II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 274

4.9. Anatol - Zyklus
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Ausschnitt aus:
really Chronicle, London
There was a very great change from the
day when they called and dent of social
re to these every year saw
mesure of social or Cheers
Tales of Five Sweethearts at
the Little Theatre.
The ideal home for those delightful little
Schnitzler plays of which three have already
ben vouched to a music-hall audience at
the Palace, was undoubtedly found on Satur¬
day night in the Little Theatre. There is an
air of choicences about the place that exactly
responded to the delicate texture of Anatole
little love affairs.
Not least te audience itself, which had
gathered to give a send-off to Mies Lilla
Marthye first essay in management,
seemed just about the right sort of audience
for the dialogues a very important point.
Abend of the advanced drama crowd
with men and women of the more or les
smart world seemed to touch off just the
necessary compromise between intellect,
elegante, and a sense of humour.
What, then, of Anto himself? To tell
the truth, he turns out a most entertaining
companion even for a whole evening. We
had no fewer than five of his love stories on
end, and so far from boring one they rather
grew upon the imagination. One found
oneself quite sorry to think that Anatol was
going to be married after all-perhaps, in¬
deed, he was not even though he started
out with his bouquet, who knows what have
a glance from a bright eye on his way to
the church might not have had upon the
Anatolian temperament
Of the five girls Hilda, Gabrielle, Bibi,
Mimi, and Lons who occupied his heart in
turn on Saturday night, only two were new
to London. These were Gabrielle and Bibi.
Hilda, Mimi, and Lona have already figured
in Ask No Questions," arwell
Supper," and "The Wedding Morning
the Palace. The two new dialogues
Christmas Presen and an "An Episode
were both vorthy of Schnitzler and of
The first one has a touch almost of patho¬
in it though heaven forbid that any heavy
business" should weigh down the heart of
Anatol. He has offered his umbrella to a
lady in a shower. She turns out to be
Gabrielle, an old flame of his, married. He
was buying a Christmas present for another
girl, just a dear little girl who lived
all alone in a little room with cheap and
nasty wallpaper," a little girl to whom he
was all the world for the moment, and
who would be sure to greet him by throwing
her arme round his neck and saying. It is
good to have again!" Take her¬
these flowers, said Gabrielle," and tell her
that they are from someone who might have
been as happy as she, if she had had the
The other new dialogue is, by way of
revenge, a humiliation for Anatol. He is
sorting his old love-letters with his friend
Max. He comes upon one with just the
remnants of a rosebud in it nothing more.
Ah, says he, that was little Bibi.
of our
