II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 363

ron de

ou can al
dom. Because you'd grown a pretty woman
den across
by now, and really, he's a precious fool
So you learned to flirt, harmlessly enough
of great
no doubt! You tell me l'm the only man
you've ever really loved. I can't prove it
y now and
but let's say that's so. It flatters met
believe it
You call me a flirt.
told you ever inde in that venu
Shall we
Oh, you're unjust

Am 12 Then real temptation came. You

played with it, you were longing for a ro
mance. For you grew pretter than ever
furnish the
and your husband more of a fool. He was
Max Was she so very impudent:
think of it will days later, no idea where Anatol is there in a private room accom¬ getting at too and ugly. So at last your
Anatol-When I found her out. Thron
conscience yielded. You coolly looked
you put it down
her away.
panied by Mar. They are waiting the
et, and
round for a lover and chanced to hit upon
Fare the well, my lost umbre la
Maximpudent little liar
arrival of a lady. It becomes evident
ws what
Anatol-No, you mustn't insult her eighth label.) What's this one? Sweet that Anatol means to impart to this lady
Chance to it upon¬
and dear you were to me.
have held her in my arms. She is sacred.
the sad news that he loves another. It
Yes, if it hadn't been me it would have
Max How stupid of me! Who's next
Girl with roughened finger tips. Pastees, however, that the lady herself
been the next man. You thought you were
(A third packet.
ou now.
unhappily married, or at least not happily
has suffered a change of heart. She come
When sad, my child, and sick of earth.
Oh, that was Hilda.
married enough. You wanted to be, one
You remember Hilda
My thought to your Young Man fly far
from the ballet of the Vienna Opera House, as it loved. Of course, it was just
when yo
And then I laugh for all I'm worth
the charming Mimi, and when Anato
What became of her
flirtation between us at first. We skated
Oh, dear, how funny some things are!
She married a milkman
begins to admit his cooling affections quite skifully over thin ice. Till one fine
Anatole they were
Did she now
she is ready. The interview between day, what was it? One of your friends
ep on the
Max What's inside¬
That's what happens. I love a girl I'm them on this delicate points runs thus
looking happier than usual, the sight of
Anatola photograph. She and the all the world to her, and then she marries
some merry little bagage in a box at the
Young Man.
Anatol-Well, now, who's the lucky fel
a milkman. A der child. I hope it's been
theatre. Well, and why shouldn't I said
Max Did you know him too?
good for trade.
you. And you took the plunge. Leaving
Mimi If I told you you wouldn't be an
ound your
our fine phrases, that's the story of this little
Anatol-But what sort of a chap Ho¬
did you come across him? What does he
In vain Anatolendeavors to add a note
look like
of new passion to their affair by begging
to say
Mimi He's a perfect picture of a man.
her to elope with him to Sicilly. It is quite
Anatol-Oh, that's enough, of course
impossible for her to see the necessity
Mimi-It's got to be (She restarts her that since she is able to see him over
chant of self-sacrifice). No more oysters
el me the
day as it is. So they part again and again
Anatoles, you said that.
she promises to return to him at the
Mimino more champagne
ack again
Anatolam it, is that his only next day, Anato see his only triumph
in the fact that she had to be for a kiss
for existence, not being able to stand you
oystes and champagne
The humor of this episode is a little les
telling than that of the others.
Max He couldn't live by that.
Perhaps The Wedding Day, which
one von
Mimi What's the odd as long as I love
hil I'm going to try throwing myself
ende this jolly little series of miniatures
he has no
away for once; I've never felt like this about of the gay life is about the most musi¬
any one before.
of them all. It is after the dinner at the
world to
Max with a tento could have use of Anton. They have al¬
given you an eighteen penny supper, you been boring one another with their at
die heu¬
tempts at gayety under auch forma
Anatole he a oleks le he a chimney circumstances. After it is over Anato
seen? Ja he candlestick maker
in the search for some gayety goes to the
ting cold
Mimi Don't you insult him.
seem to be
opera ball, which happens to be on that
Max Tollus
night. It is not long before he meets
Mimmi He's an artist.
dn't have
in Lond an old friend. They have been
Anatol-Music hall artist?
parted for some time. Both the pleasure
Mimi (with dignity as a fellow arti¬
out of the meeting. They order a bottle
of mine
of champagne and sit so long sippin,
Anatol-Oh, an old friend You've been
na some¬
seeing a lot of him? Now then how to it that it is in the more the
have you been deceiving me?
reach Anatole rooms. it goes
ed to help
Mimi should be teliin, you had to sleep and only awakens when
I'm taking you at your word and speaking has begun to dress
are when
out before it's too late¬
Then there comes the dificulty of ge¬
see that
Anatol-How long have you been in love in Lond away. He does not tell ber
with him? You've been thinking things hat die
haven't you
suspects after a while that it really is
Mimi Well, I couldn't help that
Anatole marriage. In spite of her deter¬
Anatol this temper rising fast ni¬
Max Anato
mination Anato escapes in time for the
Anatole I know the fellow
wedding, after Max has gone had to
Mimi dont suppose you've ever noticed prepare the queste for any possible de
him. He's in the chorus. He'll come to the part of the bridegroom Oes¬
the front.
quet is smashed, but the white flowers
Anatol-When did this affair start?
tell the
intended for the bride are saved. In spite
Mimo nicht.
are from
of her tantum Anat is half sorry for the
Anatol-That's not true
as happy
Mimit is. To-night I knew it was my young woman who displays so much real
effection for him, although he runs way
ore com¬
Anatol-Your fate Max, her fate
Perhaps after a while he also will
ment of
Mimies, my fate. Why not
write another cycle showing the love affai¬
Anatol-Now, I want the whole story
of his hero during married life, Of course
de affairs.
I've a right to it. You still belong to me
everybody knows that Anatol is bound
remember. How long has this been goin¬
and so
on: how did it begin when had be the have them in every incarnation

