cirl on the Film“ Gaiety
that is #mgasily daunted by unto¬
fact that life in allgrlasses andages of society
Between Sunsetand Dawn“
is truly represented on it. IIe saw perform¬
&“ The Green Cockatoo“ Vaudeville
ward circumstances, that regards
ance of works br Shakspeare, including
" The Great Adventure“ „ Kingsway
failure not as failure, but simply as
onc of“ Love’s Labour’s Lost,?' which he
"The Girl in the Taxi.... Lyrie
described as“ one of the most beautiful
he Laughing Husband“. New
the best of reasons for trying again;
things I have ever locked on?'; by Schiller;
The Dear Departed“ (lever
and by modern writers,, including the much
and we believe that this bright16.30
#endrat) Criterion
discussed“ Behind the Walls“.and“ Lulu'
The Will' (lever de rmean)
spirit of optimism is far from being
and in Berlin, Dresden, and elsewhere he
and The Adored One“ Dukeof Vork’s
gathered much additional knowedge of pre¬
The Entertainers“.. Garrick
valent conditions on the Continent.
+People Like Ourselves“ „ Globe
We know, for instance, that this
great difference, he concluded.“ between
Gemina“ (lever de ridtan) Ihe Little
the German theatre and the Englisn stage is
Mary Goes First“ Playhouse
House (Selfridge's) is full of it, and
Are Vou There?“ Princeof Wales
that vou see no amateurish work abroad.
that the Cheerful atmosphere that
1 The Witch St. James's
You may not understand it all, but you cän¬
The Joneses“. Strand
pervades every nook and corner adds
not goto sleep.
A Dear Little Wife“ (kever
Among those present at the lecture was
immeasurably to the invitingness of
de videas) Haymarke
Signor Umano, who has been so actively
shopping here. The light and airy
Never Say Die“ Apollo
concerned in the successful foundation of the
Tango Queen s
people'’s theatre at Milan, where classical
spaciousness of the building has
plays and plays bv modern writers of the
rchl I Sayl“Criterion
much to do with it of course, this o.o
first rank and of all nations, are performed
Jane Clegg“ Court
1A Place in the Sun Comedy
before working-men spectators, who pay less
having been planned with that end
Ihe Real Thing“. Garrick
than fourpence apiece for their seats. Mr.
in view. Also the beauty of thei „
Within the Law“ Haymarket
Poel made reference to this enterprise, and
Magie“ Ihe Little
merchandise on every hand and the
to Miss Rosina Filippi's 440,000 scheme to
WThis Way, Madam Qucen's
found such a theatre over here; and ex¬

way it is displayed adds its quota
pressed the opinion that, if only 25,000 was
of attractiveness. But chief of all,
forthcoming, it would be perfoctlv possible
to start a people'’s theatre in England, and
and first of all, it is the cheerfulness
to carry it on for five vears. The perform¬
A signed
of every individual about the place
ances would be what are called“ fit-up?
18.0 Coliseum
that gives the prevailing note. It16.20 Falladium
shows in town halls and whatever buildings
(Fust Performance)
were available, and at the beginning one
is the happy faces brought to busi¬
Victoria Palace

would have to be prepared to lose money;
(First Perjormanee)
ness by ihe Staff that count so
but he thought that at the end of that time
9.10 Palladium
1.30 Oxford
(Second Performance)
the thing would be established.
7.45 Pavilion
much, for of all things Cheerfulness
Victoria Palace
is most contagious, and none can
(Second Performance)
A large
6.0 Alhambra
stay for I ig in its proximity with¬
out being moved by it.
he ürst of ihm Sundan avanine gensente night.