VII, Verschiedenes 11, 1926–1929, Seite 54



earth, and so have the die
of the that was really necessary
trines which it proponds
with prompt and tous re¬
which also helps to explain

With the founded creed of
the freed campaign against
the curved there need be no
American pictures that is rag
of making a similar mistake, as a
ing in some sections of the
efforts will be concentrated on a
reasonable reduction of exigenoux
or surface tissues.
Nature has given is two kind

Stylish Skinniness
of the exones or blanket
layer, and the endorenons or in¬
According to the passionate
ternal deposit. The former type
declamations of certain foreign
nature lets us play with almost as
governments, it is feared that the
we like; the second type, which is
moral and the grammar of their
tound in the brain, the liver and
loyal subjects will be corrupted by
the narrow of the bonnes, she pro¬
these terrible American film,
tect to the last ditch, for life
but the real corruption they dread
would be impossible without it.
far more serious.
After seeing American moves,
the beholders are filled with a tra¬
Virtue Turned to Vice
sonable destre for American clothes
and furniture and autos and office
This explains the disastrous re¬
equipant, instead of the native
sult of trying to raid these endo¬
and nobles variettes that their
nous bank deposita in the name
own producers wish to sell them.
o tyle. For when the freed
But all these campaign and re¬
secker after lines tries to shed
strictions are really compliments,
every once of outside fut, the
es incere as they are left-handed
Inside" deposite begin to suffer as
to the might of Hollywood about.
At home, no one even tres ver¬
The worshippers of the ancient
mean that all the attention which
mont any virtue, if pushed to the
ously to question it. And, for once
Paganos used to lay sacrifices
has recently been paid to the
extreme, may become a vice; and
at least, it has issued a fashion
upon their altars, and the more
command that meet with the
problems of diet and exercise will
that axiom certainly applies to the
precious the sacrifice, the better it
heartient approval of the doctor
go by the board." Instead, most
cult of siness.
was supposed to please that par¬
as well as the dressmakers.
In its earlier stages, it marked of still have even more value,
ticular deity.
The latter will rejoice even more
Now that it is to be applied with
a real advance in the science of
It is worth noting, however, that
than the former. The fair follower
reasonable moderation.
right living for it made people
the devote sacrificed somebody
o fashion might be able to take a
Under present conditions, the at¬
give proper thought to their health
else or something else than him¬
few res in a full figure des
tainment of a reasonable degree of
without the blighting conscious
self. Fe, indeed, of even the most
to make it confirm, to styli
limness la neither difficult nor¬
ness that, they were really doing
abject worshipere ever thought of
kinniness. But no power on
unpleasant. In fact, a great deal
so. But when the ideal of thin¬
taking the issues of their own bod¬
earth can convert one of the re¬
of it coincides with our own at¬
ness tools the place of trimness,
les to lay upon the altar of sacri¬
cent store pipe modes into any¬
ural instincts.
and fits became les important
thing but a décorative pillowship
For the average mortal, the pro¬
It remained for the recent craze
than mere light weight, the move¬
or an or bag.
ess is divided into two parts die
for super-imness to demand that
mant became a menace instead of
brand ordre will be re¬
and exercise, although, as will be
ultimate frenzy from its devoteen.
help, and it is to the credit of
quired, whier of the
explained later there are certain
Viewed from that angle, Dame
our national common sense that
new he is heard through¬
types of "untinness" which also
Fashion began to bear a striking
the present trend is back to nor¬
must pay attention to another field
resemblance to Moloch,
from a health point of
As regarda det, the situation la
It has been truly said that al¬
And this new trend will not
however, a non agno¬
Clemenceau Only a Minor Misfortune,
guards for the publie, intellectual
a statesman with a minus sign.
and Lenin, because they tylly the
Continued from Preceding Pote.
property should be perpetual."
triumph of the negative; they are
The discoverer and the adventurer
own country, Austria, is a monu¬
Would you like to see Amer¬
sons of chaos, not sons of God"
the hero and the windler, the
ment to his ignorance."
Is there any poet among the
Have you ever as a student of
builder and the speculator, the hin¬
I want to see America. But I
new generation who deserves to be
human life attempted to say
don't want America to ne¬
torn and the journalist, the lead¬
called great?"
human being according to their
"What American authors would
er and the tyrant, the literary man
Schnitzler hook his head.
types or professions?" I asked.
and the post, are positive and
you like to meet?"
in difficult to tell, I do not read
"I have played with the idea.
"I am not interested in meeting
negati expressions, respectively,
one tentet, probably not one¬
Schnitzler replied, "I have even
authors, in America or elsewhere.
of the same qualities.
hundreds of all that la published
written an explain wa-
A man is not necessarily interes¬
Experience has made me some¬
The state man may sometimes
diagrams in which I attempted to
ing because he has written an in¬
la compelled to resort to the prae¬
what suspicious of new discov¬
depict the human types. The first
teresting book.
tices of the politician. The poli¬
diagram illustrates the expression
Which of your works do you
Many of the new German and
tician may, in a rate moment,
of the Spirit through the medium
consider your best?"
achieve the wisdom of the states¬
Austrian writers have received
of words. The second depicts the
like Fräulein Else and
man. The literary man may,
recognition in America," I re¬
expression of the Spirit through
Casanovas Homecoming. Also
under the influence of a great per¬
The only Path and The Far¬
sonal experience, produce a great
Euch diagram is composed of
Land. The last named play was
poem. Nevertheless, the types re¬
two triangles, divided by a line
never performed in English on the
main clearly defined.
ne Treachery of Words
the line of division between the
American stage. The American
To the positive types the world
positive and the negative. At the
stage economizes in characters, I
owen la progress. They create its
"I am glad that such a the
apex of the positive triangle
must write of life as I see it. If I
The negative
eternal value.
stands God as the highest human
case, Schnitzler replied, "I hope
see it crowded with charactere I
type are usually a hindance to
conception. At the apex of the
cannot banish them from my play
that America will modify her copy
mankind. Their work is destruc¬
negative triangle 1 place the Devil
or from my story.
tive or ephemeral.
right laws to protect the writers
The maid, coming in on tip toes,
Does this classification am¬
the claims to admire. I personally
filled our glasses with some de
brace women as well as men?"
Classifying Mankind
have suffered much loss because
lightful Austrian wine. The garden
I asked.
America is not a member of the
of Schnitzler's villa was bathed in
"There is no sex in the world of
Geneve Convention which protects
"I classify men an statemen,
the Spirit," Schnitzler replied, as
Somewhere in the neighborhood
poeta, priesta, charlatans, politi¬
he placed before me a little sketch
Do you advocate a perpetual
a clock struck twelve.
ctans, villain, etc. The types of
which contained his remarkable
"We have talked for hours,"
mind indicated on the correspon¬
Why not? The man who
anniter remarked somewhat
ing sides of the upper and lower
write a novel and the man who
don't take this classification
triangle of each group have much
nadly, and yet I do not know it
inventa a new process of manu¬
to seriously. Nature refuses to
in common, they differ merely by
I have really succeeded in express¬
facturing or entitied to the same
be reduced to a set of rules. My
ing myself. When I prepare an
measure of protection as the man
daan merely a playa
of mind above the line being pos¬
article, so wie
who creates new values in ali¬
tempt to clarify my own mind, an

