II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 279

box 8/7
4.9. Anatol - Zyklus
It is significant of the trend of the time that two
the plays non running have been published. The
series of Viennes playets by Arthur Schnitzler, which
use on
Mr. Barker las paraphrased, which he is now playing
at the Palace Theatre just think of
it, appear from the press of Sidwick
and Jackson under the generic name
Anatoland excellent reading
they make in their conical, came style,
for they have a philosophy far beyond
the outlook of the ordinary musi¬
all habitur. They are difficult to act,
and truth compels ont to say that
Mr. Barker is not seen at his
best as a Viennes Rome. Then
Mr. Treich has had the good
sense to issue at a shilling
Mr. MEvoy's rambling comedy,
All that Matters There is a
peculiar appropriateness in such a
publication in this majority year, for
All that Matters is not unlike
A Doll's House." Both of them
stand for the rights of a woman as an
individual in the case of Nora Helmer

in spite of her husband ; in the case of
Olive Kimber in spite of her parents.
Those who believe in national
theatres, and other missionary ideals,
are still the butt of the box-office and
all that sound sense which the man of
business is supposed to stand for. But
the man of business has hardly
reckoned on the fact that the plays he
despises are slipping into print, and are,
in consequence, making his possible
public increasingly dissatisfied with
what he has to offer.
This fact, as much as the competition
of the music-halls, is militating against
the success of the theatre. One need
not blame the managers, because the
audience for advanced drama is not big
enough to support a theatre on orthodox
West End lines Mr. Charles Frohman's
experiment at the Duke of Yorks
clearly showed this. On the other
hand, that little leavening is affecting
the old type of audience by making it
diss tisfied. The truth seems to be
that the theatre is in a transition stage,
which the average manager does not
In this playlet, Anatol (Mr. Granville Barker, a young man about town, has invited his friend Max (Mr. Nigel Playfair
on the left), to help him to get rid of Mimi (Miss Lilah McCarth), ct whom he has become tired. Before he can tell her
in the least understand. At the
that, however, she tells him that she has found another object for her affections.
present moment Londoners have an
with "Saints and For example, "The Madras Haus
excellent opportunity of seeing what a repertory theatre
can do in the visit of Miss Horniman's company at the
Coronet, where it played Mr. Galsworthy's fine
play. The Silver Box," on Monday.