be easily
a new
Max Yes, I think you ought to tell us
ble until
John Marmore to be the
The principal entertaines at Proctor¬
Mimi impatient for the first time. Fift Avenue Theatre this weck will be
i American Anatol
Oh, this is all the thanks I get for doing the Emma Carus, the musical comédienne,
en Ma¬
straight thing. Suppose I'd gone like and Jessie Busley, the actress, Mire Carus
take out
Florre with Von Glen. He hasn't found will present a half our combination of
nengs and patter. Miss Busley will make her
out yet about her and Hubert.
Anatol-That's what was so funny, He
It is when one of the subjects of his
vaudeville début in a satire of depart¬
Anatole will.
really was quite an exceptional fool.
memories who was most sentimentally
Mimi Well, he may. And then again ment store life by Rupert Hughes, en¬
Max Hugh she has held him in her described by Anatol comes to call on Max he mayt. But you wouldn't have. I title "Miss 318." Another strong fee¬
I though arms, he la sacred
ture, Trovat, the ecentric violinist, and
and finds Anatol there that the clima know a thing or two more than you do.
Anatolyou shut up
(For proper emphasis she pours qui serious interest will be added by the
of this scene is reached. Although Anato
Max Stand down, my child, with you
production of Harrison Armstrongs play¬
had spoken with the most passionate another glass of wine.
exceptionally foolish and mirth provokin,
let of police doings, "Hushed up. Others
Anatol-Haven't you had enough
eloquence about her, it seems that she has
to appear are Charles and Fannie Van in
Mimi What, when it's the last I shal
young man. (With a fourth package.) altogether forgotten him. She quite
e, but I'd What's this:
"A Case of Emergency"; the Four Har¬
fails, to recognize Anatol and when told
monie Maids," Gordon and Marx, come¬
Max (with a nod For a week or so,
that he is an old friend confuses him with
Max A box on the ears.
kies her
Mimi (with a winkon't you think it. dians; Van Cleve, Denton and Pete," and
Anatolb, oh yes, yes, yes
la new acquaintance in St. Petersburg I'm going to stick to Carl. I love him for Delmore and Les, premier acrobats