II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 357

box 9/
4.9. Anatol
id, Mailand, Minneapolis, New-York,
ancisco, Stockholm, St. Petersburg.
Menge des gold.


Winthrop Ames Produces the
Episodes of the Schnitz¬
ler Drama.
An Evening of Delightful Com¬
edy for the Most Part
Well Acted.
Their of Anatole at the little Theatre
Hilda Marguerite Clark
Winthrop Ames has often received
praise for the artistic excellence of his
productions at the New as well as the little
Theatre. There has not always been equa
public appreciation of the plays he offered.
It seems as if the performance with which
he opened the second season of the Little
Theatre last night will gain both popularity
and critical commendation. Courageously
he put before his public such a striking
novelty as an English translation of Arthur
Schnitzlers Anatol Cyclus," which has
been for a decade or more one of the comedy
classics of the stage in Austria and Germany.
The performance was quite as perfect in
its details as the best that Mr. Ames ever
achieved here. And the popular qualities of
the series kept the audience laughing inces¬
santly after the first two episodes, which
were different enough from the ordinary
play to puzzle spectators who had not yet
got the spirit of the work. Once its char¬
acter was understood the audience took
undisguised delight out of the little plays.
The hero Anatol of the seven sketches
by Arthur Schnitzler, of which Mr. Ames
last night presented five, is a philandering
young Viennese with a genius for falling in
love. He is a feminist of a type altogether
unknown here, as Americans are not likely.
to be so analytical in their love affairs and
enjoy love of this kind just for the sake of
studying themselves and their adored
under the influence of this passing passion.
ut Anatolis a very attractive human figure,
who fails in more cases than one to be of
with the old love before he is on with the
new. Granville Barker made the adapta¬
tion used by Mr. Ames. With the exception
of "The Farewell Supper," which was acted
here some years ago at the Berkeley Lyceum
by Charlotte Viehe, none of these episodes
had been seen here. Granville Barker
tried the same scene in a London mul¬
hall, but it failed to interest the public.
The translation which he has made lacks,
of course, the fineness of Schnitzler's Ger¬
man, its delicacy and finesse. Above all
that glisten of the teardrop which distin¬

guishes the authoris sudden transition from
humor to pathos is altogether absent from
dann die
Isabelle Lee.
the play. This is in a way fortunate, for in
the one scene that demanded some display
of pathetic sentiment Mr. Barrymore was as that of its predecessors. The actors
played it in the spirit of farce, which gave
quite hopelessly out of his depth.
The play began last night with a scene it the best possible result. It was difficult
called "As No questions. The to keep the lady quiet once se suspected
that there was to be a wedding and that
the home of nato and the characteris
decorations of the bacher apartment both Anatol and his friend were to be con-
according to Viennes ideas showed that spicuous if not leading figures in it. When
se discovered what parts they really were
Ames intended to be realisto. The
to play se swept like a hirwind through
heart sufferings of not at this particular
moment are concerned with his doubts as not bacher chambers. The two
escaped ultimately. The damage to turn
the feel of der His friend Max