II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 336

4.9. Anatol - Zyklus
box 9/1
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THE Affairs of An¬
atol Is Like a
Whirling Viennese Waltz with Five
Different Partners for the Philan-
dering Anatol.
the time and Isabelle Le
ever been a more Some of them have little to do, but they
lever dramatio triffe are all wisely chosen and make an inter¬
offered in this city esting gallery of portraits.
It must have taken some courage on
han The Affairs of
Anatol," by Arthur the part of Winthrop Ams to present
Schnitzler, which de Carin little trife in his carming
ighted its audience playhouse. One of the cleverest of present
last night in the Lit¬
te Theatre.
With no more
morals than a Resto¬
ration comedy, it is every whit as spark¬
ling. Here the gay life of Vienna is de¬
picted in five little vignettes, which lose
none of their color in transportation from
their native Vienna to the equally cos¬
mopolitan atmosphere of New York.
In fact, the little play may be likened
to a Vienna walt with a gay young man
dancing through its mazes, slipping adroit-
ly from the arms of one charmer into those
of another. Through all the gayety their
is heard the undercurrent of sadness, or at
least of pensiveness, that rings through
many of the famous waltes.
Anatol calls himself a toy philosopher.
He is a worthy young person with a pen¬
chant for falling in love and out again.

Five of his innumerable affairs are shown,
each at the moment when it is culminating.
The heroines are of widely variant
types a shopgirl, a circus performer,
an opera singer, a married woman and
a dancer. Anatol is last seen on his way day English dramatists, Granville Barker,
to his wedding, and the spectator feels has been entrusted with the translation
sure that this is not the final affair."
or, as it is called in the programme, the
John Barrymore as the sentimental male paraphrase. He has succeeded in keeping
flirt carried the piece with a light, deft the spirit of the original, even in its
touch and a most disarming tact. The moments of bitter sweet sentimentality
five heroines are Miss Marguerite Clark. The play will appeal only to the sophisti
Miss Gail Kane, Miss Doris Kenne, Miss cated.