V, Textsammlungen 17, Viennese Novelettes, Seite 3

box 35/11
17. Viennese Novelettes
Springffeld nass
sept 27-31
Bock of the nonth club
Collectlon of Narratives by Arthur
Sept 1931 News
The flve titles in Viennese Nov¬
elets“ by Arthur Schnitzler (Simon &
Schuster; 33.50) have-all been made
known to American readers since
1925. but their collection in one
volume should roveal their skill and
significance to a wide but still dis¬
criminating cirele.
Price 33.50
The salients of Schnitzler’s back¬
ground are clearly seen in the narra-
tives selected. His medical training,
JERE'S luck! Five of Arthur Schnitzler's best and
his experience in psychiatry, are be¬
11 best-known novelettes bound together in one very
hind the subjectivity which marks his
attractive volume with illustrations by Kurt Wiese.
appralsal of what Robert Frost calls
"inner weatheer“; but this is vitalized
Included are: Fraulein Eise (1925), Beatrice (1925).
by the balancing virtue of human
None But ihe Brave (1926), Rhapsody (1927).
sympathy and a natural—though al¬
most uncanny—understanding of the
Daybreak (1927), along with a comprehensive critical
wavering lights and shadows of men's
and biographical introduction by Dr. Otto Schinnerer
minds and hearts—at least within the
realms from which his characters are
of Columbia University. Dr. Schinnerer manages in
chosen. This genius of understanding,
the brief space at his disposal to merge the events of
coupled with the courage to say what
others flinch to utter, and finished ar¬
Schnitzler'’s life into a convincing and illuminating
tistry in saying it, makes his novelets
whole and to go with remarkable thoroughness into
as well as his plays things of lu¬
minous observation.
ihe influences that played the most important part in
Viennese Novelet“ contains“ Day¬
his development. Viennese Novelettes is a book no
Daybreak,“ in which a young oflicer’s
admirer of its author will care to be without, and one
gambling and love life are tragically
interwoven; Rhapsody,“ a psycholo¬
that will bring a surprisingly complete Schnitzler to
gieal study of one night in a man's
readers hitherto unacquainted with his work.
life in which reality and dream touch
fantasticully; Beatrice,“the story of
the frustrated passions of a young

widow: None hut the Brave,“ the
keen-edged pieture of an imperial of¬
ficer’s quaint sense of honor; and
Fraulein Else,“the unforgetable
revery-stüdy of a lovely but neurotic
girl in the clutch of tragie happen¬
Journal Post
Kansas City Ho
Sept 27-31
WEur B.O
02 20 76 0
Fine Collection
I/VVE of Arthur Schnitzler's su¬
perb short novels have been is¬
sued in a single attractive volume
by Simon & Schuster under the title
Viennese- Novelettes.“
Schnitzler is pretty generally
recognized as the master of this
form of prose. The titles are" Frau¬
11 77
lein Else, Daybreak, Rhapsode'
Beatrice, and None But the
Brave,' The book will appeal to the
discriminating reader.
Arthur Schnitzler, that Viennese
master of prose, whose best known
novelettes have been published to¬
gether by Simon and Schuster in a
volume called Viennese Nights.“
Cleveland C
Cet 10-31
Five Novelettes
IN attractive form Simon and Schuster
have released a collection of five of
the novelettes of the physician-novelist¬
playwright, Arthur Schnitzler. The works
have each appeared separately, and for
the builder of a modest library the vol¬
ume affords a happy introduction to the
author. The scholarly introduction, pre¬
pared by Dr. Otto Schinnerer of Co¬
lumbia University, is ir
price of admission.“ Illustra
Kurt Wiese.
Tersely, Schnit
neurotics a liter
upon his ex
has, by cle
made his c
he and Ge
The col
In Schnitz
tion of the c
of science
artist.“ Therei
and portray so thorc
bundle of nerves.
Knickerbocker Press
Albany NY
Oet 11-31
Viennd Folk
thur Schnitzler. (Simon and
LL of the half sad, half gay
∆A charm of pre-war Vienna is
simply and gracefully translated in
these five novelettes.
Master of the short story, Schnitz¬
ler has created his own field by
employing in his character de¬
lineation his wide knowledge of
psychological processes and fe¬
sponse, gleaned from his own ex¬
perience as a physician and from
a wide study of the findings of
The stream of consciousness
technique is employed with pene¬##
„tration in Fraulein Else, where
exhibitionism develops with that
breakdown of inbred reticences,
and None But the Brave records
a young officer’s thought processes
at a crisis in his career.
Rhapsody treats of the dual ex¬
istence between sleeping and wak¬
ing, and Beatrice, the Oedipus
complex. Daybreak contents itself
with the presentation of a succes¬
sion of characters, without com¬
ment, but in the Schnitzler man¬
ner of delicate fantasy surprising¬
ly blended with deep realism, that
makes comment unnecessary.
The collection is prefaced by a
sketch of the author and an out¬
line of his achievements, contrib¬
uted by Otto P. Schinnerer.—
Reviewed by ZOE B. FALES.