V, Textsammlungen 14, Little Novels, Seite 7

box 35/11
14: Little Novels
A Letter From Londe
By Mav LamBEkron BEckEk
methods not unlike thos
TTHE air is always tense at a “world's
lion-tamer. For the kin
1 first performance“ of a Shaw play, as
hero, has the advantage
those can testify who were permitted to
nitely formulated convich
watch the Theatre Guild’s curtain go up on
ing with all the force
Sunday nights before Saint Joan'' and
experience, and his positi
(Back to Methuselah'’ were given to th¬
point in a shifting crow
world. There was something about the
for the England in which
#first English production of The Apple
the enemy as personified
Cart,?’ however, that suggested an act of
Like“'opals flawiesslycut, Arthur
and its world. When Pris
public worship rather than a theatrical
Schnirzler’s Litle Nosels offer che
presents an ultimatum t
event. It took place on Sunday—a day
perfection of the Viennese master
even talking about the h
taken more seriously in London than in
to his cager and growing Amcrican
weapon against this end
New Vork—and opened the Shaw Festival
audience. Countless great moments
complete constitutional ##
at Malvern, taking place simultaneously
arc packed away in the ten little
for a pause in which to
with the Canterbury Festival in the Cathe¬
novels that comprise this book—
it; the act has lasted o
dral of the Martyrdom at the other end of
magnificent moments, glamourous
half. Most of this pe
England. The hundred or more dramatie
moments, ineffably tender moments
by the audience on the c
crities transported in a body from London
moments made unforgettable
its heart in its mouth.
for the occasion found that like a proper
by the genius of Arthur Schnitzler.
to take for granted; I
pilgrimage it involved long distance and
densed version of the
protracted effort. Even with a non-stop
play cannot be condense
special train, Great Malvern is three good
telephone book can. □
hours from London, and to reach it in time
Has Irenc forgorten that she
He crept further into the room.
circle of ladies and ###
for luncheon means an early morning start,
wanted to call Wilhelminc a mur¬
On the ocher Chair, among some
are two ladies in the c
always a pull in England and on Sunday a
deress to her facce.. And is
underciothes Godl #here it was
sat still and talked; for
convulsion of nature. But the hours are in
Wilhelmine still aware that I am
a pursc he held it in his
utes the King has talke
fruth good. You pass and repass the silver
her lover, though I have called
handArthat instant he heard a
tion, almost as if in
flash of the upper Thames, then the spires
upon her in che middle of ehe nighe
faint crcak. With a quick move¬
Royal Prerogative. L
of Oxford, then rolling meadows, gray cot¬
with a strange womand“
ment, he lay down full-length at
When this speech was o
—rom* Diad Gelrief spage 112]
tages banked with flowers, thatched sheep¬
the foot of the bed . .. Another
and then the slowly gath
folds, little rivers overflowing the grass and
crcak chen all was silent, pro¬
storm of applause. Wi
banked with bushy Bewick trees. Beyond
foundly silent He had done it!
it was like breaking as
Evesham is a world of orchards and
He had the twenty francs and now
This book of Arthur Schnitzler
What really Eroke th
pleached alleys of hop-vine, where the air
he could say to his brother Von
has just been published and all
the interpolated variety
is heavy with apples. All at once the
sce l'm nor a thief!“... and today
over Amcrica, as in Europe, thou¬
ond act. The King hal
they could start on their wander¬
ground rises sharply and something back of
sands of readers arc no¬ discover¬
with whom he has a
ings to Bormio, through the
your brain begins to repeat
ing for themselves che great mo¬
lation,“ based on what
Valtelline to Tirano t0
ments in Little Novelr.
On a May morning in Malvern Hill
and re-assert is her beal
Edole to Lake Isco.“
I wvas weary of wand’ring..
Evidence in support o
—rem“ Blind Gerenime and Hir Brether
(page 130
course be furnished by
Vou may indeed lay by your wander¬
providing the second
In 1925 THB INNER SANCTUM had she
staff; you have reached the shrine of Saint
sible. None, however,
honor and good fortune to publish
Considered as a tw
Arthur Schnitzler F FRAULEIN ELSE.
I had meant to make this three-hour jour¬
* Why did he send for mer Had she
there is no break nor
That war almost sue yeart ago. During
ney like a proper pilgrim, if not on my own
confessede Why is he staring ur me
discovered at tea with h
thore geart, Artur Scimitzler, long ac¬
feet at least at my own charges, but just as
like chatè Why am Isitting herc at
Jemima, whom he has
cepted on the Confinent as one #
Molde on a verandah with a
I was pluming myself on being able to buy
divorce for the egregid
Burope : greatest writerr, har most bis
Pierrot? Can it be all a drcam after
a ticket for the sold-out first public per¬
the American Ambassg
wah wirh increaring succegs en Amer¬
alle Perhaps 1 am still aslegp in
formance I received one for the private
and all, with great new
ica. In rapid zucceeVon and witk
Klare’s arms
press production, carrying with it transpor¬
growing acclain ss#e other bookt were
of Europe is at hand
—re The Fersel eh Beres Ipe4 M]
tation and a luncheon whose wine-listL¬
Anichien uas uccided 1#
publirhed. nuarRicß. NONB BUT
brought away to send you, but of compas¬
Com monwealth, on its
sion forbear. Church was out in time to
BRBAK and THRRESA. Ir ir wirha
It will make things ev
give the townspeople a chance to gather at
zente that Schnitzler# same is on the
Americans in England
Then she became a modef and
a respectful distance and watch the critics
point of a brilliant consolidation that
what with American
walked on at a small theatrc. The
troop into the Winter Garden for this enter¬
LITTLE NOVBLs ir presented. J2.50
chitecture, business met
things she told us about the Dircc¬
tainment. They seemned to me to regard it
igal son has returned
tor!... Then she fell in wich a
with a cool eye; if I wanted kind words
calf (one might almost
medical student ... and she often
Bchen en entenne
from British journalists I think I would not
calf) as a token of af
came to feich him from che dis¬
feed them first; it might put an extra coat
For the first time,
sccting-room or more often
on their determination not to be got at. The
Palluher 37 West S7ch Strect NewVert
cracks. Annex, benev
stayed wich him there
Mayor of Malvern told us what it would
prove for its own g

—rom" ThrGrest Dowing-Gi-l (page 71]
be only fair for us to tell the world about
land??'—“this gem s#
Malvern as a summer resort—and indeed it
murmure the King.

is a charming place, curved around the
speare! Yes, and to th
LITTLE NOVELS' a new book
lower slopes of the mountain whose side
returns. The King s#
rises sheer from the doorway of the bright
surrender the Royal
modern theatre. Settled here, a discreet
of course in favor of
turning of heads indicated that a tall gray
begin the usual speech
— IL
figure was looking over the house from a
retirement from pub
corner of the balcony. In the intermissions
them that he has no

he came down and even permitted himself
He will at once stand
to be photographed with Miss Edna Peters,
which the Royal Boro
now admirably representing America in
triumphantly return hi
these islands. But the divinity or otherwise
someone to form a ne#
A Poetry Clan Selection
that doth bedge G. B. S. kept the crowd at
may call you, Mr. P

a distance, watching as he talked affably
me.?' The ople-cart #