V, Textsammlungen 14, Little Novels, Seite 19

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J. M. Osborn to Marry
Ihe Dooks oi ihe Day
Miss Marie Montgomery
At a dinner party on Saturday
evening in celebration of their silver
Little Novels,? by Arthur Schnitzler¬
wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs.
John F. Montgomery of 1067 Fifth
Modern Master of Irony.
avenue and the Cascades, Manches¬
ter, Vt., annouinced the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Marie Louise
xcavating Machinery Made
Amazing at what a rate we are appropriating literary
Montgomery, to James Marshall Os¬
Europe. Fifteen years ago Arthur Schnitzler was among
born, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clara
There Takes First Rank.
Marshall Osborn of Shorewood, Mil¬
the “ivory, apes and peacocks“ whose exotic qualities were
wankee. Miss Montgomery was in¬
reported, not without some flourish of showmanship, by
troduced to society in New York in
the season of 1925 and attended Miss
literary explorers like Huneker. Nobody thought then of
Spence’s School and Vassar College.
putting Schnitzler into English. Some of the poets, Haupt¬
Mr. Osborn was graduated from
Vorld's Largest Dirt Moving Job
Wesleyan University in 1928. He ls
mann, Sudermapn, had been translated a little, but a novel or
a member of the Psi Upsilon Club
Gets Special Equipment.
aprose play could be famous throughout Europe and nothing
and associated with the Guaranty
Trust Company in this city.
but the rumor of it get through to us. Now several Ameri¬
The guests at the dinner included
The world’s largest dirt moving
can publishers almost specialize in the issuance of English
Miss Hazel Osborn, Mr. and Mrs.
ob is under way, says the Milwau¬
Clarence Whitehill, Mr. and Mrs.
ee Journal.
versions of the best foreign work.
Daniel Schnakenberg, H. E. Schnak¬
Industry has been called to action,
Schnitzlei is rated as a modern,
enberg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cor¬
sth Greater Milwaukee corpora¬
wife who has füund no true mate in
but his work is recognizable as s
liss, Stuart Coxhend, Mr. and Mrs.
ons accepting the challenge. There
marrlage, and therefore adventures
John L. Given, Mr. and Mrs. Rob¬
product of art as art was understood
being shipped and built there a
ert Lee, Robeson White, Mr.
more or less unhappily outside of
in pre-dada ages. A Schnitzler nlay
eet of donosaurlike excavators
Mrs. Stanley Ineson and Mr. and
marriage. Schnitzler’s Bertha, in
or story always has a head to it and
hat will gulp up more than seven
Mrs. Harry Wolf.
the end, despising herseif, can but
afall It seldomrdlesson
ons of earth in a bite. Other metal
reflect on “what an enormous wrong
polnts a moral, but like all creativs.
rades plants are turning out fabri¬
has been wrought against the world“
WOrK it is packed with meaning.
ation steel that will go into giant
Miss Frances L. Seympur
in giving woman a desire for
arges for towing tons of earth.
SCHHEZler'S Is vel may gay A.liter.
pleasure equal to man's withoüt
afüfe öf the falling inflection, It ac.
hen batteries of concrete mixers,
And Fiance to Be Guests
giving her his immunities.“ Profes¬
owerful pumps, dredges, electrical
septn rather grimly The earthiness of
sor Bernhardi,“ calied a comedy,
quipment and diesel engines, all
Hünfaf natire and the roniesof.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Beals of 1170
was a searching and rather bitter
oing to make Ol' Man Rivvuh'
falb. The gay. paganism of the South
Fifth avenue will give a dinner on
study of racial antipathies and pro¬
s strange to It. Ca- Lagarien diRe
Wednesday night at the St. Regis
fessional ethigs. Therdare problems
Mississippi River flood control, as
Tascinate Schnitzier hut he iake no
roof garden for Miss Frances Lord
and idens not Nar in thh badkground
dw planned, is a ten year job—and
dellght in them. His brow is heaue.
