II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 340

4.9. Anatol Zyklus
box 9/1


tur, re¬
Mr. A.
to our
l'arrangement therefore, ut
and at every performance
and the
dem ihre
leeren improvement over
at one
formance of the in.
for the real
see what the familiar with
Arthur Schnitzler sketches mit
of many love affairs et the
y relates bacher. The
of his fiele etiam represent
wie very little
une coquette.
Anterioris performer in
te opera.
there are
riberas a con-
The last one
ren onde cocotte
really carrier does not appear in the
There is very na gestion
and no attempted to.
The very series of bright,
in dialogues, sometimes be¬
ween Anatol and his friend. Max, and
sometimes between Anstand his lady
love of the moment. The conversation
of course, always turn to the subject of
love and women,
here thing of the intensity of
Schneeble, produced in this
country under the title of The Recon-
indeed, Anatol, if it belangen
se at all, as found its proper
home at the little there, where the
scheme seems to be to present the un
and play of literary value rather
an popular drama. Anato probably
will be more greatly enjoyed in the
library than in the theatre, for it is the
lines and not the action or situation
which constitue ita merits and delights.
The sketches contain a value à
psychological insight into the workings
of the masculine and feminine
mind, felicius philosophy and of
in suicism there is plenty, and the
dialogue will be best enjoyed by men
and not the world who have
known or observed the types depicted.
ven of plenty runs through the
sketches and the five scenes ripple with
allusion to the relationship of
the sexes.
Mr. Ame has produced to ex¬
quisites. Each of the different eines
is a marvel of good taste and detail. The
er also have been on with a
discreet knowledge of their finess for
the roles assigned, and it is due to Mr.
Ames to record that he has established
himself as one of our most paistaking
dramatic producers,
Barry more and Yorke.
John Barrymore was the Anatol with
a fine repression of the Barry more ip¬
pany. The sincerity which he gave to
Anatol in each of the love affairs was
the very spirit of the sketches. Oswald
Yorke made an excellent foil for him as
the more cynical friend.
It would be, indeed, difficult to dis¬
tribute the bons just among the lead¬
ing women. Each suited her role with
distinction. Mies Clark was winsome.
cunning and demure as little Hilda, Gail
Kane was a handome picture as the
circus lady. Doris en never acted to
well in her career, as in her portraya
of the opera singer who is about to leave
Anatol for a por musician in the or¬
chestre, and who, therefore, is intent on
drinking all the champagne possible at
her last super with Anatol. Katherine
mmet played Gabrielle, the married
woman, with a depth of feeling and a
fine sense of pathos, and Isabel Lee
give a realistic exhibition of hysteries
Le discovers that Anatol is to
leave her for a bride
The production of "The Affairs of
Anatol" is worthy in every respect.