III, Einakter 8, (Lebendige Stunden. Vier Einakter), Die letzten Masken (Der sterbende Journalist), Seite 32

box 34/7
8. Die letzten Masken

Telephone, 1272 Franklin
Established 1871
L. GkEISch& Ce.

f. a. 300.
importers of Wines and Liquors
ine Kronen“
Waoe Ase“
42 Franklin Street, Newv Vork

und von allen musika¬
vier ohne Zweifel am
n Kunst benutzt. Ihr
23 cabaret is kept by a fairly respectable host (named Prospere) who has engaged a
n Ausdruck zu verleihen,
∆ number of needy mountebanks to pass ihemselves off as scoundreis for the enter¬
ist. Die Verwendung
2 fainment of his noble cuslomers. On the evening of the fourteenth of July, 1789.
fe ist damit eo ipso aus¬
± according lo their cuslom, the arislocrats come tothe Green Parrot, hoping lo have ##
n Standtpunkt aus nur
# a few 'sensations.“ Belore they arrive, a released convicl, called Gram, who has #
3 really commilied a murder, visits ihe cabaret and is engaged to join the make-believe R
criminals in enterlaining the nobles. Grasset, a radical philosopher, and Lebret, a H
tailor, also visit the place; but leave—lo join the mob which is marching to the allack #
of the Bashile. Henri, an actor, who has just married his mistress, Leocadie—a lady Z
B of no reputation, Promises Prospere that, as a wedding allention to his wite, he will g
2 outdo himself and startle ihe aristocrats during ihe evening by the realism of bis g
* aclng. He departs with Leocadie. Other members of Prospere's mock eriminal #
Bcompany drop in and mingle familiarly with ihe noble Duc de Cadignan and his com¬
mosphäre ersonnen und
H panions. The aristocrats are well aware that they liiemselves are only aclors in a
3 comedy prepared for their amusement. But they hnd the comedy interesting. In the R
lb von Musikern höher
3 absence of the Duc de Cadignan, Henri returns, and awakes admiration (not unmingled 2
ngster Aufrechterhaltung
at moments with alarm) by announcing that he has just killed the Duc, whom he has “
ge Bestreben der Stein¬
caught making love to his wife. Leocadie, Flenri, just then, is only acting. But a #t
mehr zu vervollkommen.
chance word, a slip of the tongue, discloses to him that the Duc has really been his 3
rival, and, on the re-appearance of that unsuspecting nobleman, Henri murders him. 11
frend alle anderen Pianos
The comedy has changed lo tragedy. And on the lop of these events Grasset brings 4
Steinway Piano wirklich
word that the Bastile has been taken.
ziehung hervorragendste
Kunstvertriebes ist das
Margerethe, a lady who dabbles in literature, has wearied of Bohemia, and is g
Aufsehen erregende auf¬
engaged io a respectable, matter-of-fact genlleman named Clemens. This Clemens B
dislikes and dreads the idea of his wite being even remotely associaled with a calling 1
h niedrigen Preise von
# which he regards as dangerous and disreputable. Hie is much put out when he learns 47
und eingehender Prüfung
R from his betrothed’s own lips that she has a novel in the press, and hopes that she will R
rd höflichst eingeladen.
not allow it to be published. Failing in his altempt to persuade her, he departs. 3
Ratenzahlungen auf Verlangen.
Margarethe (whom he supposes to be virtuous) soon after has a visit from a former 3
lover, one Gilbert, a writer with whom she had known storm and stress in Munich. Fie g
tries to win her away from Clemens, but she has ceased lo love her fellow author. 1
* Margarethe and Gilbert reveal¬lo cach other ihe fact that each has a novel which is 2
about lo appear. Both have embodied their love story in their books and the love g
Steinway & Sons
B letters they have received and written. The publication of the two novels will therefore 2:
#4 result in the disclosure of their old love affair. Rather than brave Clemens wrath, 4#
3 Margarethe now consents to Hly wuth Gilbert. Hlappily, when Clemens returns just it
B then, he informs his betrothed that he has had every copy of her novel—except one,
2 which he has brought with him—suppressed by her publisher. Making a virtuc of
07 und 109 Ost 14. Str.
1: necessity. Margarethe ihen losses ihe last copy of the compromising work into ihe 11
hre. pretending that she does so to show her deference and affection lo her future g
: husband.


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Open Mondays Until 7 P. M.