II, Theaterstücke 5, Liebelei. Schauspiel in drei Akten, Seite 698

5.— box 11/2
an intriaie wit a manrie
hahn #nes und arer herseif 1
M wrheng renerge. und ##e is Kanteless
de Freshes und gimMicir #e somer
hnrer l ineche bas ever
Kscgrne Muse.
ihr Husband #alls.
ihe Mdet e u purtr which Friz
und les Krietuk Pacere ur Eiwing 10
Chriseene nitet Der Crswie Mitzh## worhltr
Httte milliner, de Pritsle Apaminent. he
Sadcnt is Mtrprised br & call fronthe
hueband os ch woman, und While cher
zirts ard burried inte unocher ocm cheri
i# a Cäallenge Tor a url.
nt all he dr uc frat ae.
e Reentuch rie wune At. Curiskins s
une bie Dei Tanewell. Pe is om Hir

way ## Kmbeting wich ehe kushamg ot
ün woma: #r schich e# course. slc
Anowe nothing. and in dhe epurm af her
presenen forcer ha Treodore is waitige
tonhin##t The Moer umtil the Iatier runs
#b # teür him Trom euh urms of the girl
teschom ie ie Awegring his Iove.
In the third and Jast act Chrigtine 18
alone in her Rome. Fritz has been gond
Tor ##wo days and she is in a toment of.
apprehension. Her eid father Coines to
her. De has divineel her serret and
feerned the truth. De i#rring wainig
## prepare her für the,worst, uhen Thea¬
Hore quietig enters the shabby littie
Christing Hiesto him for news of
ut he is silent and embarrassed.
e lighis At length upen is cos¬
d in ihe dim liaht she sces thht.
gompiete mourning. Fritz is
#esilently bows hie head.
In had an Mechdlent—
streat scene in tie
he rent han been
half crazed wirh
t, stands in the
codore in
entered, grimly
he whole stoty is
ld fatl
in. I
le reckoning.
ey as Christine gave
of her very considerable
as an adinirable picture
tenderness in the first and
ts, and in the last scene she
leights of emotional acting, or
gedy. withont in the least losing
of herself. She was slightly
last night and will undoubtedly
as the play passes out of the
ental stage.
Rankin gave a naive interore¬
he sephisticated little milliner
ean and Robert Conness
to the demands of Fritz and
espectively. George Heury
was an excelient old man. As
ather of Christine his acting was
vmodulated and disclosed moments
undoubted strength.
Albert Bruning made a fine impression
in bis brief appearance as the aggrieved
husband, and Sarah M-Vickar did the
###racter part of Mrs. Catherine Binder
with taste and sEill.