VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, Ausschnitte 1912–1914, Seite 44

box 37/5
2. Cuttings
01. (Quellenangabe ehne Gewant.)
Ksse Mcocian
Ohloberin Neur Uuk,
VIn 'a city wherc one can daily see pla¬
erds announcing pilgrimages to Maria
Einsiedeln and other places famous for
Kheir miracles, or invitations to an “anti¬
Gemitischer Ausflug,'’ whatever that may
he, it is not surprising that racial and re¬
ligious prejudices secm to affect the de¬
cisions of the censor. Arthur Schnitzler
is a typical representative-öf-the-genuine
Viennese type, modified by Hebrew
blood and said to be more Viennese than
the Altwiener'' themselves, though
Schnitzler is too much of an artist to
overdo anything. If there was a“Ten¬
denz'' in his latest play, Professor Bern¬
##urd, which was barred from public
performance, he did not unduly empha¬
sise it. Dealing with the persecution of
a humane Jewish physician at the head
of a hospital, who had objected to the
appearance of a priest at the bed of a dy¬
ing woman who believed she was getting
well, it was undoubtedly based upon ob¬
servations and experiences during the
time when he himself was a medica
practitioner. But the author whose Lie¬
belei (Flirt), and more recently Anatol,
have made him onc of the most highly
esteemed representatives of modern Ger¬
man drama in America, is not likely to
be crushed by this official blow. For he
has since published Frau Beate und ihr
Sohn, a story with an unusually strong
plot, typical for the analvtical spirit of
the young generation in European coun-
tries, but even in its hopeless pessjmispf
admirable for its exquisite form.
### Hofmannsthal is abdther.
Ausschnitt aus:
anbühne, Bozlin
TA H., Wien. Ueber den Geschmack läßt sich nicht streiten.
7Der illégitime Liebhaber der Psychoannaliese Reik hat ein tief¬
gründiges Werk über Arthur Schnitzler geschrieben, wie wenn
dieser Schnitzler zu ihm in die Spre###nde gekommen wäre, um
geheilt zu werden. Gut. Aber böse ist, daß Schnitzler geäußert
hat: „Es ist das Beste, was ich je über mich gelesen habe.“ Und „
da dies wiederum das Veste ist, was Reik je über sich gelesen hat“ 2#
so gehen wir blübenöch. Zeiten entgegen.