Seymour and their brother, Donald
of both novellund biät Perhaps
shat a job!.
his Ups droop. as he. receunta Wilb
Marcy Beals, who will be married
these ten LittigNdtelmore fairly
More dirt will be moved than was
next Saturday in St. John’s Church,
Kräve precision theseepisodes of
represent Schnthlet thelartist, the
urned in digging the Panamma
mortal egotism, fickleness spiritual
Far Rockaway.
creator. It is seidthat mhny of the
anal. There Is nothing quite like
Donald Marcy Beals, who is the
fübling and unsatisfied desire 9
critics abroad estedm him Wos: as a
t in history, according to engineers
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John
HE. HIa5h.—
„ *
writer of short staples.
f Milwaukee corporations.
D. Beals of New York, gave his
Short storles these Vnovelz' are,
Athird work of his to be presented
Ibachelor dinner at the Harvard Club
Use Milwankee Machinery.
according to vur American definition
in English recently is called“ Little
on Saturday evening. Those present
—nouvelles rather than contes, to use
The biggest part of the titanic job
included Mr. Beals’s brother and.
Novels“ (Simon & Schuster; 32.50).
the French terms. Some of them are
moving the levees, building new
best man, John D. Beals, Jr., and
Thetwoothers were“ Professor Bern¬
very short, but all are complete.
Hood walla, erection of spiliways
his ushers, Marius S. Beal of Chi¬
hardi,“ issued last year by the same
and dams is to be accomplished
They have been assembled as a rep¬
publisher, and Bertha Garlan“ (in
cago, Alfred U. Elser of Milwaukee,
resentative group for English read¬
vith Milwaukee machinery. for that
the Modern Library“]). The theme
Robert B. Coburn of Hartford, Bur¬
ers, from various periods of Schnitz¬
zty is a national leader for exca¬
ton M. Parks and James D. Harris
of Bertha Garlan“ has been treated
vation and concrete machinery.
ler’s career. Most of them have to
of Boston and Roswell O. Fish, Rich¬
a hundred times in current fiction:
do with the relations of men and
The present allocation of work by
ard S. Aldrich, John B. Hempstead,
the well-meaning but temperamental
women, with love in all its guises but
the Misrissippi River Commission
Lawrence W. Snell, Morris W. Sey¬
calls for an expenditure of 5325,000,-
Ichiefly as a visitation or obsession.
mour, Louis A. Sturcke, Renwicke B.
Looking them over again, the re¬
000 from 1929 to 1933. There will be Dimond and Richard W. Burgevin of
Miss Dorothy M. Hall
something like 824 000,000 used this
viewer finds that there is not a
New York.
year and 830,000,000 in 1930. The
To Become a Bride
happy love among them, unless it be
largest expenditure this year will be
the happiness of perfect self-sacri¬
for the Bonnet Carre spillway. Each
fice that attends the death of the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griswold Hall
Greenwich Women Plan
year there will be between 60,000,-
wife Mathilde in The Greek Dane¬
of 1120 Fifth avenue and Greenwich,
Musical Fashion Show
000 and 75,000,000 cubic yards of
Ing Girl.“ And there is the love of
Conn., made known at a dinner¬
earth to be moved.
brothers in Blind Geronimo,“ so
dande Saturday night at the Green¬
Under the auspices of the welfars
Old practices are not adequate.
strongly and purely surviving all as¬
wich Country Club the engagement
committee of the Woman’s Club of
The old hand shovel will not play
saultu of selfishness and doubt and
of their daughter, Miss Dorothy
Greenwich, Conn., a musical fashion
an important part in conquering the
privation. The Death of a Bach¬
Marion Hall, to Jefferson Ferrand
show will be held on the evening of
Hood. Rather there will be dragline
elor“' is coldly sardonic, almost a
Armstrong, son of the late John
October 4. The entertainment is in
excavators weighing 100,000 tons
denial of the possibility of fidelity in
Knapp Armstrong of Denver and
charge of Mrs. I. Newton Lewis, and
that will run a bucket out and pull
the sexual relation, though assenting
Mrs. Richard G. Brown of James¬
its proceeds will be used for the
up three and a half cubic yards
to the existence of a sort of comfort
town. N. V.
club’s charitable work.
of dirt each trip. Power shovels will
in the domestic business of marrlage.
