33 nenete e e
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wbo was now ready to pay for bim—be remem¬
bered sometbing in ber voice, ber bearing, in tbe
royal nobility of ber nude body wbich could not
possibly have been false. Or was it possible that
only bis suäden appearance bad caused ber to#
change? Aster everytbing that bad happened, such
a supposition did not seem impossible. There was
no conceit in tbis idea. There may be bours or
nigbts, be tbougbt, in wbich some strange, irre¬
sistible charm emanates from men who under
normal circumstances have no##ecial power over
tbe otber sexc.
The carriage continued up-bill. If all were
well, be sbould have turned into tbe main street
long ago. What were tbey going to do with bim?
Wbere was tbe carriage taking bim? Was tbe
comedy ko be continued elsewbere: And what
would tbe continuation be: A solution of the
mystery and a happy reunion at some otber place.
Would be be rewarded for passing the test s0
creditably and made a member of tbe secret society?
33 nenete e e
box 5/7
wbo was now ready to pay for bim—be remem¬
bered sometbing in ber voice, ber bearing, in tbe
royal nobility of ber nude body wbich could not
possibly have been false. Or was it possible that
only bis suäden appearance bad caused ber to#
change? Aster everytbing that bad happened, such
a supposition did not seem impossible. There was
no conceit in tbis idea. There may be bours or
nigbts, be tbougbt, in wbich some strange, irre¬
sistible charm emanates from men who under
normal circumstances have no##ecial power over
tbe otber sexc.
The carriage continued up-bill. If all were
well, be sbould have turned into tbe main street
long ago. What were tbey going to do with bim?
Wbere was tbe carriage taking bim? Was tbe
comedy ko be continued elsewbere: And what
would tbe continuation be: A solution of the
mystery and a happy reunion at some otber place.
Would be be rewarded for passing the test s0
creditably and made a member of tbe secret society?