II, Theaterstücke 9, (Der grüne Kakadu. Drei Einakter, 2), Die Gefährtin. Schauspiel in einem Akt (Der Wittwer), Seite 11

box 14/7
9.2. DieS
ROB:—Vou are no better than the rest in yorr adv ce.
ALF:—In my wildest dreams 1 did not picture our mest¬
feel myself perfectly fit. Whr, I'm just longing for it!
ing again like this.
ALF:—I understand. But this lenging is not to be truned.
ROB—You didn't stop over in the city, did you!
1 have a proposal to make. (Cordially): Come away wich
ALF:—No. I reckoned if I wanted to sce you today—and
me. You have granted me a few days more and I’m going
I couldn't think of putting it off. (To Olga): Oh, it’s heart¬
to take you with me. What do ycu say to that, Frau Mer¬
breaking! Heartbreaking! How did it happen? haven't
been told yet. How? How? in a word tell me (Robert
OLGA:—Not a bad idea, that.
does not reply.)
ROB:—You intend going away—now? You—
OLGA:—I. happened quite unexpectedly.
ALF:—Heart failure!
ALF:—Of course, I intend to ask for a few days more.
ROB:—But where are you going?
ALF:— Without any previous symptoms?
ALF:—To the seashore.
ROB:—Without any previous symptoms.
ROB:—Back again?
ALF.—When and where?
ALF:—Yes, but with you. It will do you a heap of good.
ROB:—The day before yesterday, wil#, she was taking a
Take my word for it. Eh, Frau Merholm?
turn in the g#rden. The gardener saw ner stagger—near the
OLGA:—Oh, of course.
pond. From my room I heard his cry. When I arrived on
ALF:—Now you come along with me to Schveningen—1
de spot all was over.
insist on it—and spend several days with us there.
ALF:—My poer fellow! How you must have suffered!
ROB— Us'? Us?? Then you are not alone?
I cannot real'ze it all. So young and so beautiful!
ALF:—Of course I'm alone. But there are people at
CLGA:—They are favored by heaven wio are taken off
Scheveningen—who— (Stammers) —.
that way.
ROB:—Well? (Pause.)
ALF:—That’s no consolation.
ALF:—I didn't wish to announce the news until a few
ROB:—I suppose you got my telegram rather late.
days yet, but since things have combined in such a way—in a
ALF:—Tes; otherwise I might have been here earlier. If
word, I'm engaged to be married.
there were such things as presentiments—
ROB (Quite coldly) :—Ah!
OLGA:—But there are none,
ALF:—It doesn't matter whether I announce it today or
ALF:—Quite so. The day was like any other. Possibly
tomorrow, does it? Life still flows on. But it seems a little
brighter and cheerfuller than usual—
strange that it had to happen just—
ROB:—Cheerfuller than usual?
ROB:—I congratulate you!
ALF:—Of coursc, I only imagined so. We were out sail¬
ALF:—Now you see why I said "with us' a moment ago,
ing on tue water. After that we went for a stroll along the
and you will understand now why I am impatient to return.
beach in the cool twilight—
ALF:—But please come along. Her parents would be most
ALF:—Certainly; quite a company; and when I returned
delighted to make your acquaintance. I spoke so much about
tothe hotel, in the dimness of my room I gazed out upon the
you. They’re good people, besides. As for the girl—well,
sea. Then I got a light—and spied the telegram on the
you'll judge when you see her.
table. Ahl (Pause. He covers his eyes with his hands zhile
ROB:—Nt now. I may find time later. (He i# zuccessful
Olga walches Robert narrozely. Robert is garing straight
in maintaining this studied calmness, but not without dif¬
before him.)
ficultp.) This is quite a mad notion of yours—a trip to the
ALF (Removing his hand from his epes) :—This is her—
seashore to be introduced to ycur flancee. By the by, how
(chokes) —room?
many millions is she worth?
ALF (Pained) :—What a question to ask! I give you my
word, I’m not the type of man who marries for money.
ALF:—How often hare we sat there on the balcony!
ROB:—So it’s a grande passion, eh?
(Turning, he caiches a glimpse of the cemetery wall at the
ALF:—Let’s not speak of it any more today. It’s almost
end of the streel. Tremulously): There? (Robert nods.) In
a—(he almost gays #sacrilege').
the morning we must visit her—you and I.
ROB:—Why not? Life still flows on,“ as you truthfully
ROB:—You can offer your wreath there yourself. It has
remarked. Let us talk of the living. How did you make
just come. (Pause.)
her acquaintance?
ALF:—And what are your plans for the immediate future:
ALF.—She’s Viennese.
ROB:—What do you mean?
OLGA:—I’ve asked the professor to spend as much time
ROB:—Ah, now I know all!
as he can spare at the villa.
ROB:—Surely you recall you once related to me the story
ALF:—In any case he mustn't remain here. No, you must
of your youthful student love for a girl with golden hair?
not reinain on the spot.
ALF:—What’s that to do with it?
ROB:—I have planned to move to the city early in Octo¬
ROB:—Well, a chance meeting after many years, the
ber. It isn't very long until then. Besides, I shall glance
awakening of the old passion, and go on.
into the laboratory once or twice. The two Americans wlo
ALF:—How well vou remember it! No, it is not she. I
were here last year llaye been at work since the end of
know my flancee but two years, and it was for her sake that
I chose the seashore for my vacation.
ALF:—Yes, so you wrote me in your last letter. But you
ROB:—And there you fell in love with her.
needn't return to the city for that. Vou’re not going to buckle
ALF:Oh, I knew for ever so long that I was going to
down to -ork right away, I hope.
make her my wife.
ROB:—You’re simply preposterous, Alfred! What else can
ROB :—Indeed!
I do? I assure you I’ve no inclination to anything but work.
ALF.—Dut you're not fit for it now.
ALF:—We’ve been secretly engaged one whole year.