Miss Hall Is a graduste of St.
The following sub-committeeg have
wreck the old levees, scooping up
Mary's School, Peekskill. The mar¬
been appointed: Shops, Mrs. William
stons of earth into barges and rail
riages of her sisters, Miss Norma
In The Murderer'’ a man kills his
Sagar: models, Mrs. Anson W H.
ars, to le moved further back for
Hall, to Harry Lee Keel of Winston¬
wife in order to gain another woman
Taylor; tickets, Mrs. Russell Rey¬
fthe new line of flood defense.
Salem, N. C., and Miss Lucie Lee
and is mocked for his pains. At the
nolds; music, Mrs. James N. Ether¬
Hall to Henry T. Skelding, now of
moment before he celiberately poi¬
idge. Mrs. Alanson Enos, Jr., and
Will Deepen River.
New York and formerly of Pitts¬
soned a trusting woman Che felt a
Mrs. Boyd Reed, and publicity, Mrs.
Cutter dredges will chew up the
burgh, took place recently.
sort of secret envy of the young crea¬
Sherman Woodward. Tickets may be
Ebottom of the river, sucking up the
Miss Hall and Mr. Armstrong will
ture at his sine who was so soon to
reserved by telephoning Mrs. Russell
Tsilt and sand, deepening the river
probably be married in November.
find release, without pain and with¬
Reynolds or any member of the cem¬
and obtalning earth for levees.
Mr. Armstrong attended the Uni¬
out foreknowledge, from the perplex¬
The flood control plans call for
versity of Utah and received his
ities of living.“ In The Fate of the
Ethe introduction of long haul into
bachelor of law degree at Fordham
Baron“ a man is deliberately mur¬
levee construction, says one of the
UIniversity. He ls a member of Phi
dered by fear in order that his mis¬
Mrs. Herbert L. Parker, who has
Delta Theta and Gamma Upsilon
Tengineers.Revetment construction
tress may be free of him. Here an
been passing the summer at Parker
fraternities. He served during the
in most cases is being changed from
element of the ghostly comes in,
Camp in the Adirondacks, is
war in the Naval Reserve. and Is
willow mats to permanent concrete.
more strongly developed in two other
At-present thay Are mainiv-Zin- tha pected in a few days at the Ritz.
at present practieing Inw as a mem¬
1=1 URedegendale Datroll. and
ber of the firm of Holland & Arm¬
The Prophecy.“ In the first a
surveying and planning stage, but
strong of this city.
strange amour of the Imagination
ihings will begin to fly later this
between two who have never even
Mrs. Charles Davien Jones arrive
spoken to each other results in a
While the Mississippl River job is
at the Ritz-Carlton today from
duel between the imaginary lover
In the forefront and is certain to
Sunnymede, her summer home in
The marrlage of Miss Beatrice J.
and a flesh and blood husband.
bring many millions in contracts to
Watch Hill.
Strauss, daughter of Mrs. Charles
Butthe most original and memora¬
Greater Milwankee, the excavating
Levy of 210 West Ninetieth street, to
ble of all these tales is The Proph¬
machine concerns are not neglocting
Harry A. Bass tock place yesterday
Mra. Walter Tomkins of Tomkins
ecy''=a perfect and unique ghost
digging jobs in the far corners of
atthe Ambassador Hotel. The bride
Cove, and Miss Dorothy Achelis of
the world. Where digging is ro be
Farttne d Der Unele