VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, Ausschnitte 1933, undatiert, Seite 11

box 38/4
2. Cuttings
This course is designed as an interpretation of the works of the Austrian writer. Emphasis will
be placed on his development as an artist, his philosophy of life and his position in modern Austrian
and German literature. Lectures, readings and discussions.
German e217-218—Advanced German syntax and synonomy. 3 points
Winter Session. Professor F. W. J. HEUSER.
S., 0-10:40. 514 Philosophy.
This course is designed specifically for advanced students who wish to perfect themselves in the
practical use of the language. It is especially recommended for candidates for a graduate degree
in German who are deficient in the preliminary language requirement.
Dutch 202—Readings from modern Dutch authors. 3 points Spring
Session. Professor A. J. BARNouw.
M. and Th. at zt#o. 308 Philosophy.
A brief survey of Dutch literature since 188o, with readings from texts progressively arranged
in difficulty. The course is open to those who have had no previous training in the language.
German 221—Proseminar. The medieval courtly epic. 3 points Winter
Session. Professor A. F. J. RENV.
M. and Th. at a##o. 508 Philosophy.
German 222—Proseminar. Hölderlin and Novalis, z points Spring
Session. Professor F. W. J. HEUSEk.
M. and Th. at g#ro. 508 Philosophy.
Wote. The proseminars are intended primarily for candidates for the degrec of Master of Arts
whose major subject is German. They are open only to those who have passed the matriculation
examination for the higher degree, The date and place of the examination will be announced atthe
time of registration and approval to enroll in the proseminar will be made conditional on passing
the examination.
(German 223-224—Middle High German. 3 points each session. Pro¬
fessor A. F. j. RENy.
Not given in 1030-1031.]
German 226—Germanic mythology and heroic legend. 4 points
Spring Session. Professor A. F. J. REmv.
Tu., W. and F. at zuo. 514 Philosophy.
The course is designed as a general introduction to Germanic philology in the broadest sense.
It deals primarily with the mythology and the heroic legends of the Germanic peoples. Particular
attention will be given to source material.
German 227—Old High German. 4 points Winter Session. Professor
A. F. J. Ranv.
Tu., Th., F. at htto. 514 Philosophy.
Lectures and texts.
Dutch 222—The Middle Dutch Reinaert. 3 points Spring Session.
Professor A. J. BakNouw.
Two hours, to be arranged. 51o Philosophy.
The course will include a discussion of the beast epic in general, with special emphasis on the
German and English versions derived from the Middle Dutch Reinaert. The Dutch text will be
read and explained. No knowledge of Middle Dutch is required, the course being intended to serve
as an introduction into that language.

Gothic 228—Gothic. 4 points Spring Sessic
Tu., Th. and F. at ht#o. 514 Philosophy.
Lectures and texts.
(Scandinavian 221-222—Old Icelandic.
A. F. J. Reuv.
Not given in 1030-1031.]
German 301—Seminar in German literat
Professor R. H. Firt.
Two hours, to be arranged. 514 Philosophy.
German 302—Seminar in Germanic phild
Professor A. F. J. REMY.
Two hours, to be arranged. 514 Philosophy.
Note. The seminars are open only to students who ha
or have an equivalent preparation. They are required of
Education 273E-274E—Teaching of foreign langun
each session. Professor E. W. BAGSTER-COLLINS.
S., 0-10:50.
Education 273F—German in secondary schoole.
and papers. 3 points Winter Session. Professor E. W. BA
S., 11-12:50.
This is a subject matter course for prospective teacher
various kinds of knowledge necessary for teaching German
syntax, composition, classroom conversation and typical t#
chief topics for study.
Education 273H—Phonetics. 2 points either session
M. and F. at 3:1o.
Education 374R—Problems in modern langunge
M. and W. at 4#10.
For information concerning the following cour
see the current Announcement of the Summer S
German s102—History of German literature from
century. 3 points. Professor W. A. BRAUN.
German 8205—Proseminar: E. T. A. Hoffmann.
For undergraduale courses in Romance languages and
Barnard College, School of Journalism, School of Business
and Home Study, consult the separately printed Announe
The Department of Romance Languages is
French and Romance philology, (2) Hispanic, (3)