VII, Verschiedenes 11, 1926–1929, Seite 52


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aluable Service by O. S. Fighting one


Lenin, Poincaré and Wilson
Wort Disasters
Tree Great
They Are Sons of Chaos,
Not Sons of God, Ex¬
claims Celebrated
Austrias Greatest Playwright, at His Villa Near Vienna.
By George Sylvester Viereck

AM on excellent terms with the universe. I am no
pessimist. My only grudge against the gods is that
they have made life to short, remarked Arthur
Schnitzler, the great Austrian playwright.
Although Schnitzler has advanced several steps over the
threshold of his six decade, neither his bronze face nor his
eager eyes eyes that have looked deeply into the heart of
woman-betray his age.
Life," said the playright, whose fame, more enduring
than the empire of Francis Joseph, has outlived a world War
would be too hort, even if we were all Steinached or if
Shaw's Creative Evolution prolonged our span by several
Do you want to live as long as Methusalem:
What, Schnitzler exclaimed shugging his shoulders,
are a thousand years, compared with eternity?"
Do you think and will be able to correct the erro
of Providence in making human life so brief? Do you believe
that your compatriot, Steinach, is on the road to discover the
Elixir of Youth
The Mysteries of the Soul
Schnitzler is not only a poet. He is also a student of
Steinach, Schnitzler replied, is moving undoubtedly
in the right direction. Ile is on the threshold of the work¬
shop where the World Spirit weaves the wool of life. The

wonder world of our internal secretions holds the key to the
riddle of all life.
NEW and striking portrait study of Arthur Schnitz¬
In that world, we must be prepared for surprises.
ler, the celebrated Austrian playright and philoso¬
Columbus, seeking a new way to the East Indies, discovered
pher, drawn by George Kienzle, of the Sunday American
America. Steinach, in search of rejuvenation, may have
Art Staff.
stumbled upon an extraordinary discovery
The Steinach operation seems to be a deterrent of can¬
ments, held grand fetes drove a
cer. It would be cruel to hold out hopes that may be illusory
the most astute interpreters
carriage with six horses and main¬
until we have before us the authentic records of a thousand
of mine psychology in
tainen the ceremonial of a great
cases. Nevertheless, it seems to me that it would be advisable
the world of the theatre
court. He remained every inch a
king even in St. Helena.
to try the Steinach operation in all hopeless cases where the
With a skill no less ama¬
"You are not a monarchist
slight surgical interference involved can do no possible harm.
ing he makes a human heart
Im neither a monar hint no¬
I am, as you see, interested in the mysteries of the body
tick for us in his novels.
a republican. I am interested in
I am even more interested in
human phenomena I am inter¬
the mysteries of the soul.
ested in Napoleon because he la
Freude Psychic in
the most perfect examplar of the
Even if we solve all the
exceptional individual.
secrets of our physical fun¬
"What." I venturo, are your
W. Americans," I remarked.
tions, the secret of life will
pet aversions?
ook upon you as the master in
clude us still. We can disseet
"My pet aversions," came