welve times before I am satisfield.
roads or in alone, or the man who
experiment, not a final conclusion.
in below the line is negative or
Words, especially the spoken word.
invests the fruit of his labor in
Nevertheless, you will understand
are reacherous and clusive.
corporation. With cortalu sato¬
my détestation of Wilson, Poincar¬
"The politician, for instance, la
Copyright 1928, N.Y. American Ine.)
much more cheerful the
merly the case. Sheer
as a means of reducing
almost wholly discedit.
the idea of living on
various balanced
were supposed to be et
Stirred on by the
interest in diet which
nes around, soientista
fully and intelligently.
numerable foods and
dietary combinations,
sort out their precise
effect on the body.
As a result foods ha¬
vided into three genere
the park, auch
famous vitamins and
vegetable the gro¬
such as milk, eggs and
the fuel food," auch
sugar, cake, potatoes
The first two grou¬
pensable to proper heal
the third, in moderation
ter in the only group
real importance to those
reduce; and so then
ducing dies are ba¬
upon an intelligent an
restriction of the amou¬
this uel group of food
A Mysterious
Thus, to the amaze
any consentius
befare of acid fruit
and coffee with
on with little
criados. E
lettered to
gracious allowed as
to the weakness of the
out great of und
in that
The other of
be adjusted in
tion, but breaks
cally mentioned
staats seem to
is a mysterius me¬
down on en el
ut ma¬
Now we know,
even the most conse¬
can it the day
such a breakfast and
his conscience or his
There wilde, how
casions when even a
meal does not quite
the next one, and the
to feel one be¬
auch cases he may
lemonde, or repe¬
ade, of a handful
most anything, in a¬
tains sugar, our qui
ful, which is then
before it can turn in
Incidentally, the
of equal value for
not on a special det.
a slight feeling of
cano in mid-
afternoon. A modera
of this type will not
the normal appetite,
great help to busine
On the exercise a
have been almost a
agreeble, Drastem
used to be and
no lo
date reducercano
dance into times
ly swinging dumb