II, Theaterstücke 3, Das Märchen. Schauspiel in drei Aufzügen, Seite 89

3. Das Maerchen
Seche BeeihoTES
TombeT. D. Cint I.
J. F. Considine, Foreman for
Blue Island Car Co., Re¬
veals Graft Seer¬
F. H. Miles and John M. Taylor
Are Accused in “Report
Doctoring“ Charges.
How officials of the Biue Island Car &
Equlpment Compang are sald to have“dsc.
tored“ books belonging to car inspectors
of ibe Ulinols Central Rallrond was re¬
rraled In Munielpal Jndge Bruggemeyer's
court Festerday in the #rial of Frntik B.
Harriman, Chartee L. Ewing and John M.
Taylor, all ex-offiglais of the railrond, who
are charged with conspiracy involving
frands amounting to over S1.000.000. 7ho
next bearing will be beld on September 19.
Following the testimony given br Pecl.
former dlerk at the Östermann Company's
office, that car repair bills were “pudded“'
witß false items, John F. Considiue, 1323
East Seventy-secend street, testifled thnt
de paid car inspectors for the rallrond
varions sums of moner while acing
geners! foreman for tho Blue lelind C
& Karpmont Compang.
Inspector Corroborates Considhe.
Richard Roth, 817 Last Eighif
plare,# dur bullder emplogedbe
nols Centraf sche was detadled as
cbecker ut poth che
spector and
mann und Blüe Island Conbäny’s
gave testimeny simliar to4hat er
Considine testifled thal he was offer
position br F. II. Niles, chen presiden!
the Blue Istand Company, and wei
work abont August, 1907, and hau ch
of abent eighty car rephirers.
In reply to questions be Attorner lÜher
Considine teld how de paid money tofPanl
Kovalesti, ## car inspecter fei the ralhond.
The amonnt was abont 810, the witness
suld. Later-be paid Retb-and Jehn-Sthein.
hoeredel Korsleskias inspectors. 1820
ckWn iherchre detalled ut
sand plant as item checkers.
Deik-Bicken Open
bos 7/2
Winners in the Examiner’s Prize Tour Contest
Snapped on the Start for Vellowstone Park







„ SS C





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Nazimova, d Poser, Still in Mansfield's
Class; Her Plau Bold.—Ashion Sievens

had. That was what made him such a
the reserve that is within the equip¬
By Ashton Stevens.
modern rooster, so full of high theory,
ment of all the other big uctresses.
so free giring in liberty forthe hen sex.
She has get to forget the art of posing.
(5X minutes be¬
But when one little hen whom he
She is still in the Richard Mansfleld
fore tweive
dearly loved came home to roost and
perlod, and biess us! tbis is the vear
ut the Garrick lust

teil her weary story, he kieked her out
of the yard, so to spenk.
But the play is unquallfiedly the
Schnitzler's storr
So 10 spenk, for the hen, in this mod¬
thing 1 had a terrible moment after
was over. UThe
ern instance, was u voung Viennese
its middle act. The girl bad made
Pairy Tole“ was
actress enacted by Nazlmova. The
her confession to him in bis studio—
not u fairy tale.
poet-journalist was Brandon Tynan,
of her first lover, a brute; of her sec¬
The world was as
who revenled the wenkness of Man
a soft urban sympathizer, who
old as it has beon
wich unflattering realism. As bis great
picked up her weary spirit and warmed
red to be. The
iden of equality between the ßexes
it till it was time for him to depart
girl who sinnen
crumbled, so crumbled Mr. Tynan. He
and marry respectable and settle deteen
Sonce, LWiee, went
plnged the part for its worth, nothing
and the night and its curtaln fell
back to the gilded
more, nothing less. He rose aad feil
Ipon bis embrace. 1 thonght that the
cufe in: The Easi¬
with ft.
conventional unconrent

est Way,