V, Textsammlungen 9, Der einsame Weg. Schauspiel in fünf Akten (Junggeselle, Junggesellenstück, Die Egoisten, Einsame Wege, Wege ins Dunkle, Weg zum Licht), Seite 1

box 35/10
The Lonely Nau
T.meb dL 110








Plays by John Galsworthy and Leonid
yev—Schnitzler at His Best—An Ameri¬
can Civil Attaches War Book.
1pathy. Oue cannot help agreeing with
BIT 0° LOVE. A Play in Thres Acts. By N
the very sensible lady of the rectory,
Gelsworthy. 12mo., pp. 34. Charles Beribner
if not with the peasants. Which is, no
doubt, Mr. Galsworthy's very reason
Sceues. Bv Leonard Andreyev. Authorized trans¬
for writing this play.
lation by Herman Bernstein, 12mo., pp. vil, 132.
The Macmillan Company.
The title of Andreyev’s drama prom¬
ce Plays h
Arthur Schnitzler.
ises more than he gives us. Truth to
Translated from the German, with an Introdue¬
tion, by Edwin Blorkman. The Modern Drama Se¬
tell, this play of his rises but little
#ries. 12mo., pp. xllil. 323. Mitchell Kennerley.
more to the occasion than did Barrie's
Mr. Galsworthy'’s new play is for the
Der Tag.“ The task of bringing home
to us the realities of this war seems to
closet rather than the stage—a plea for
be beyond the resources of even the
the love that forgives everything re¬
best-trained pens. The Russian dram¬
gardless of self. The love is that of an
atist merely tells us in dialogue what
English curate for the wife who has
we already know; he resorts to Maeter¬
deserted him for another man; his

linck’s trick of repetition of words and
crowning sacrifice is that, at her own
phrases to produce an atmosphere of
Arthur Schnitzler.
request, he will not divorce her be¬
terror and of unseen horrors yet to
(The Lonely Way“ etc.: Mitchell
cause the publicity of the scandal
come, but with far less effect; and he
would ruin the career of her lover, a
fails utterly in suggesting the grandeur
poor young medical man. He will al¬
of the young King of Belgium, who is
low her to live with him quietly and
pied with Viennese triangles and the
che true hero of this war. Surely, in
unsuspected in a new environment.
ingenious patterns he can compose with
drama at least, he should be more than

The rectory, in the person of its mis¬
them. The subject long ago began to
the modest young man who, in this
tress, demands, in the name of Church
pall unon us, as it has palled unon1#
play, visits incognito his country's
and morality—and of the manor house
the French. But certain it is that aur
greatest poet, wounded in its defence.
that he apply for a divorce; the vil¬
reading of these three plays will auf-4
The chief characters are, indeed, of
lagers, assembled at the local pub.,
fice to give the student of the contem-½o
little interest. The mother alone, among
opine that he should bash in the otk¬
porary drama a thorough understand-Fa.
them, strikes the tragic note in her
man's face, and see to it, by the meth¬
ing of the work of Austria's best-|o
approaching madness. That note is re¬
ods applied by them in such cases, that
known and cleverest playwright.
peated more strongly in the demented
his wife shall thereafter love him
peasant girl ceaselessly asking the way
faithfully. And they agree with their

back to her village which exists no
betters that the only alternative is di¬
more; and it sounds most ominously—
vorce. So they treat him to achissing

in the Maeterlinckian manner again—in
and booing serenade at the end of
the rising of the waters after the
evening service. The curate, driven to
Cikes have been cut, and in the distant
the end of his power of endurance, i
roar of the voices of the drowning
accidentally preserved from suicide,
Germans—an echo, perhaps, of the
finding companionship and solace in a
horror of the Maaurian lakes. An¬
sorrowing widower, just bereaved.
dreyev, however geod his intention,
This curate, then, is an embodiment
might well have left the writing of the
of an ideal, rather then a man. The
drama of the sorrows of Belgium to a
ideal must be left tothe judgment of
Belgian pen.
the reader or spectator, but the qual¬
The translator furnishes a brief
ity of the man fails to win our sym¬
preface, in which he assures us that
the Russian writer has written 'an¬
other masterpiece' in which he de¬
nounces the sufferings of the Russian
Jews in the war.
Mr. Björkman's selection of the three

Schnitzler plays is unexceptionable.

They present to the full this author'’s

Lattitude toward life, which is the es¬

sence of the Weltanschauung of all
Vienna, intense in its enjoyment or
#ner 18 Akull
the fléeting hour, yet always with an
undercurrent of melancholy, like the
Novelette by
city’s famous waltzes. In“The Lonely
Kate Douglas
Way,“ indeed, the hour for seriousness
has struck, the time has come for all
Wiggin, a very
its characters to begin to think of the#
bill that must be paid. They are ap¬
pretty love story,
proaching the “youth of old age,)
and G of the Bert
verging on fifty—the woman whose in¬
Short Stories of
discretion lies twenty years behind
her; the man she has loved, his friend
the year
and confidant—both of them butterflies
who have gayly spent their summer
inthe August
and now face the autumnal road of
loneliness. But the husb.