II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 360

4.9. Anatol - Zyklu-
box 9/1
Max Who was she
Max Dash it, no! It's you want to find
things out, not
Anatol-It doesn't matter. I held ber
Anatol-Yes. There's another thing to in my arms once. That's all there is to her
Winthrop Ames to Give the Anatol thinko.
Max (as he put the packet aside)
Max What now?
Stand down, Matilda. She does up small
Anatol-What about her sub-responsible anyhow
Cycle by Arthur Schnitzler
Anatole look of hair.
Max No letter?
Max What the devil's that
Anatoletters from Matilda
for the First time
Anatol-Under the stimulus of certain
extraordinary circumstances, quite be¬
Arthur Schnitzler is perhaps the fore- the recipient of all his confidences. On lieve that one is not a fully independent sometimes with women weren't taugh
to write Exit Matilda.
most dramatist of Austria. He has this particular afternoon of a day which agent.
Max reads another label.
Max Would you put that into English?
written many long plays of which only is rapidly drawing to an end the fortunate
Max Women are like in one thing,
Antell imagine some room, of
one has ever been acted here in English. Anatol is receiving the congratulations of ourtained, dimly lit, glowing with warmth they turn impudent if you catch then
out in alie.
There was given at the Berkeley Lyceum Max on his success as a hypnotist. It and color.
Anatol-They do
The Reckning," an adaptation of "Lie¬ also happens that Anatol is as usual pos¬
Max Right, I've imagined it.
Max Who was it has very her.
belei," which had previously been played sessed with the thoughts of one of his
Anatol-There she sits, she and som¬
Anatol-Lies eight pages long. Oh, put it
other man.
with great success by Agnes Sorma at loves. He cannot sleep for the thought
Max-But what's she doing there at all away.
the Irving Place Theatre. Mrs. Fiske that his Hilda may not be devoted to him
Anatolas not the point for the
produced at the Lyceum "The Green Cock- as single heartedly as he wants. So moment. She is there, we'll suppose
too in English. Of all the plays of Max suggests that there could be nothing
Supper, a glass of wine, cigarettes, silence.

Schnitzler, however, none has done so easier than to hypnotize Hilda and find And then a whispered word or two. Oh,
much for his fame outside of his own out just what her motions are toward my dear Max, colder women than she
country as the so-called "Anatol Cycle," him. When Hilda arrives she is quite haven't stood prim against such temptation.
But this has never been presented here, willing to undergo the experience. She
I should say that if you're in love
One episode from this so-called cycle of even suggests to Anatol that she would with some one, you've no business to find
yourself in a room like that with somebody
seven short plays has been acted in French like to be hypnotized some time. She
in this city. Curiously enough, it was places herself on a chair and after a few
Anatol-But I know how things war
also seen at the Berkeley Lyceum. Char
passes from the hero she shows signs of happen.
lotte Wiche gave there the scene called passing into a state of unconsciousness
Max Anatol, it won't do. Here's pour
The well Supper," The six other. It is rather disturbing to her friends to riddle with its answer ready. It’s to be
incidents of the cycle remain quite un have her tell one fib when Anatol begins solved with a word. One question to find
known to this country. Now Winthrop his investigations. Here is a specimen of out who shares her with you, and how big
is the share. You won't as the You
Ames has been courageus enough to the dialogue:
suffer agonies. What wouldn't you give
announce at the Litte Theatre will
Anatol-How shall we begin
to know, just to be sure. Well, the
next year be given over to these plays
Max (after a moment) How old is she?
book one and you won't even turn the
che internationalen
Anator Steendet. Lata, how die
page. Why? Because you might fin¬
Mr. Ames is thus sufficiently flattering are you
written there that a woman you're in love
Hilda Twenty-five.
to New Yorks taste to put it on a level
with is no better than you ser all women
with that of the other cities of the world
Max-Ohl (and he dissolves into sient are you don't want the truth, you want
which have delighted in the light humor us).
to keep your illusions. Wake her un, and
Anatoirsch! That's od. But the morrow be content with the globus
and the sprightly philosophy of Schnitz- brighten, but there you are
thought that you could have found out,
ler's hero.
Max She never thought che'd be such a only you wouldn't.
For this young man is, it is to be feared, success.
So Anatol never finds out what the fee¬
not at all a straightlaced and Puritanica
Anatol-Well, one more martyr to science
youth. On the other hand, he has en¬ Let's try again. Hilda, do you love me ings of his friend may be toward the rest
of the world. And he is the happier for
joyed his young life. He has not in the Hilda, dear, do you love me?
Hilda Yes.
it since Hilda has shown in saying that she
least ignored the pleasures that were to
Anatol-There, that's the truth.
was 10 and not 25 that when can fi¬
be had on the easy progress through his
Max-And now for the all important just as well when they are asleep as when
fortunate existence. The world has been question, is she true to you
they are awke.
very kind to him. In return he has grace¬
Anatol strikes the correct attitude for this
A Christmas (ift" is a conversation
fully partaken of all the delights the world
Anatoires. Hilda, are you (but
that takes place between Anatol and one
had to offer. The sucess of the so-called frowns). No, that won't do¬
of his women friends when they take
refuge under a s'affolding to awaita
cab. She mi ht have been very much
closer to Anatol than she ever has been
which is shown by the one he assumes
toward her. With family and friends

and weath to protect her, she weathered

the storm without trouble. Both are

buying gifts, since it is the eye of Christ¬
mas. He is looking for one of a modest
member of his admiring circle of woman¬
kind. He tells his purpose to Gabrielle,
his old friend, and her curiosity in the girl
is immediately aroused
What sort of a
castle does the princess live in
Anatol-Can you imagine a fairy princesa
in anything but the smartest of drawing
Gabrielle a little tarttui Thank you,
Anatol-Because this one lives in a little
room, with a cheap and nasty wallpaper
With a few Christmas numbers hanging

about and a white shades lamp on her
table. You can see the sunst from the
window over the roofs and through the
chimneys. And in the spring you can al¬
most smell the flowers in a garden across
the way.
Gabrielle It must be a sign of great
happies, looking forward to the spring.
Anatole, even I feel happy now and
then, sitting with her at the window
Gabriele gives a little shiver, the