II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 338

ver innocent little adventures of their own in The Affairs of
Anatol. Indeed, it may not be counted as a certainty that laughter
nightly gladden the walls of the house where some very sud affairs have taken
place. We this form of entertainment five separate episodes must be re¬
garded as an experiment, there is no reason to fear that it will not prove
popular, fuese Affairs are de¬
cidedly lively and witty. To theatra¬
gons who have reached the age of die¬
cretion they are ause to prove delight¬
Excellent das has been
Winthrop Ams in stating the bees,
and the acting is sometimes very good
and never very bad. A fres face, and
usually a pretty one in each a
serves to keep the interes alive and to
add novelty to the performance. There's
always a new girl te drive way du
care and defy monotony. So there
one moment, and gone the next. This
pleasing arrangent brings about a
sort of acting tournement in which five
leading women participated for
you to say which is the best of the
number. You can say and live, be¬
cause you don't have to it in prin¬
Alter The use of Heaven.
however, I will say at it is pleasure to
see these daughters of earth who drop
into acheter om at anyhow that
suits their fancy. The first to arrive la

Miss Marguerite Clarke,
charming. To find out whether she is
John Barry more a true to him, Antoi hypnotizes her, but
he can't bring himself to ask the awkward question. Se da le saved from
telling anything more than her age. Miss Clarke de just the girl, for the part
The pure softly and does off like a litten. This the actes deserves the
am corner in which you have her.
Anatol next brings his past to his patient friend Max.
with trophes of his conquest. One recalls Bianca, who came to life with
a circus. Once they had at under the lam in his room for two hours, and his
fatal har hat von her poor child He knows the will never forget those
wonderful to short hours, though three years have passed. Then Blanca
alle in eene acquaintance with Max and she doesn't know not from
Adam la bitterness of spirit, his pride sorely wounded, Anatol goes out into
the night. Miss Gail Kane turns this trick very neatly. She is capital as the
circus il se blank look takes all the romance ont of Anatole that
Then it again plays is even in making
Anatol in The arweli Supper." When it comes from the there to join
him and in a private room at a restaurant he is ready to tell her, accord¬
ing to their ement that he has learned to love another. But before de can
do so, Mimi let him know that she has
transferred her affections to a fellow¬
artist." But he does et anything
interfere with her appetite. Mies Doris
Kenne its oysters and drinks cham¬
pagne like an artist, but he misses
some of the good things that marked
the performance of Mme. Wiehe when
that cher artist appeared here in The
Suppet nine years ago. At
the Saturday night dress rehearsal Miss
Kane added a touch that was pecularly
her own by rubbing her knee under the
Mes Katherine Emmet arrives von
Christmas Present." She is ad¬
norable though bitter as a married
lady who take with Anatol of his
little as they stand outside
forist's shop. It's a sentimental bit,
ged with irony, in which Gabrielle
envie, the happiness" she has lost and
finally gives Anatol her bouquet to take
to his little girl Though this scene
is very pretty set, Anatol looks a teille
diculous standing with raised umbella
when there's not a drop of rain. Mr.
Ames ought to provide a light sprinkle
of something is nothing more than
Dosis Kane as Min.
The Wedene Morning brings Miss Isabelle Le to Anatole rooms or
rather Anatol has brought Luna there from a gay bail in the gray of the
morning and now finds it difficult to get rid of her. It's the awkward
him, as he is to be married at noon. He talks to her from anothe room while
climbing into his wedding tos, but when he finally breaks the sad news
per there is only one place of safety for him and that's on top of the plano,
for Lona is very busy breaking up the flat. But Max contoles her with the
comforting thought that his friend may not be married for life after all, and
so drying ber eyes he sees hope in the future. Miss Lee playa Loita with a
free hand and labors under a tremendous yellow wig.
In this farcical sketch John Barrytore des his most strenuous work. He
come off very las Anatol and justifies his selection for the role. While he
may not be exactly the Anatol, that the author had in mind, he is probably
better fitted for the role than any other actor in this country. He certainly
loks the part and he acts with a quiet sense of humor, it not always with
the fish that might be desired. Oddly enough, though, ne failed to get a
single laugh at the dress rehearsal when, after protesting that he did not aus¬
pect Hilda, he added; I KNOW she is untrue to me." That line is too good
to be wasted. Oswald Yorke is excellent as Max, who plays a rather thankless
part in The Affairs of Anatol.