II, Theaterstücke 5, Liebelei. Schauspiel in drei Akten, Seite 1931


box 13/7
BadenSalzburg Semmering
Roulette — Baccara — Chemin de fer
Österreichische Casino A.
Wien III, Schwarzenbergplatz 5a
I., österr. behördlich konzessioniertes
Unternehmen für Zeitungs-Ausschnitte
Wien I, Wollzeile 11, Telephon R-23-0-43
Ausschnitt aus:
Die Pienne serad. Sin
12. Ar fi. 1335
An agreement was signed recently
according to which Oscar Straus’s
musical version of the Schnitzler play
Liebelei“ will be produced M London
in the English language. The work was
acquired by the famous London theatri¬
cal manager Cochran and will be pro¬
duced early in May at His Majesty’s
Theatre: Thé London production will be
preceded according to usual custom by
a try-out in the Provinces, Manchester
being selected for the purpose. The
darmatic author Knoblauch has done
the translation into English of the
libretto and of the lyrics by Beda.
It is reported that the part of Frits
will be entrusted to the former Rein¬
hardt acter Franz Lederer, while that
lof Christine will in all likelihood be
(played by the English star Evelyne
Laye. Oscar Straus has made a çon¬
tract with the heirs of Arthur Schnitz¬
ler, according to which he is entitled to
make a musical version of the play.
The composer has provided for a some¬
what different ending, in which Fritz
is not killed in the duel, but only
wounded so that the way to a pleasant
solution is left open. In the English
version, too, the scene of the action is
Vienna, so that the work of an Aus¬
trian poet and of an Austrian com¬
poser will be of undoubted propagandist
value in England. No definite arrange¬
ments concerning a production of the
work in Vienna have yet been made.